looking for inexpensive secure espresso equipement for outdoors

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

I am located in denver and starting up the bus because of gold mine location is opening up to vending soon. I am in desperate need of very inexpensive equipement for outdoor use. Any help is highly appreciated

-- alan (RushHour@earthlink.net), December 20, 2004



I just sent you an email regarding this...


-- Paul and Chantal Heath (agcoffeeexpress@aol.com), December 29, 2004.

Alan, You're email came back undeliverable...here was my message.

I saw your post on greenspun.com and wanted to let you know that we recently sold our business in OK and moved to Ruidoso, NM. We have a mobile coffee kiosk that we used for outdoor fairs and similar activities. New they cost around 7000 - 10000 depending on the size, and what equipment is included. Ours has an older espresso machine, refridgerator, sink, cup holders, water tanks, extension counters, brass bar foot rest, etc. It's black and marble formica. I am unable to take pictures of it at this time since it's still in storage, but would make you a good deal on it. Denver isn't that far away and you could easily transport it on a trailer should you decide to purchase it. I wouldn't steer you wrong...this mobile cart made us alot of money and works awesome! I will do my best to get some pictures for you if you would like. I'm not sure what kind of money you are looking to spend, but can assure you that we would like to sell it at a reasonsable price that would benefit someone else in the coffee industry. Just let me know... Chantal Heath 505-258-5153

-- Paul and Chantal Heath (agcoffeeexpress@aol.com), December 29, 2004.


I offer to you one alternative designed and implemented in Colombia. My client is looking for franchisers.


-- Juan Carlos Parra (jcparra@edenegocios.com), January 11, 2005.

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