Citifinancial Shared Ownership Nightmare : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

We had a shared ownership property repossessed back in aug 2003 which was put in the hands of the housing association to sell who seemed to do nothing about it untill about 6 months later(mar 2004) they said they had a buyer but they fell through(mortgage difficulties)the lender then took over the sale in july and almost immediatley found a buyer at a very good price which would have left us with a 15k profit to us (approx 30k overall) the sale was aggreed on 04/08/2004 and due to complete 2 weeks later, The Housing Association have since then been trying to add clauses here and there thus preventing completion which is obviously causing stress etc to us is there anything that can be done to force the hand of the HA and will the lender still be adding interest which will be slowly eating away at any profit we may see? TIA

-- Mark Lonsdale (, January 07, 2005

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