Dr. William Glassergreenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I have to do an Oral Presentation on William Glasser for psychology. And I have a few questions They are What major contributions did he make to the field of psychology? What other theories are similar to his? How? Who were his influences? Whom did he influence?i have chosen to write on choice theory because i agree with it.
-- Lesley Strickland (cherokees@tds.net), January 13, 2005
See the two articles: "Reality Therapy in the year 2000" and "Reality Therapy and choice theory with sample case study" on the main WGI website www.wglasser.com . William Powers, the main influence on Glasser, is well depicted however the articles do not cover,I think, W Edwards Deming whose ideas on Quality and Lead Management were another huge influence on Glasser's thinking
-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigo.ie), January 13, 2005.