defining community art? : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread

hello all. I am a teacher in Australia and our task currently is to define "community art" and how it differs specifically from "public art". would love to hear from people who have clear ideas or have a link to a site that clearly does. thanks craig

-- craig hoy (, January 24, 2005


As someone who enters public/community art competitions, I have long pondered this subject. I'm not sure; however, my approach has been that public art is anything "artistic" on view for the public while community art should speak to/address/relate to specific predelictions, eccenctricities,cultural flavor, etc. of a particular community.

I see you've had no responses. Hopefully someone else will add their thoughts to this and I'd love to hear yours as well.

Kate Dupuis

-- Kate Dupuis (, February 25, 2005.

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