reply to you oracle : LUSENET : Anarchy 2 : One Thread

I will start a new thread, I gave you a second chance and read some of your views.I would say you have a skill in writing but kissing ass is not the reason that I started this thread and though I hate to say it, your monotonic writing is a bit mind-numbing, As for my reputation, I do not really care about that.. I have other more reputable markers, other than a message board. About your arguments, you quote a Dr Richard lynn, as your main source of information, and you throw around some IQ statistics. That would make you a very poor scientist, were you to become one. you have an opinion and then you go looking for evidence, and you found it in Ulster, Ireland, a nation of people until recently put in the same class as blacks, and this leads me to think you are just a philosophy (maybe through self-study) student. Well for starters,When,how did the guy measure the IQ of the World nations? How long did it take? What is the significance of a single point difference in IQ. The devil is in the details, if you set out to project a complex issue such as intellect onto a number line you better have explanation for every single difference and deviation, or is it an approximate theory, crude theory?..for lack of a better word Why should the asians who are supposedly more clever than whites have less to show in great intellectual achievements? I am sure you look at your PC, Car, space shuttle ( or even the naughty Vibrator) in wonder and amazement and think of it as great sign of white achievement. The simple and un explainable fact is all this amazing things start from one person sweat and then an exponential explosion application follow, I should know Actually one of the pioneers of the field i work in was a an obnoxious racist dude.

-- alien mist (, January 27, 2005


oracle is just a pretentious dumb fuck

-- ice queen (, January 27, 2005.

racist science has a very comical history, starting from cranky theories about size of the skull and intelligence, to the colour of the skin and intelligence. The fact is it's all britney spear's kind of science, merely for the gullible, ignorant folks.

This story so old its stale. We'd be OK, if it wasn't for the blacks. Or the Jews. Or the English, the Kurds, the papists,protestants,muslims ,the Poles, the bastard Greeks

Sometimes the difference is racial, sometimes it's religious or linguistic. Sometimes it's that one happened to come from the shaggy side of the valley, the other from the smooth side.

So oracle its up to you, use a few more brain cells, you are on the right track, but not there yet. giddy up!!

-- steel pulse (, January 27, 2005.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. Well, it appears that he Oracle has two eager students and one class clown which He must deal with directly. Ice Queen, the Oracle directs you to return QUIETLY to your seat to the back of the bus and sit on your hands. If you get bored, try wiggling your fingers.

Alien, the Oracle is pleased you have returned to the debate. Although you stated your motive for returning was not for the sake of your reputation, the Oracle knows when you are creating a cover story for yourself. The Oracle knows you better than you know yourself, even though we have never met in person. Do not attempt to pull the wool over My eyes again. The Oracle knows the true reason why you desire His Eye directed at you. You are drawn to the Oracle and His beliefs. Life is a journey in which one seeks the Truth. Fortunately, you have enough wisdom to realize you have found the Truth here and at such a young age. The Oracle, being a benign entity, is incapable of telling a lie. Remember, the Oracle can only lead you to the Truth, but He cannot make you accept it. All He asks is that you read what He has to offer and give it a fair hearing. Is the Oracle asking too much of you to do that one simple thing? Is the Oracle being unfair to any party with this offer?

Your insight concerning Dr. Lynn of Ireland was rather eye opening and exposes you for what you truly are. You seem to believe that because this IQ information came from a nation of people until recently put in the same class as blacks then this information should be discounted. Feel free to correct the Oracle, but did you really mean to say that the word of a certain group of people should not be trusted merely because they were once on par with the Negro? Re-read your own message if you doubt that My interpretation is found within your words. What exactly are your thoughts on the Irish? The Oracle cannot help but marvel at how you managed to make both groups, Negro and Irish, look untrustworthy with just one statement. (You at least must admit that you had not helped your cause of painting the Negro in a positive light by your remark.) A word of caution Alien, be careful lest someone label YOU a racist. But of course it is not a racist comment if YOU say it. The Oracle finds I curious that you can get away with comments like that and not incur the wrath of the gentle readership while the Oracle has invectives thrown His way when he says Negroes are untrustworthy.

The Oracle finds it curious that you chose to say the following: you have an opinion and then you go looking for evidence. You even went so far as to question the methods of Dr. Lynn. Your quote: When,how did the guy measure the IQ of the World nations? How long did it take? What is the significance of a single point difference in IQ. The devil is in the details, if you set out to project a complex issue such as intellect onto a number line you better have explanation for every single difference and deviation, or is it an approximate theory, crude theory?..for lack of a better word

This is exactly the type of critical thinking the Oracle expects from His students. However, you are instructed to look at both of the above quotes from My perspective. You arrive here with preconceived notions concerning the equality of the Negro. If you are worth your salt you too will provide evidence that supports your claim. With your first quote in mind, how are you different than Me? In answer to your second quote concerning the methods of Dr. Lynn, you will either have to trust his results or totally discount them. The Oracle predicts you will choose the latter as you have already shown your prejudice against the Irish.

If you doubt Dr. Lynn’s findings and still believe the Negro is equal to the white man, you are cordially invited to provide as evidence any IQ test results that show both groups to be the same. This would indicate true equality. But remember, if you wish to be considered fair, you are to question the methodology of your results with the same ardor as you have done Mine. To whom are you going to turn for your answers when you trust neither the Irish or the Negro and label the Asian as intellectually ineffective?

Now, the Oracle must spend some quality time with His other student, Steel Pulse. Your quote: racist science has a very comical history, starting from cranky theories about size of the skull and intelligence, to the colour of the skin and intelligence. The fact is it's all britney spear's kind of science, merely for the gullible, ignorant folks.

From your spelling of “colour” the Oracle correctly assumes you are British. You stated that you do not believe in this type of science. That is well. You may continue to believe what you wish and the Oracle cannot stop you. In fact, the Oracle can easily blow the theory of skull size and intelligence out of the water by pointing out to you that most large headed Negroes are stupid. If you feel the Oracle has just made a generalization, and large headed Negroes are indeed intelligent, then the relationship of skull size and intelligence must be true and YOU are wrong about it being a “crank theory”. If the Oracle is right, you are wrong and if the Oracle is wrong, you are wrong again. Choose one or the other. However, you do seem to put a lot of stock in history. Are you a student of history? Do you have a lot of historical facts swimming around that tea bag you call a brain? If so, then tell Me, Steel, at what EXACT point in history were the Negroes considered equal to the white man? If your answer is they always were equal, you are invited to provide the historical evidence that supports your claim and the reasons why they were not viewed so kindly. If your answer is they were made equal recently, you are again invited back to discuss the reasons why they were unequal at one point in history and what steps they took to improve their position.

The Oracle also finds it curious that both of My newest students used the word “difference” in their messages. Perhaps in one of our future lessons we can discuss this word and how it pertains to equality.

-- Oracle (, January 28, 2005.

The Ireland thing was just a digression, nothing to do with my arguments.You had Dr Lynn as your main source of information the, so you should have at least have an idea of how he did his research and how he analysed it. Do not wiggle out of your responsibility to put down rigor, accuracy and legitimacy of your sources.

I could try to react to you wanting me to be your student. you have clearly choosen the superior, higher ground(ARBITRARILY,,,I MIGHT ADD). It is your God given right to think yourself as the SUN GOD, just don't go to far and fool yourself. I am tempted to reply in kind, BUT I WON'T ...BUT I CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT ME TO BE. Also do not use the mis-spelling and comma tactic on me, just criticize my argument.

Denying human difference will be folly, its apparent.The problem is how do we define this difference, what do we use? colour of eyes, lip size , Blood groups, What? . What I vehemently oppose is people like you try to cloak prejudice with legitimate science.

Racial differences are only through phenotypic differences (stuff like hair and eye color and such a scientific attempt at showing racial differences would attempt to quantify this difference from frequency with a which a certain gene occurs in a group. The significant thing is that this choice is arbitrary.

As an example I could donate blood to you this would be impossible if I was a dog (LOL!), we could decide to use this as a marker and define a population (Read Race).

The explanation of why you are different from your neighbour could scale up to a whole population. Backgrounds, education, ambitions, love life and the society you live in play a very important role in determining who you turn out to be. A fatal flaw,you have obviously to discard all this ,in favour of biology. I could safely say if the roles were reversed and you were considered an untouchable by your society, you wouldn't be who you are right now,

I emphasise the latter since I am involved in an intractable business of trying to figure out how the world works. why millions of people work on a topic for ages and then comes one person who gains an insight that other could not, leaving everybody else asking 'why didn't I think of that?'Tons of sweat, hard work, and thinking outside of the box, cliches, but very true

In other word why did Einstein think of relativity and not max planck, a person who could be considered using your criteria to be of equal if not higher intellectual pedigree? Why did Rontegen discover X-Rays and not go ahead and use the same technology to discover a TV set? the answers to this questions would be a good starting point.

Maybe by the end, we may have solved this riddle.

-- alien mist (, January 28, 2005.

To Alien Mist: Greetings from the Oracle. My dear delude friend, there is no riddle. If you had been a careful reader of My messages you would already have the answers to which you seek.

The Oracle finds it curious that you expect Me to validate another’s research to ensure the accuracy of the results, yet you are absolved of assuring Me your facts are straight. You are of the mindset that the Negro is the white man’s equal. It is only logical that you believe so for a reason. Again the Oracle must stop and ask for the evidence that leads you to believe the Negro is the white man’s equal. You must have this information already in your possession to believe what you do. All the Oracle is asking is for you to share your knowledge with the rest of us poor souls. If you are able to locate and verify the information that PROVES the Negro is the white man’s equal, the Oracle will be forced by the rules of logic, reason and deductive thinking to agree with your point of view, and have no other recourse than to dry up and blow away.

If you have no evidence that backs up your claim, then why do you believe what you do? You must admit this is not an unfair question to ask of you. Believing in a cause that has no evidential basis is illogical. The Oracle can imagine that it must make a person feel good inside if he were to view the Negro as his equal, but the Oracle cannot base His philosophy on good feelings alone. Facts must rule the day, not Emotion. There are no facts that would indicate the Negro is remotely equal to the white man.

Your quote: I could try to react to you wanting me to be your student. you have clearly choosen the superior, higher ground (ARBITRARILY,,,I MIGHT ADD). Might the Oracle remind you that it was YOU who approached the foot of the Oracle seeking advice and answers, not the other way around. Therefore it was you who placed the Oracle in the superior position, that is, unless you are in habit of seeking answers from those who you deem are inferior. If that is the case you will only get what you pay for. Remember, if you ask inferior people for advice, you will only receive inferior answers. It is that simple. Also remember that one only asks questions of those whom you believe hold the answer. For this reason the Oracle has asked you for the evidence of Negro equality. You apparently hold the answers and are not sharing with the rest of us.

Your quote: Denying human difference will be folly, its apparent. The Oracle shall ask you a direct question: If there is, as you say, an apparent difference, how can equality exist? If things are different, how can they be considered the same? Allow the Oracle to throw something back into your face. He sincerely believes you will not mind, as you do not want to appear hypocritical. In your first message on this board you stated:you better have explanation for every single difference and deviation, or is it an approximate theory, crude theory?..for lack of a better word Well, My friend, you are under the same obligation to prove Negro equality while at the same time explaining that every single difference and deviation does not make one group any more equal than the other. The differences are there. You even went so far as to say they were apparent. Are you suggesting that we overlook any differences and PRETEND they do not exist? Again this is part of the FANTASY world the Negro and their Symapathizers live in, not REALITY in which the Oracle dwells. You have already realized and openly stated that differences exist, your next step is to ACKNOWLEDGE them and when these differences are “weighed”, arrive at a conclusion that one of the races is better than the other.

Your assignment for today is to re-visit the Oracle’s Logical Progression for the Determination of Equality Between Entities and see for yourself how the progression works. Also, please do not return with the statement that Negroes and whites are different, but even when these differences are considered both groups are still equal. Merely saying that is not proof enough. The Oracle requires facts, not opinions.

-- Oracle (, January 28, 2005.

Oracle are you a punk?

-- El Fire (, January 29, 2005.

"Oracle", you arent really worthy of my instruction, because its a bit too advanced for you.....however I shall indulge you anyway. You continue to point out the differences (which are obvious) in populations groups (NOT read race, since the human population is a single group). You fail to make any sort of connection between race and supposed inferiority/inferiority. Why? Because it is not possible.

If I were to assume that you are representative of the so called "white population", then I would have to conclude that the white race is flawed and ignorant. But I know better. You are nothing more than an intellectual charlatan. For all your sarcasm and elegant writing style, you are basically Jethro in an Armani suit.

-- KOBE SBM (, January 29, 2005.

Oracle why are so slow?I am asking you to give me the details about your main and only source of information.

My argument tries to debunk the issue of race, I told you there are as many differences between individuals of different population as there are within the population. When a geneticist decides find a genetic basis for a population they find a marker gene and quantify this in terms of frequency of that gene appearing in a certain population ...THE MORAL OF THE STORY,THIS CHOICE IS ARBITRARY. There is no black gene, white gene or chinese gene. And do not confuse phenotypes with genotypes

In other words,like your beloved logic, all these are just tools people use in attempts to try and understand the world.

I will guess you use things like inventions or scientific achievements as one of the criteria for superiority of the white race, a true invesitigator looks at all angles and analyses all the present data,

That said tell me why there is such a glaring difference between the intellectual achievements within white populations, Why germany and not poland, why france and not moldova? Think a bit deeper, outside the shell(or box)

-- alien mist (, January 30, 2005.

The Oracle = AKOBADAGETH = Simon Legree

Wake up people! The above handles are proven sock-puppets of one sick, racist nut-job.

-- Sherlock (, January 31, 2005.


-- (ain't tellin' @, February 01, 2005.

"The Oracle = AKOBADAGETH = Simon Legree "

Impossible. Anyone paying attention will see that these are distinct people, and by the Orcacle's own logic, unequal. Therefore, I demand that they be ordered into their appropriate order, starting with the lowest, and ending with the bottom (of humanity).

Alien Mist, it should be obvious that you present a subject whose bredth is as wide as the Pacific Ocean, yet the Oracle strains at that part which is only a fraction of an inch wide.

-- Wes Kinsler (, February 01, 2005.

What sack of putrid shit was mouthing off about the Irish this time. We'vhad Iish/american presidents in the us. It was an Irishman John Barry who founded the US navy, another founded the argentinian navy .Another pretty much invented the submarine, well he turned it from a fucking sub-surface paddle boat into a submarine. And wasnt there a Collins aboard the first apollo moon landing expedition?Thats a pretty common irish name. Hmm Henry Fords family are from the south of ireland. Hell i could be here a long time with this but you get the idea.I think the irish have made major intellectual inputs many advances in the modern world.

The Irish in northern Ireland have been taking on the mighty british army there for decades with little more than household chemicals and homemade/workshop made weaponry and pre-ceasfire gave as good as they got. THe same british empire who conqured more of the world than any other, wiped out millions of our people over a centuary and we still find every ways and means to resist their occupation.

Look you prick while your ancestors were shitting in their hands and wiping in theri face before going into battle with the neighbouring tribe over the right to marry your sisters Irish scholars were teaching the princes of european royals in monestaries and instiutions of learning, compiling art and literary works and entertaining scholars from other nations. Irish scholars and monks are responsible for preerving much of eurpes history in written works at a time when europe was being over run by savages and in the grip of plauge and war.

We had a thriving culture and economy until the english showed up and plunged us into centuries of war and attrocity. If Irish people ever had a reputation for being less than intelligent it was from being denied any access to education under the oppressive and brutal misrule by the english/british. It was punishable by death to teach or learn under the Penal laws that were at one time imposed on the Irish.

a few generations ago very harsh economic conditions led to huge emigration from Ireland to american and europe, britian etc this also included whats termed a 'brain drain' where the most highly qualified/educated leave the country in drovers to earn a better living elsewhere. This increased the IQ of many of these countries america and britian included.

So to the ignorant prick who tried to slate the irish as being somehow below average intelligence take a look in the mirror to find a perfect example of stupidity. Yeah we have our fair share of ignorant fucks butjust like any other nation so fuck you very much. Get a good last look at your face and then go into some working class irish bar and statre your theories out loud. Hey have a beer on my tab, itll probably be your last.

-- dont fuck with the mick (mick@your.door), February 01, 2005.

No one insulted the irish.. i particulary find the irish accent very sexy. I just said irish people have also faced discrimination in the past and I found it very strange that the prima donna of scientific racism works from an irish university.

I do like Murphy's law pub here in my city where I hang out every wednesday , sipping guiness.. or at least trying to

-- alien mist (, February 02, 2005.

To Alien Mist: Greetings from the Oracle. Perhaps if your mind reads the Oracle’s words with an Irish lilt, you might find that they, how shall we say, appeal to your basest of instincts and the message will “stand up” to scrutiny.

You indeed attacked the beloved Irish in your opening remarks and the Oracle was gracious enough to point out your faux pas. If the Oracle may offer a suggestion, next Wednesday you should tell all of your little friends down at Murphy’s about your exploits here on this board. Give them your screen name as well as the address of this board and have them take a peek at what you are saying about them. The Oracle is certain they will take no offense at your statements. You will find the Irish to be a most understanding and reasonable people, especially after they have a few drinks in them. MMMM… sipping guiness.. or at least trying to The Oracle is trying His best to gain a mental picture of you sitting at this particular drinking establishment. How exactly does one go about “trying to” drink beer? Tell Me, Alien, do you have difficulty drinking your beer because your mug has two handles, a round bottom and a lid on it?

Why should you find it strange that a member of a formerly discriminated group can never rise above this barrier? Are you suggesting that an Irishman cannot be truthful and honest having once been discriminated against? By extension, you are suggesting a Negro will not be trusted or honest by you once his condition is lifted. You are also suggesting it would also seem strange to you if a Negro could rise above his barrier. The Oracle finds yet other RACIST insinuations that have escaped your lips on this board.

You keep referring to the Irishman’s past. Their past is something you have a great difficulty in overlooking, or you would not be making an issue of it. Perhaps you are not as tolerant and understanding as you would have us believe.

Keep posting My Alien friend, with every thought you type, you are digging your hole deeper.

Your quote: There is no black gene, white gene or chinese gene. If what you say is true, then women in Peking are giving birth to Negroes every day. How can we doubt you any further after your insightful statement?

Your quote: I will guess you use things like inventions or scientific achievements as one of the criteria for superiority of the white race, The Oracle finds it curious that the Negroes and their Sympathizers have used this very same tactic when they attempt to “prove” Negro equality. Sorry Alien, but the invention of mud and the pointed stick, while innovative, are not scientific achievements.

Perhaps it would be wise to recall the heading of this particular board (which was your bright idea the Oracle might add) and return to the topic, namely, your replying to the Oracle. The Oracle has politely asked you to provide your evidence of Negro equality. If you cannot provide us with that vital information, why then do you believe what you do without one shred of evidence? The Oracle has graciously supplied you with His evidence. Again, you are free to believe what you want to and the Oracle cannot FORCE you to see things as He does. You are free to doubt the findings of Dr. Lynn the Oracle has provided. All the Oracle is asking is for you to return the favor and allow Him to place doubts upon your evidence. Your evidence for believing Negroes are the white man’s equal is rock solid and not built upon a foundation of sand is it not? Are too afraid that your proof will not withstand the light of day? Are you that uncertain of it? The Oracle can fully understand your doubts, as they are legitimate. You have yet to provide IQ test results that indicate the Negro is equal to the white man when the Oracle requested them. You accuse the Oracle of being slow to respond, when it is the Oracle who is waiting for you to catch up to Him.

As always, the Oracle is looking forward to your non-responses to My questions.

-- Oracle (, February 02, 2005.

Dude you really are a disappointment, I will not go into a kindergarten like-name calling-put down game. I made an observation about the discrimination the irish faced in ages past, period !!. Stretch it as much as you would like.

Have tried guiness, its quite bitter and strong beer and I have a right not to like it. If You are trying to insinuate that i drink from a pot, good imagination but very little insight. As i said, I will not play an insults game with you.

I am absolutely dissapointed by the level of your reasoning and debate skill, sorry to break that to you

This board is interesting but it does not mean as much to me as it does to you, so sorry another blank shot from you...

-- alien mist (, February 02, 2005.

To Kobe SBM: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle appreciates your vision of the Oracle in an Armani suit, however, He finds His sandals and robe to be comfortable enough, thank you.

Well, My friend who dwells in the twilight, neither black nor white, it has been, how shall we say, a coon’s age since we have spoken together. How had your celebration of Martin Luther King’s Birthday gone? Due to your being half Negro, the Oracle is curious if you honored his memory for only twelve hours of the day? Did you alternate hours, or had you used them up in one block?

For as intelligent and accomplished as you have numerously stated you are, to our collective nausea the Oracle might add, you truly have not indicated that you possess one iota of common sense or the ability to read AND comprehend what is placed before you.

For you to claim that Negro and white are equal solely due to their common humanity is rather a quaint theory. If you believe your theory to be the truth, please indulge the Oracle while He extrapolates on your idea. He shall show you, using words that even a half Negro can understand, where your philosophy fails. As you are aware there are many “breeds” of humans. We have the Asians, Whites, and the dark skinned people. All, as you have admitted publicly in your previous post that there are differences (which are obvious) in populations groups. Again, if there are differences, how can they be equal? As stated earlier, there are different breeds of humans. There are also different breeds of dogs as well. While individual dogs vary widely in their characteristics within each breed, each breed is nonetheless distinct from another. Has the Oracle just made a false statement? Of course not. Even a malt liquor drinking fool like yourself can see that a German Shepherd is superior to the Mexican Chihuahua. Do you view both of these breeds as equals? If so, why.

Now, you may be sorely tempted to say that the status of the breed is dependent upon what it is used for. If you believe this is true, let the Oracle warn you ahead of time, the same then must be said of the human counterparts. If the status of a breed of dog is dependent upon its use, then the status of a breed of human must follow the same path as well. It would be well for you to remember the following. You can teach a Chihuahua to perform many of the same tricks as a German Shepard, but the status of the breed does not change. The Chihuahua remains a lowly ankle biting Chihuahua in the eyes of many.

If you view all breeds of dogs as equals, let Me ask you a few questions that you need not answer here, only answer them honestly to your heart and think of the ramifications of your answers. Do you have a favorite breed of dog? Name it. Are there any breeds of dogs you would not wish to own? Name them. If you answered “Yes” to either of the above, could it not be said that you are showing a prejudice? Do you feel you are a bad person if you prefer one breed to another or select to have no dealings with another breed? Of course not. You do not consider yourself a Racist when it comes to dogs, yet the Oracle is seen as one when he prefers one “breed” of people or chooses to avoid the company of others.

He Oracle finds it curious that you have stated You fail to make any sort of connection between race and supposed inferiority/inferiority. The Oracle has done so many times. Would it be unfair if the Oracle were to paraphrase your statement back to you? You fail to make any connection between race and supposed EQUALITY So explain to the Oracle an all gentle readers that race is not a factor, especially after to have admitted in your above posting that differences exist in “population groups” (which, incidentally, is a term you had conveniently, for your nefarious purposes, not clearly defined)

-- Oracle (, February 02, 2005.

To Alien Mist: Greetings from the Oracle: Unfortunately, as you cannot see these things for yourself, it is up to the Oracle to point out your own lies, hypocrisy and stupidity. Three attributes the Oracle abhors.

If You are trying to insinuate that i drink from a pot, good imagination but very little insight. Not a pot, but a type of cup a toddler might use. (And you say the Oracle has little insight?)

This board is interesting but it does not mean as much to me as it does to you, so sorry another blank shot from you... Yet you keep returning to hump My leg. Was it not you who was the impatient one when the Oracle was accused of being slow? Let Me see, you start this board, you impatiently wait for answers, and you keep coming back. It is plain for all to see that, given the above, this board does not mean much to you after all.

Instead of returning to this board admonishing the Oracle for showing you your hypocritical stance on racism, your time would have been better spent on the assignment He had just given you.

As far as My debate skills are concerned, you have given Me nothing to debate, have you? You are sorely wrong if you believe our conversation only revolves around My defending My beliefs. The Oracle implores you to stand up for the Negroes. As they appear to be unable to defend themselves, they are counting on you for assistance. Now is not the time for you to turn your back on the Negro.

-- Oracle (, February 02, 2005.

The debate about who threw the first stone is long and ziemlich langweilig, frankly i have no time for that.I started this thread after you wrote, things i had to respond to.

Why do I say you are disappointing ? you took a small mistake from my post and twisted it and tried to show how anti-Irish, I was. That is amateurish.

I have no interest in attacking you since that is not my style.

So let's go back to our 'debate'.I need you to clear something for me, what kind of evidence do you want to prove that an african is equal to you inferior or superior to you? because I can't provide such a fact, I do not go looking for a single fact that will solve all the questions about human diversity, instead I stand bowed at the feet of nature in awe, knowing how little we know about ourselves.

Picasso makes a painting he is called a genius, indian, africans or an other pple do that all the time, they are primitive and backwards, That is the kind of mindset I find troubling.

-- alien mist (, February 02, 2005.

Again, if there are differences, how can they be equal? As stated earlier, there are different breeds of humans. There are also different breeds of dogs as well. While individual dogs vary widely in their characteristics within each breed, each breed is nonetheless distinct from another. Has the Oracle just made a false statement?


Really, you pathetic little puppet, you need to get out a little more. Either that, or go back to the library where you use the internet and try reading some of the books around you. Is it possible? Does the Oracle actually display His arrested intellect to the public for all to see? Im afraid He does. Lets create a simple scenario for you:

You have a scale with two trays. This shall be the objective measure by which all variables shall be weighed. Lets call the zero level "equal", shall we? Please feel free to ask the other patients to help you with any words you cannot understand, k? Now, lets take one generic white male and one generic non-white female, and ask them to step onto the trays (its a big scale). Lets say the female weighs 100 pounds, and the male weighs 160. Are you with me so far? Right now, the scales (based only on weight) are 60 pounds in favor of the male. But now, we will give the female a tripod mounted machine gun which weighs 25 pounds, and some ammo which weighs an additional 35 pounds. Now, the scales weigh EXACTLY the same. The scales measure EQUAL, but the variables are different. More simply put:

10+1=11 or 5+6=11, both equasions are EQUAL yet the elements are different. Which of the two equasions is "better"? Which is "superior"? *sigh* Apply that to your non-equality theory, and it pretty much vaporizes.

Using your German Shepherd and Chihuahua example, individual dogs vary widely in their characteristics, as you have pointed out. Which is "superior" depends on the dependent variables, does it not? If the only food and water are on the other side of a doggy door through which only the chihuahua can fit, then the chihuahua is clearly superior is it not?

Even a malt liquor drinking fool like yourself can see that a German Shepherd is superior to the Mexican Chihuahua. Do you view both of these breeds as equals? If so, why.


The fact that I do not drink alcohol or use drugs notwithstanding, your comment is most telling. It shows that while you have exceptional writing ability, you lack common sense and rationality. Your logic is somewhat distorted as well. My guess is that you live in a very small community, isolated from greater humanity.


You do not consider yourself a Racist when it comes to dogs, yet the Oracle is seen as one when he prefers one “breed” of people or chooses to avoid the company of others.

Dogs do not become doctors or scientists. Dogs do not fly space shuttles or demand freedom when tied to a leash. I find it most amusing that you have chosen "Oracle" as your handle, when it is painfully obvious that you do not have the knowledge or experience to walk in the sandals. You have much to learn.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 03, 2005.

Ako, You always make it easy for me to deal with you, for that I am eternally grateful.

-- alien mist (, February 03, 2005.

Oracle it seems I haven't made things simpler enough for you to understand, which I find quite strange. I'm of a postmodern frame of mind open to any process that is always aware of its limitations and subjectivity I gave the example of the Irish who were considered a separate race from the British as an example of how fluid racial grouping can be, depending on the politics of the time. Racial categories are rather fluid and arbitrary: someone classified as Black in the USA can be White in Brazil. While genetic studies of human biogeographical variation and origins are fascinating and worthwhile, individual cognitive variation is more important in the modern world. Racial generalizations about intelligence mean little, because the clever elite is characterized by individuals of IQ 130 and above, and no racial or ethnic group has a mean IQ that even approaches this number. Actually the mean of the US is below the number that ,individually, would be considered intelligent, so do not throw statistics and numbers around if you can't comprehensively analyse them. If you do not like black people,say so stop trying to be clever about it, coz it doesn't work. Another thing! calling me a liar, hypocrite and a fool will not work. I will keep on drumming this to your skull.

-- alien mist (, February 03, 2005.

Touche, alien mist! I am most curious to know if the "Oracle" has parlayed his alleged superiority and supossed white superiority into a successful lifestyle. How much does he much education does he have, does he own a home and live in an exclusive area, etc. Does he measure his superiority by mere words alone? I smell Oracle ass burning on the grill....time to turn him over.

-- KOBE SBM (KOBESBM@KOBEHQ.COM), February 03, 2005.

To Kobe SBM: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle is profusely grateful your lighter half is beginning to see the Oracle’s point of view. It appears it is your darker half that is retarding further development.

Your analogy of a scale and its use to show the balance of the races is a rather good one considering you had not thought of it first. The Oracle had already used that in a prior posting on another board. If you doubt My word on this, you are kindly directed to My posting dated September 20, 2004 on the board entitled “Can I Join the KKK Even Though I’m Black”. Apparently you have been doing your research and the Oracle’s words are coming to life for you. Congratulations Kobe, you may move one seat forward on My bus. You next offered a pair of mathematical problems as an analogy. Allow the Oracle to refresh your stale memory. You said. ”10+1=11 or 5+6=11, both equasions are EQUAL yet the elements are different. Which of the two equasions is "better"? Which is "superior"? *sigh* Apply that to your non-equality theory, and it pretty much vaporizes.

Obviously your darker half came up with this one. Notice how the sum in both of your equations is conveniently the same. Was this done on purpose to “prove” the Negro is equal to the white man? Had you first chosen an end result and then made up numbers so the end results were equal? Do you not see what you are doing? You come here with the preconceived notion that the races are equal and provide an analogy that only serves the purposes of that belief.

For your equal sums analogy to be correct, the following must be true. You have chosen to consider only two nebulous parameters (out of the multitude possible) that are measurable and can be assigned a value. One race scored a 10 and the other race scored a 5 in one study, and in another parameter, the first race achieved a 1 while the other a 6. However, your same restrictions and conditions that you and others have applied to the Oracle also apply to your analogy as well. There may be concerns on how the final testing results were arrived at. Remember, if you are free to express doubts about My numbers, the Oracle is obligated to return the favor.

If one were to take a narrow look and consider only those two parameters, the races would indeed be equal. You know in your dark heart that you were not being open and honest with us. You know there are far more parameters that need to be identified, measured, assigned a numerical value, and compared for you fuzzy math hold up to Reality. The Oracle implores you to cease leading people down the wrong path with your usage of half-examples.

For the analogies of a balanced scale, and your analogy of equal sums to be true, ALL parameters must be considered. For you to be right and the Oracle wrong, you must be able to provide factual scientific data where the scales are in balance after ALL parameters have been considered. If you cannot PROVE the Negro is the white man’s equal, why do you believe what you do? The Oracle correctly suspects that you are merely going under the assumption that the races are equal and you have no basis in Reality for this belief. Remember, AKOBADAGETH and Myself have provided you with numerous facts and data over these many months. At no time have you or any Negro nor their Sympathizer provided one iota of scientific knowledge that supports your claim. Perhaps you should be attacking YOUR OWN beliefs with the same zeal as you do the Oracle’s. Ask yourself, what evidence were you given that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Negro is the white man’s equal? If you are honest with yourself you will say that you were never shown any proof, you were merely only told that they were. The Oracle has not only told you the races are unequal, He has shown you evidence as well. Whether you believe this evidence is up to you. The Oracle can only reveal the Truth; He cannot make you accept it. You, on the other hand, have only kept repeating the Negro is the white man’s equal, but you have never offered one fact that supports this.

For your attempt to deceive the gentle readers of this board with your lame analogy, the Oracle orders you to return QUIETLY back to your seat at the back of the bus you originally cam from. The Oracle is sorry that your new seating arrangement was of a temporary nature, however, it did give you a foretaste and an appreciation of the view that awaits you once you are completely whitened and enlightened. AKOBADAGETH was right about you after all!!!

Your Name is Not Kobe

-- Oracle (, February 04, 2005.

While I sit here reading your rather verbose response to my message, I not the fact that you did not address my comment regarding your environment:

You live in a small town, isolated from the rest of humanity. You do NOT own a home, and you are not exactly "well-off". You have not proven your alleged white "superiority" by exceeding the accomplishments of ALL blacks (or even mine).

What is the problem? Did you find that being white was more important than gaining an education or material wealth? I dont care what you write here about generalized theories about superiority based on race, because I know for a FACT that its all bullshit.

Obviously your darker half came up with this one. Notice how the sum in both of your equations is conveniently the same. Was this done on purpose to “prove” the Negro is equal to the white man? Had you first chosen an end result and then made up numbers so the end results were equal? Do you not see what you are doing? You come here with the preconceived notion that the races are equal and provide an analogy that only serves the purposes of that belief.

Of course the equasions are the same. That was INTENTIONAL. In reality, the "Negro" is superior physically in many ways. The presence of melanin means that there is less suceptibility to skin cancer and other light activated skin deseases. The increased stamina, the overall physical structure of "The Negro" is evolutionalrily SUPERIOR to whites. In fact the white man could be considered an anomaly by Earth standards. A humanoid form adapted to the Ice Age, whose phenotype is no longer in sync with the rest of greater humanity. Where is the proof?:

The human population group known as "white" arose after the last Ice Age. They DID NOT EXIST before that time. Proof that the whites evolved from the blacks lies in the mitochondrial DNA of all humans (the mitochondrial DNA is separate from the cellular DNA). They evolved during a time when that group was landlocked in Europe. Since the physical stamina used for hunting became less important, the whites developed cunning and intellectual advantages which would allow him to gain control over limited resources (or over each other!). Evidence shows that the Ice Age whites survived on carrion, and bone marrow extracted from animals. It also shows that they were cannibalistic. Why am I telling you this?

Whites created the idea of racism, not anyone else.

Here is one you will not be able to worm out of: if whites are superior, then why are ALL of the genes which make a white person "white" recessive? Its nature's way of correcting errors. Evolution is slowly erasing the white phenotype, because it is no longer necessary. No wonder you are so worried, Oracle.

To the other white people here, keep in mind that I am half white myself. I did not mean any of the above to be insulting....but at least its the truth. I very much doubt that any of you are suffering from intellectual retardation like the "Oracle" is.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 04, 2005.

Oh, and the typos contained in my message are due to the fact that I typed the message at about 120 tends to make minor mistakes at that speed. I had to address this:

For your attempt to deceive the gentle readers of this board with your lame analogy, the Oracle orders you to return QUIETLY back to your seat at the back of the bus you originally cam from. The Oracle is sorry that your new seating arrangement was of a temporary nature, however, it did give you a foretaste and an appreciation of the view that awaits you once you are completely whitened and enlightened. AKOBADAGETH was right about you after all!!!

Actually, that mathematical analogy was the most clear. It proves that one can take dissimilar elements and come up with a similar (equal) result. The comments about "a coons time", and "sitting in the back of the bus" are pathetic references to things I am not at all familiar with. Perhaps some day, when you have matured, you can start the ascent to refinement and wealth as I have. Socio-economic barriers which fix you in your little world will be lifted. Im afraid you are too far gone to aspire to the level I currently occupy. You would need too much college, too much money, and a developed intellect, not to mention some social that you can co-exist with your fellow whites (which do NOT share your beliefs). Are you up to it?......I didnt think so.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 04, 2005.

KOBE has got a great point, and I myself know several biologists and prophesors who would say the same thing. And evolutionarially speaking, it does makes sense.

-- Wes K (, February 04, 2005.

Look at it this way:

TOGETHER, the Human Race is an awesome entity. It is comprised of individuals, each different in one or more ways. The sum total of Human potential is limitless, but only if we can do it TOGETHER.

For those of you interested in manufacture or production, you know that it takes engineers, mathemeticians, welders, drivers, clerks, etc to make a single jet aircraft from scratch. Each group contributes to the whole, and if any one group fails to contribute, the product is incomplete. People like "Oracle" prefer to build planes with ONLY the white parts of the plane. That's why he has so many toilets.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 04, 2005.

"That was INTENTIONAL. In reality, the "Negro" is superior physically in many ways. The presence of melanin means that there is less suceptibility to skin cancer and other light activated skin deseases. The increased stamina, the overall physical structure of "The Negro" is evolutionalrily SUPERIOR to whites. In fact the white man could be considered an anomaly by Earth standards. A humanoid form adapted to the Ice Age, whose phenotype is no longer in sync with the rest of greater humanity. Where is the proof?"

No race is phisically supererior to each other, however let me revise that first off all races are phisically supererior to the asians, but let us ingore them for arguments sake. Black or "niggers" or "shitskins" only APPEAR phisically supererior because they have been a slave race for generations. The strong genes rubbed off on their children and thier childrens children etc. Plus many come from poor areas if we could go back in time and compare then to say the irish when they were poor and living in the ghettos you would find that the niggers would get a run for their money. Its many factors that make up how strong a person will be genes and where they live. Look back in time SBM the irish the italians all of them good fighters, boxers, brawlers etc. All strong and tough. Grow up hard become hard. It only takes someone to lift weights and run everyday to become stronger and fitter, and study martial arts or do boxing to become a better fighter. As for the skin cancer who gives a shit a darkie takes a few drinks falls flat on his big lipped face, are more likely to get things like heart disease. (is that evolutions way of saying they cant handle it)

Niggers are not great they are a pathetic race that goes on about slavery and all that shit i remember hearing a story about this thing about a kid in school it was on a forum i have been to. The man said his son was shy and when he went to school the niggers attacked him and went on about slavery and shit, now his son only takes about how he hates niggers. THAT is what these sub humans are like they will do things like that.


"The human population group known as "white" arose after the last Ice Age. They DID NOT EXIST before that time. Proof that the whites evolved from the blacks lies in the mitochondrial DNA of all humans (the mitochondrial DNA is separate from the cellular DNA). They evolved during a time when that group was landlocked in Europe. Since the physical stamina used for hunting became less important, the whites developed cunning and intellectual advantages which would allow him to gain control over limited resources (or over each other!). Evidence shows that the Ice Age whites survived on carrion, and bone marrow extracted from animals. It also shows that they were cannibalistic. Why am I telling you this?"

HAHAHAHA dont try and pin all the cannibalistic shit on us more niggers have done that shit aswell. You know what the niggers were before we came tribes in africa, when the white man arrived IN SHIPS, AND WITH GREAT THINGS THAT THE COONS DID NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE AND BEADS THAT WERE SHINY. The niggers turned on each other and sold their own people out. Whites may have fourght each other but you will never see or hear of a WHITE civ doing that turning on each other and selling each other to slavers on such a large scale for beads.

"then why are ALL of the genes which make a white person "white" recessive?"

Why are different eye colors and hair colors etc recessive? they just are things have to be recessive.

-- Blue_eyed_black_haired_devil (, February 05, 2005.

"Evidence shows that the Ice Age whites survived on carrion, and bone marrow extracted from animals. It also shows that they were cannibalistic. "


There is no real proof of that only assumptions one can A-S-S-U-M-E that it happaned.

-- Blue_eyed_black_haired_devil (, February 05, 2005.

AKOFAGGOT has NO true knowledge of Genetics and is just spouting off on shit it doesn't know jack about.

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 05, 2005.

My message hold nothings for the retarded intellects of the likes of "AKOFAGETH", and "Black haired Blue Eyed Beast". AKO, I have burnt to a crisp so many times over the years I have lost count.

I didnt even read your responses

Im waiting for "Oracle" to respond, or some of the other regulars. You two Trailer Turds can crawl back over to Hate and Flame. I will be ignoring your commentary.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 05, 2005.

Oracle....we are waiting. Do hurry. The riff raff have crashed the party, and they are making you look quite bad.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 05, 2005.

Your tardiness is most unacceptable, Oracle. Hangover?

While waiting for your gaseous response, it occured to me that the most vocal of racists are usually unstable individuals, poor and uneducated. Now it seems, racism is coming under the auspices of psychiatrists and may eventually be classified a mental illness.

PROOF: (Psychiatry Online)

How many (openly) racists or white supremecists serve in government? How many are financially successful, and of those, which can attribute their wealth to their racist beliefs? Uh huh.

The vast majority of self-proclaimed racists have completed less than High School level education, and most exist in the poor or sub- poor socioeconomic strata. Of those who start out racists, some eventually go to college. Of those individuals, how many continue to support their racist beliefs? Very few. Which leaves us with a dilemma.

We are forced to conclude that racism is really nothing more than a social disorder, an emotional response to a low self-image. Probably exascerbated by seeing perceived "inferiors" around them obviously doing FAR better than they are.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 05, 2005.

You actually use your own board at Hate and Flame as a "knowledge bank"? BWAHAHAHAHA. Im not interested in anything you have to say, AKO. I dont read your board, and I dont read your cut n paste messages here or anywhere else. STOP WRITING MESSAGES TO ME. Im not interested.

Oracle......we are becoming annoyed at your inexcusable absence.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 06, 2005.


Keep your rabid spit away, shooo!!!

-- alien mist (, February 06, 2005.



An intelligence test is merely a test of those skills associated with intelligence by the person making up the test. many morons will hold on to this crap as a desparate hope and a much needed ego boost. These people should be pitied rather than scorned.

Ako is actually oracle, the moronic alter ego. Its hard keeping up appearances.Trying to sound intelligent all the time is mentally taxing and oracle needs a safety valve

-- steel pulse (, February 06, 2005.

"Secession" is actually another sock puppet of AKOFAGGOT. Same shitty writing "style", posting in all caps, showing off his/her's/it's ignorance. And AKO keept getting assraped and can't handle it. The same with this "Secession" lamer.

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 06, 2005.



You're so full of shit! You're just another one of AKO's other identities you loser! Also, you don't have much intelligence to believe the utter NONSENSE you racist douchebags post!

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 06, 2005.



Ah, even you figured that out! I went to AKO's board, and there are at least three aliases he is using there on HIS OWN BOARD to give the illusion that there are others posting there. I have a little Javascript proggie which reveals the TRUE IP address which I loaded up at his board. What did I find? That AKO is posting as somebody named "secession", "mexiking", and others on his own board! To me, that's just plain creepy.

Of course, you find the ridiculous White Egyptian theory there, alonf with statements what whites are superior to Asians, that they invented the calendar, and that space aliens crap.

AKO, you had better look up on the internet about Yabb Gold SP 1.3.1, because there is a HUGE vulnerability with it. Here is just one link: But its too late. I have already uploaded my little bug. That's how I know FOR A FACT that its you posting as those others. You are such a fucking MORON, Im totally bored of you. I only want to talk to Oracle. He is a moron too, but at least he knows where the Caps Lock key is.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 06, 2005.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle is curious as to whether any Negro or their Sympathizer is able to answer the following question without any reservations? The Oracle wishes to begin the discussion under an absolute consensus. He must be assured that ALL are on the same page before we proceed further. If you are absolutely positive of your answer, you are instructed to state so. If you have uncertainties, you are to express them in your answer to the Oracle. If you wish to express any doubts, the Oracle must exclude you in any future discussions as your beliefs’ foundation rests on shifting sand. If you do not have total conviction to your cause and belief, the Oracle does not wish to waste His valuable time with you and will ignore you. The question is:

Is dark skin color the product of environment and evolution?

-- Oracle (, February 07, 2005.

The answer to that is YES. Its actually more a product of evolution than anything else. It is possible for whites to have very dark skin, but only as a result of direct exposure to sunlight on a regular basis (a tan). Even so, some whites still lack the ability to make melanin even temporarily for tanning, and they will be burned by the sun which is life-giving for most other Earth creatures. The only other creatures who react that way to sunlight are cave creatures.

You have failed to distract the gentle readers of your previous folly in the messages above this one in this thread. You have failed to answer the questions posed to you.

Speaking about being on the same page, YOU are the one who is being instructed here, "Oracle", not the other way around. The rest of us are already on the same page. It is you whose ignorance is most apparent. You are not a very good student, and you fail to do your homework most of the time. I suggest more diligence in your studies, or we will have to make you sit in a corner and wear one of those dunce caps the KKK is so fond of wearing.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 07, 2005.

Shut the fuck up, AKO. I have a Javascript bug loaded up at your board, and I know that you are posting there (and here) as "seccession" and as "mexiking". LOSER! How pathetic is that? I know that "Oracle"cringes everytime you post on his threads, realizing that you are his only support(ROTFLMAO). He must feel very embarassed.

Now how many times to I have to tell you? This thread is for INTELLECTUALS, not morons. Right now, Oracle is being allowed to attend this conference because he is our test subject. After he has been classified and catalogued, we will retire him to the Collections Room with the other oddities.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 07, 2005.

Now, Oracle.....we are waiting. Also, dogs are not allowed in the room, so you will have to take AKOBADAGETH outside and tether him to a parking meter. Be sure to take a doggy poop bag to collect any leavings he might make.

We are all wondering why you have posed such an obvious question regarding skin color. We are also trying to determine what relevance the question has on the other questions you have left unanswered.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 07, 2005.

We are waiting, Oracle. Even AKOFUCK appears to have better attendance than you do. Unfortunately, he lacks communications skills and facility with the written English language. I find it impossible to communicate with him. Your absence is very telling, Oracle.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 07, 2005.

Hey kobe your god SECESSION is here. How you doing nig nog?

-- secession (, February 07, 2005.

Damn, AKOFAGGOT. Still posting as one of your other personalities?? That's fucked up, just like YOU. BTW, YOU'RE STUPID!!!!

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 08, 2005.

To Toby: Greetings from the Oracle. My goodness you are impatient. You must excuse the Oracle, as He was not aware that He was required to explain His absences to the likes of you. You say you are waiting for Me to respond, yet My explicit instructions were for ALL to post their view on My posed question before we proceed. What part of this do you fail to understand? We are awaiting two of your main partners in deception, namely Alien Mist and the esteemed Mr. Kinsler. The Oracle is curious as to why you are not impatient with them? They are the ones holding up the class, not the Oracle. Once they post their views the Oracle promises, and the Oracle always keeps His promises, that He shall continue with the discussion in a timely manner.

We are all wondering why you have posed such an obvious question regarding skin color. As you have not yet been chosen Class President and the spokesman for the rest of the group, do you not agree that it would be only fair and just that the others have a say in these matters as well. If, as you say, the answer to My question is obvious, there should be no doubt among your other “intellectuals”. The Oracle is certain that we shall soon be hearing from them. Do not be so impatient Toby.

In the meanwhile, the Oracle would greatly appreciate it if you and AKOBADAGETH would stop dipping each other’s pigtails in the inkwell so to speak. Your constant bickering has become a distraction to the other gentle readers who are here trying to get an education. The Oracle has little alternative but to try to separate you two as far as possible. AKOBADAGETH, please come sit by My side. The Oracle appoints you to the position of Sergeant-at-Arms here and at other LUSENET boards He inhabits and He endows you with the authority to use any and all means available to put miscreants in their place. Toby, you just go and find yourself a seat at the back of the room somewhere and try your very best to keep your hands on top of the desk where they can be seen and not under it. While your white half is quietly and patiently waiting for your tardy friends to re-enter the classroom, perhaps your dark half should spend its time contemplating the sense of fairness and refreshing honesty you have come to find in the Oracle, and how fortunate you are to have His undivided attention.

Perhaps Alien Mist and Mr. Kinsler will not return with their views. Perhaps you have intimidated them as they view themselves not as intellectuals, but as the morons you spoke of. Perhaps they have learned it is not wise to trifle with the Oracle. Perhaps they have gained insight and inspiration through the Oracle and have come to the conclusion it is not in their best interest to defend Negroes any longer and the time has come for the white man to abandon the Negro and let him fight his own battles. Perhaps they are setting you up for a fall by leaving you out there hanging all alone, defenseless and forgotten. Who is to say what ulterior motives are driving these two gentlemen. These things are hidden from the Oracle’s Eye, but He is certain they will reveal themselves shortly.

After you are finished pondering the positive qualities of the Oracle, also ponder these following words of His. You need not feel compelled to discuss them in this public forum as they are designed to be an introspective look into your own heart and help you along the path of enlightenment. The Oracle has been mulling over your statement of Him being a “test subject” in your “conference”. Unfortunately it is you and your ilk whom the Oracle views as, how shall we say, the curiosities. You see, the Oracle KNOWS He is correct about His beliefs, you only have deluded yourselves into THINKING you are. Do you think it is not the least bit odd that someone can so thoroughly believe in a cause, yet fail to back their belief with one piece of evidence?

Imagine if some poster were to appear out of the blue, only state his belief that Homosexuals are inferior and offer no explanation or justification for that belief. You of course, being of comfortable mind that ALL men are equals, disagree. If you were only as honest with the Oracle as He has been with you, then you would have to admit there would be a feeding frenzy over which one of you would get to the newcomer and point out how wrong he is and that a Homosexual is just as good as any Negro. The Oracle readily concedes that you would be among the first to ride this person’s back and repeatedly pound away at the hole in his story until he submits to your view that all Homosexuals do not necessarily have the bottom position in society.

Incidentally Toby, you do believe a Homosexual is equal to the Negro? Of course you do. For you to believe or admit otherwise would require you to view one group of people as unequal to another. Yet somehow the Oracle senses a little discomfort in your voice when you say those words out loud. This indicates that you do not see Homosexuals as true equals to you. If you see both groups as equals, there would be no mental discomfort, would there? The Oracle can fully understand your dilemma. You have certain feelings toward your fellow man, yet do not have a consistent philosophy when it comes to equality between varying groups. Tell Me Toby, what has any Homosexual ever done to you that left such a bitter taste in your mouth?

-- Oracle (, February 08, 2005.

I told you before, I will not interrupt your wet dreams, and will go as far possible to accomodate your fragile ego while at the same time hoping i will teach you how to think critically about issues.

That said, Evolution can be summed with one cliched phrase' Survival of the fittest'. Every group of people in the world today is a result of a long process of weaning out the weaklings (genetically that is)

I doubt your 'intelligence' help you that much were you dropped in the middle of the sahara, you would find yourself depending on the intelligence of the locals, who probably would not score as high as you in deducing patterns and rotating abstract figures (IQ test), same case with other many places.

If your belief in the inferiority of the african people is for your ego boost, then I can safely conclude you have failed to achieve in all other areas and your are clutching at any straw that flows your way, Pathetic

-- alien mist (, February 08, 2005.

To Alien Mist: Greetings from the Oracle. The Oracle had asked you to answer a specific question. You have not answered it as of yet and your delay is causing quite an upstir.

The Oracle instructs you to re-read His posting located on this board dated February 7, 2005 and provide us with your response. Toby is growing impatient, and it is considered in some circles bad manners to keep a half Negro waiting. If you are too lazy to review My original question, the Oracle shall provide it for you again here.

Is dark skin color the product of environment and evolution?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

As for the simpleton impersonating Mr. AKOBADAGETH…. The Oracle knows well enough that AKOBADAGETH would never consider jeopardizing our mutual admiration and respect for one another by addressing the Oracle in such fashion. Perhaps you were thinking along the lines that if you could not tear our ideas apart, the least you could do for your cause was to attempt to tear apart our friendship. Even if your feeble attempt to wrest apart our kinship were successful, our ideas and beliefs would nevertheless stand firm and would still need to be addressed.

-- Oracle (, February 08, 2005.

Your question betrays your lack of knowledge in matters of science, the answer cannot be a simple yes or no,

Of course it is due to biological, not evolution

Dark skin is due to a pair of genes which theoretically can have 16 combinations (genotypes) but only five phenotype are observed, but the main point is that the genes for producing melanin are IN EVERY SINGLE, NORMAL HUMAN BEING. Within the so called blacks, skin colour ranges in the shades between black and very fair skin.


Bringing in evolution you dig a hole for yourself for reasons i leave for you to figure out for example why white skin will lose almost all of its elasticity by age 40,Red haired people have an astonishingly high risk of skin cancer coz they produce very little or no melanin, an AN EXAMPLE OF GENETIC VARIATION EVEN WITHIN A 'RACE'

-- alien mist (, February 08, 2005.

To Alien Mist: Greetings from the Oracle. Your quote: If your belief in the inferiority of the african people is for your ego boost, then I can safely conclude you have failed to achieve in all other areas and your are clutching at any straw that flows your way, Pathetic

The Oracle’s response: Oh, if only it were as simple as My ego being assuaged. Unfortunately you are incorrect in your assumption. You see Alien, My beliefs are a direct result of Logic and Reason. The Oracle, being a creature of Logic and Reason, MUST draw His conclusions based on sterile unwavering facts and not His emotion. After literally years of research and discussion on the subject of race, the Oracle has seen and heard more than enough evidence to indicate that the Negro and the white are unequal to each other. Even if this evidence did not exist, the concept of what constitutes equality needs to be addressed. Nothing, and the Oracle repeats, nothing even remotely points to equality among the races.

Numerous times the Oracle has asked those who believe the Negro is equal to the white to provide the exact same evidence they were shown that led them to believe this. You must have been shown some evidence at some point in time, or else you would not believe. All the Oracle is asking is for you to share this evidence with Him. Certainly a self-proclaimed critical thinker such as you did not just take someone else’s WORD that they are equal, but delved into the matter yourself. What leads you to believe what you do? If not sterile unwavering facts, you must be basing your beliefs on Emotion. Alien, what good can come from overlooking the truth? The Oracle implores you to embrace the truth. When you embrace the Truth you embrace Reality.

The sad truth is that equality is a Myth. The so-called racial equality of today does not exist in the real world, but was created by Manmade Mandate. Even the dullest of Negroes knows this and uses this tidbit of knowledge to his full advantage. Without the laws that lifted them to the white man’s level, the Negro would languish in their own mediocrity. Again, what good can come from artificially elevating an entire race? Are you truly doing them a service by expecting more from them than what they can give?

Rest assured Alien, the Oracle does not do what the Oracle does for His ego. His mission is to set the record straight and point out the confusion, hypocrisy and lies that come from your side of the issue.

-- Oracle (, February 08, 2005.

To All: Greetings from the Oracle. As expected and predicted in My last message My detractors are not on the same page as one another. One says one thing and another says something quite the opposite. Small wonder they are a confused lot and have no single and coherent philosophy.

When asked whether dark skin was a product of environment and evolution, Kobe SBM returned on February 7, 2005 stating: The answer to that is YES. Its actually more a product of evolution than anything else.

Alien Mist, when asked the same question more recently responded: Of course it is due to biological, not evolution.

Well, so far we have one vote for “mostly evolution” and another opted to go his own separate way and provide us with a write in ballot of “biological”. Perhaps once Mr. Kinsler reports in we shall have a third opinion as well. Such disarray the Oracle has not seen in their camp in a long while. Kobe, the Oracle was under the impression that this was a no-brainer for your side. Why the confusion?

-- Oracle (, February 08, 2005.

Without the laws that lifted them to the white man’s level, the Negro would languish in their own mediocrity. Again, what good can come from artificially elevating an entire race?

You pathetic little slug. Can you not see the folly of your statement? What you fail to see is that it was the laws LOWERING the status of "The Negro" (and other races) which was artificial. Humans are created equal in the eyes of God, and there is abundant proof all around you. As Alien Mist has pointed out, hard science seems to be out of your reach intellectually. Even so, are you familiar with the work of the famous mathemetician Dr. Stephen Hawking? Im sure that if this frail, crumpled and wheelchair bound man was rolled into the locker room at a Super Bowl game, very few would consider him "equal" to anyone. That is, unless they knew who he was. The sum total of his works is equal to that of any able bodied person, and better than some.

Your mistake lies in the persistent attempts at establishing "superiority" or "inferiority". You are taking your subjective racial opinions into the realm of logic, but it cannot be done. All the while, AVOIDING the questions posed to you. You are also under the impression that you are somehow "instructing" the readers here. Im afraid you need to readjust your perspective quite drastically. It is YOU who are being instructed. It is YOU who lacks clarity and knowledge in regard to human beings.

What good is perceived racial "superiority" in the face of reality? If one measures "superiority" in America by wealth, prestige and power, then your vaporous theories are irrelevant. Which brings us back to the questions you have failed to answer:

Do you live in a small town (less than 100,000 people). Do you own a home. What level of education have you attained. Do you make more or less than $25,000/year

Now is the time to address these questions for the gentle readers. I doubt very much that any of us will be surprised at your answers....unless, of course, they are false. As far as your "friendship" with AKOBADAGETH (LOL), not many of us are surprised at that statement either. You are both cut from the same cloth. One is a rag (AKO, and one is a napkin (you). In either case, that cloth is only cotton, and we prefer wool.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 08, 2005.

"Is dark skin color the product of environment and evolution?

A simple yes or no will suffice."

This is, to a degree, a loaded question, such as "Have you stopped beating your wife?" A simple yes or no answer would be grossly inadequete.

My Answer: Dark skin, like white skin, is the human organism's response to adaptation of the needs of the enviroment, derived at via the mechanics of evolution.

I shall append my answer with the following observation: there is no so-called "default" skin color, neither is there a so- called "universal" skin color or pigmentation that will meet the demand of the organism in all enviromental situations.

-- Wes K (, February 08, 2005.

EXCELLENT point, Wes. But such elegant logic is lost on the likes of "Oracle". He is hopelessly lost in the abyss of denial.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 08, 2005.


you are a disturbed man, seek help

-- alien mist (, February 09, 2005.


As much as I hate replying to your posts, I regard it as my duty to teach you a few things,

1. We do not know whether animals are intelligent or not

2. What can you do? Do not depend on your race for self esteem

3. If you cool down, and cut down the foaming and frothing you might say something intelligible

4. Limit wanking to three times a day

-- alien mist (, February 09, 2005.

I am all powerful, I am of the sun race and we are the best race in the world. We control who gets sunshine and who does not. The sun rises and sets at our whim.

It is entirely stupid to think you are superior to anyone over something you cannot control. You are no more responsible for your skin color than I am responsible for the sun rising and setting each day. Maybe demographically whites are smarter than blacks.. (and I am not sure of that, just going off the drivel that is posted here). Even if this is true, you cannot say that blacks do not have the ability to learn anything that whites can. Blame public schools. Blame stupid controlling governments that let civil wars and poverty stop their citizens from reading Bronte or learning the theory of relativity. But, Do not say that blacks are inherently stupid, it just makes you sound ignorant. (as if the capslock and use of the N word didn't already)

Ps. AKO... i'd rather pay a black man for sex than you... rumor has it they are very satisfying in the bedroom.

-- Tara (, February 09, 2005.

Whatever AKO. We will just have to agree to disagree. I'm not proud to be white, it just isn't important to me. I am proud to be a good mother. I am proud that I am a military wife. I am proud that I have helped care for and give assistance with ADL to numerous elderly residents. I am proud of my accomplishments and the things that I have added to my society. But my skin color? Get Real. Some things just don't matter. Maybe I am past the point in my life where I think things are a competition and I have to come out on top? I dunno, I just think this thread is nonsense garbage and I think black power is as much nonsense garbage. We are humans, we have bigger problems than worrying about what color we are.

I hope that some day you need a blood transfusion (although I hope you live) and the blood comes from the veins of one less superior than you. We are the same organisms, we just wear different shells.

-- Tara (, February 09, 2005.

I wish you the best of luck may your whiteness bring you all

-- alien mist (, February 09, 2005.

That is a very silly hypothesis. But I can humor you.

I would consider him my equal in society, if he were productive and contributed to his group.

-- Tara (, February 09, 2005.

oh no... AKO called me a bitch.. now I'm so sad. Grow up, name calling is for kindergarteners.

I'm sure everyone is just dying to do what you say.

Btw, I believe in creationism so your silly hypothesis means nothing.

-- Tara (, February 09, 2005.

I doubt it. Since we are just spamming this thread up with your silly nonsense, why don't we just go over to your board and debate. Oh wait... you were owned... silly me.

-- Tara (, February 09, 2005.

You're a very stupid and evil person AKO. FUCK OFF AND DIE.

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 09, 2005.

AKO is like the big dumb dog you keep in the backyard. He runs wild all day, leaving little piles of shit all over the board. Sometimes you step in them by accident.

I guess its because "Oracle" is an irresponsible pet owner. He allows AKO to run wild, refuses to train him (maybe he doesnt know how?), and disappears mysteriously for days at a time. I suspect he is using public computers at a library or a school, since it is unlikely that he owns his own computer.

Personally, I think he is recovering from a massive hangover.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 09, 2005.

The answer to the question is: I wouldnt give a shit wether it was equal or not. I would care more that it was considerate, intelligent, and could find the fucking CAPS LOCK key.


That's a serious question to ask, AKOFAG? Why not just ask "If there was a T-Rex found frozen in the antarctic, and it was thawed and brought to life, would you run?" PREPOSTEROUS. Like most of the shit you write.

Your board is still MIA. I understand that XXX will not be setting up a new one for you. Does the fact that I have MANY boards on MANY websites, while you have NONE make me equal or superior or inferior to you? ANSWER UP, JETHRO.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 09, 2005.

Look, you stupid summabitch, there is no Cro Magnon human alive today. But you should know that there were NO white Cro Magnons. They didnt exist at that time when they were alive. Whites do not represent an advance in evolution, they represent an obsolete human phenotype. As PEOPLE, they are equal to all other humans because they can reason, use logic, and learn. Im sure that Cro Magnon would be welcome in our world. Perhaps even the Neanderthals as well.

The real question is: Why does it matter so much to you? Why do you spend 100% of your internet time to trying to convince yourself that you are somehow superior to those who have DEMONSTRATED their superior intellect and skills? Do you actually think that rich and powerful whites would accept you over a non-white who was also rich and powerful? BWAHAHAHA. If you do, you are in for a rude awakening.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 09, 2005.

Also....I feel bad about yesterday. I destroyed your board because I was angry and because I was sure you were the kiddy porn poster. Maybe you are, but I shouldnt have destroyed your board permanently like I did. XXX made me realize that I am not 100% sure. The Law of the Land says that one is "innocent until proven guilty".

I have saved your forum template with the sitting man and the graphics, and I would be willing to give it to you or post it somewhere you can get the code. I will also talk to XXX about getting another board up for you.

I cant stand your ass, but I am a man of integrity. If you want me to speak to XXX, let me know (call me crazy folks, but this shows you all what type of person I am).

-- KOBE SBM (, February 09, 2005.

AKO, your silly question is far fetched and uses twisted logic. Come up with some real argument that isn't full of stupid hypothesis' and strange analogies. I tried to be fair and speak to you as another person in a conversation to discuss this but you resort to being rude, calling names and using strange delusions for arguments. Perhaps you need to rethink your technique.

-- Tara "the bitch" (, February 09, 2005.

To Kobe SBM: Greetings from the Oracle. Ah Toby, you make this too easy for the Oracle. He was under the impression you would make a most worthy adversary. One who would be able to challenge the Oracle’s flawless Logic and Reason. Instead of battling a Champion, it appears that someone slipped the Oracle a sparring partner instead.

You have used a most excellent analogy to try to prove your point. Unfortunately, it only serves to prove Mine. In your analogy, when Dr. Hawking made his appearance, most players in that locker room arrived at a conclusion that was based solely on a first impression. It was only after the athletes gained knowledge of this individual had they realized their first conclusion was the incorrect conclusion and were forced, through the use of Logic and Reason, to change their view. You are free to express your disagreement of My analysis, however, the Oracle is certain that you find it to your total satisfaction.

To continue, this is where your analogy plays into My hands. Once upon a time, a young apple-cheeked Oracle Child innocently believed with all of his heart and soul that the Negro was the white man’s equal. On the surface, it would appear so. How could He not see them as equals? Do they not both bleed? Are they not both members of the human race? They truly do have many characteristics in common. However, once certain facts and knowledge were revealed to the Oracle, with dawning horror the Oracle realized His initial impression was incorrect and for the first time in My long and full life, was wrong about something. The Oracle had no choice but to embrace this newly acquired knowledge as the Reality and adopt a quite different attitude toward the dark man. The Oracle made a personal vow that He would never find Himself on the wrong side of an issue again. Happily, it can be reported that My record, since that time, has remained unblemished. The Oracle hopes you find solace in the fact that My life mirrors what you believe is true. Once again the Oracle is in your debt. Perhaps it would be wise for you to try to do a little damage control, lest the others begin to suspect you are secretly in league with Me.

In truth Kobe, the Oracle sees a little bit of Himself in you. You are now as He once was. (With the exception of the apple colored cheeks, of course) However, you remain innocent and unworldly enough to believe what you do for superficial reasons. It is as plain as the pubic hair on your head that you have never studied the subject of race, nor sought out knowledge of it. To this day you remain blissfully ignorant of the multitude of evidence that is out there. You need only have a thirst for knowledge, along with an open, healthy and receptive mind to digest it.

For the obvious reason Kobe, you will never achieve Oracality, but that should not force you to give up on the quest. Even you can see that being half an Oracle is better than being none.

As for your repeated requests for personal information of the Oracle, allow the Oracle to state that at no time will He reveal ANY information concerning His personal life. Rest assured Kobe, you are not the first gentle reader who expressed his curiosity. Many have asked the very same type of questions as you. Many seek to complete their knowledge of the Oracle’s by prying into His life. Perhaps Mr. Kinsler, who has followed the Oracle around these LUSENET boards like a stray dog, will graciously verify this fact. The Oracle can fully understand your desire to learn more about Him. If the Oracle were you, He too would desire nothing more than a closer, more personal relationship with Him.

There are more than a few valid reasons why the Oracle chooses not to reveal Himself. Whatever the Oracle would reveal about Himself would detract from the conversation. Even a dolt such as yourself could see that the subject matter of our conversations would then revolve around the Oracle and not His message of hope. Many times the Oracle has stated that the message is more important than the messenger. Second, as it appears that you do not yet believe My message, why would the Oracle begin to think you would immediately believe Him about His personal life? You have shown no indication that you would believe any account of My life. Again, you are free to imagine the Oracle in any fashion you choose. The Oracle cares not whether you place Him in a trailer park or a mountaintop. The Oracle cares not if you envision Him as young or old, rich or poor, smart or stupid. These choices the Oracle leaves to you. They are My gift to you. Cherish this gift.

Perhaps one day some enterprising young white man will stumble upon these words, see the considerable market potential that awaits, and produce a documentary or a TV mini-series about My life. A few titles immediately come to mind. The Oracle In Me or I Dream of Oracle or perhaps Oracle: His Life and Times or even The Words, Wisdom and Vision of the Oracle. Well, perhaps the last one is too self-promoting. The Oracle must always remember to remain humble. He must also remember not to forget His friends either. Fear not Kobe, the Oracle will have a place for you in this artistic endeavor. The Oracle shall insist that the director allow you a brief cameo appearance, provided that is, you are as photogenic as the Oracle.

To continue, Your quote: Do you live in a small town (less than 100,000 people). Do you own a home. What level of education have you attained. Do you make more or less than $25,000/year

Now is the time to address these questions for the gentle readers. I doubt very much that any of us will be surprised at your answers… unless, of course, they are false.

Do you not see what you are doing? If you would not be surprised at My answers, this can only mean that you have already prejudged the Oracle. This only proves your guilt in an activity you and yours would accuse the Oracle of. Again, your above statement ties into what we were discussing earlier. You base your beliefs, not on any facts, because facts concerning the Oracle were never given to you, were they? Once again you are relying solely on your emotions. Again, you said that you would not be surprised at My answers unless they were false. That is good, you should be surprised if the Oracle ever gave you false information.

I notice that Mr. AKOBADAGETH has rejoined the discussion. He has already provided his commentary, however, the Oracle is certain that you wish to hear My input as well.

A quote from the Oracle and Kobe’s response: (O)Without the laws that lifted them to the white man’s level, the Negro would languish in their own mediocrity. Again, what good can come from artificially elevating an entire race? (K)You pathetic little slug. Can you not see the folly of your statement? What you fail to see is that it was the laws LOWERING the status of "The Negro" (and other races) which was artificial.

The Oracle’s response to Kobe’s response: A most noble effort, however you neglected to think back even farther in time. For ancient laws to lower the status of the Negro, would it not have been necessary for the Negro’s status to be at a higher level before your artificial lowering? According to you, you believe when the white man first discovered the Negro he was viewed as and equal. Only later laws were enacted to lower this status. Why were these laws created? You have never told us nor hinted at the reasons. Certainly the white man was not afraid of the Negro taking over control. For your statement to be true the Negro would have first been considered an equal, then ancient laws were created to lower this status, only to be lifted once more in recent times. The Oracle instructs you to provide the source of your information. Give us your proof the Negro was once viewed as an equal. Please do not show us your fertile imagination. Kobe, it appears you are accustomed to making comments, which sound reasonable on the surface, but under closer scrutiny, do not hold up to Reality.

The Oracle has answered many of your questions. They may or may not have been answered to your satisfaction. But then again the Oracle is not in the business of satisfying half Negroes, only remediating them. Now Kobe, the Oracle wishes to inform you ahead of time that He will unavailable for a few days. The Oracle does not feel compelled to divulge His itinerary with you. Feel free to imagine the cause of My hopefully brief absence from this board as either My local library is being renovated or that the Oracle is going away on a drinking binge. My friend, until our next encounter, you, along with all of the other gentle readers of this forum, will be in My thoughts. Until My return, the Oracle leaves AKOBADAGETH in charge.

-- Oracle (, February 09, 2005.

Wow AKO kicked your asses. Good job. What happened to your site AKO? Some fag hacked in?

-- SECESSION (FUCKYOU@NIGGERS.COM), February 09, 2005.

Look at who is calling whom a fag. AKO and his multiple personalities still talking smack even though the dipshit is still getting assraped like the crying little BITCH that it really is.

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 10, 2005.




-- SECESSION (FUCKYOU@NIGGERS.COM), February 10, 2005.

Look who's calling us all those names, a sick, perverted piece of shit with no life and even less intelligence. You AKOFAGGOT are living proof that White trash such as yourself lack an education and any semblance of manners! I for one am glad you got hacked and your board destroyed because you are so full of shit! You lost all the arguments you start you stupid shitheaded faggot!

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 10, 2005.

Ako,Oracle and their countless alter egos,

I desperately hope the future of your people doesnot depend on you, coz if does, its a very bleak dark future, pardon the expression!!.

I used to think white supremacists were a threat to future of mankind but after a few exchanges with a couple of them in this board, I decided I will not give them a second glance.

A rotting carcass will only attract maggots and flies, these guys are so thick its painful!!!

-- alien mist (, February 10, 2005.

"I desperately hope the future of your people doesnot depend on you, coz if does, its a very bleak dark future, pardon the expression!!."

It doesn't. Neither one of them have ever had sex with a woman, nor will they ever. That would require forgetting about their love of the Negro for at least an hour and leaving the house. Make no mistake. They have pledged their lives to the black man, the sure sign of someone who loves them.

"I used to think white supremacists were a threat to future of mankind but after a few exchanges with a couple of them in this board, I decided I will not give them a second glance."

That's where everyone stands. I too used to think that white supremacy was a threat. The Oracle and AKOBADAGETH have proven only to us that it never will be. Sure, you may have the occasional lynching in Mississippi, but white supremacy now consists of finding obscure corners of the internet, posting long-winded rhetorical nonsense that noone reads (in the Oracle's case) or mindless, misspelled ejaculations (in AKOBADAGETH's case).

In fact, I find their presence here refreshing. It proves that white supremacy is meaningless and atrophied, confined to a handful of bulletin boards with 5, perhaps 6 readers. Even places as lovely as Stormfront are a breath of fresh air. As long as our white friends are complaining on the internet, they are allowing the white man to become a minority in his own country in just a few short years. Keep up the good "work", fellas. :)

-- :) (:) @ :) .com), February 11, 2005.

[quote]I should know[/quote]

-- blah (, February 11, 2005.

We're talking to a Cro-Magnon now (YOU AKOFAGGOT) Your moronic analogies make no sense whatsoever, so FUCK YOU, dipshit. BTW, you are equal to an amoeba in terms of intelligence.

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 11, 2005.

The only real nigger around here is YOU AKOFAGGOT. Your question is irrelevant and lacking in any validity whatsoever, but to answer your stupid ass "question", such as it is, one might say "maybe". But since the source of this idiotic inquiry is you, one would easily conclude that the Cro-Magnon is superior to a racist retard like you any day of the week, so FUCK OFF SHITASS!

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 11, 2005.

You will get no answers cos no one understands what you are on about, take a deep breath, think it out as long as it takes and phrase your questions intelligently, you have people who are prepared to help you

-- alien mist (, February 11, 2005.

More of akobadageth's science fiction stories. When will he realize that you cannot use fantasies to prove a point? Then again, akobadageth is probably less concerned with proving a point, and more concerned with things like masturbating, looking at nude men in bed, and having sperm pumped into him from both ends. Perhaps if he spent less time with his penis in his hand and performing oral sex on nude men in his bed, he would be able to use facts to prove a point and not nonsensical tales about Ensino Men and UFOs.

-- Patriot (, February 11, 2005.




OMG. Anybody else seeing what I see? "EITHER YOU CONSIDER THE CRO MAGNONS YOUR EQUAL OR YOU DONT". Yeah, AKOSPASM, that's a real simple question. Like, in case you didnt realize it, there are no Cro Magnon men around. Havent been any for at least a million years (actually, much more time than that). What's the point of the question? THERE IS NO VALID ANSWER.

You are the only "nigger" here, AKOFUCK.

-- KOBE SBM (, February 11, 2005.

Looks like the niggers have resorted to their usual name calling and insults in lue of a intelligent argument. TYPICALL NIGGERS!


It should be better "THAN" you niggers. Perhaps you would know that if either:

(1) You were not a nigger yourself, or

(2) You spent less time having sperm squirted into your mouth and rectum.

-- Patriot (, February 11, 2005.

The answer is YES, you stoopidfuckingmoron! You said it yourself:


-- KOBE SBM (, February 11, 2005.

Patriot, dude, I'm starting to like you. At least you and Kobe SBM have more intelligence than that kiddie fiddler AKOFAGGOT.

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 12, 2005.

Holy fuck,

How can someone ( AKO) be so absolutely thick, I am truly astounded by the level of this guy's stupidity. And to make the matters even worse he is proud of it.


You want to learn something about evolution, your peabrain is a big disadvantage, your germline may not survive very long, the future reads brains, intelligence and more brains,Natural selection is cruel and heartless but what can we say, it has to be done.

-- alien mist (, February 12, 2005.

stop stalking me, I love somebody else,

-- alien mist (, February 12, 2005.



Akobadageth, I see, still will not let the Cro-Magnon be. Why can he still not see that Star Trek episodes are not a good arguing point? I have a theory as to why akobadageth cannot see this. It is because the only thing he CAN see is the pillow that his face is buried in as he is receiving anal sex from homosexual gay men. This might also account for the all-caps being him crying out in pain from the size of their penises. Perhaps if he would at least trade positions with his next homosexual lover and look around for a bit during the act of intercourse, he would see that using Pauly Shore movies to further a point only makes him look like Pauly Shore. He may also see then that it doesn't matter whether or not you "consider" anybody your equal. If a negro could become a doctor in the hospital in which akobadegeth mops the floors, then it doesn't matter if akobadageth considers that negro his equal, because the negro obviously does not consider akobadageth to be his.

The negro doctor also probably full well knows the dangers of having a nude penis slipped into your bum and having your head beaten against the wall as you are taken from behind. It appears that akobadageth is not aware of the danger.

-- Patriot (, February 12, 2005.

Well it looks like the niggers and the liberal nigger lovers are at it again. With undebateable facts in their faces they resort to name calling and insults to avoid the truth. When will you poor uneducated, underprivelaged niggers learn to debate?



giggle!!! I can't help it. I had to let out a chuckle

-- alien mist (, February 12, 2005.


For the first time you've cracked my ribs

-- alien mist (, February 12, 2005.

"With undebateable facts in their faces they resort to name calling and insults to avoid the truth."

Ah, my friend. If you think that the plot of Ensino Man is an "unbeatable fact", then it is you that needs to be more versed in the debating arts.

"When will you poor uneducated, underprivelaged niggers learn to debate?"

Didn't you just say that calling names was a good way to avoid the truth? Do not become angry because your spelling was corrected. Take it as a sign that you need to become more literate, and come back in a year or so, refreshed and ready to debate.

-- :) (:) @ :) .com), February 12, 2005.

The part about us miraculously digging a live one up. That is not a fact. Hence, it is completely irrelevant. Why don't you find something in "Star Wars" to prove your point. That was a better movie.

-- . (, February 12, 2005.

Well yarty har har the niggers are running away! HAHAHAHAHA You poor foolish niggers. Calling you niggers is not an insult. Its what you are. And you can nitpick all you want about spelling and gramar. It doesn't matter you have lost every debate. HAHAHAHAHAHA




I don't know about the rest of you, but this entire matter reeks of homosexuality. As a man who dedicates his life to bettering the Homeland, we can not allow homosexual gays to run amok on this board. I have a degree in psychology, and it is a fact that 100% of men who fantasize about unearthing frozen people for their personal use are homosexual gays. They enjoy the sensation of having cold rods inserted into their bums, and of course a Cro-Magnon would have a very cold rod indeed. We have exposed akobadageth as a homosexual and a masturbater, so I ask what exactly his agenda is here.

-- Patriot (, February 12, 2005.

Oh AKOBADAGETH, shut the fuck up.

GOD DAMN you are one fucking nerd lightsabers, aliens, cavemen fuck....

And so hows your board going? AKOBADAGETH haven't been there since you were talking to yourself on it last.

-- WHITE PRIDE (, February 13, 2005.






Listen up you fucked up little BITCH (AKO)!!! Your shitty question was already answered and you still insist on asking it over and over again. Fucking moron, go spam up your kiddie porn site you sicko!

-- (ain't tellin' @, February 13, 2005.




FUCK YOU SHITBAG!!!! The damned question was answered already you arrogant piece of shit!

-- (Fuck you @ Fuck, February 13, 2005.

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