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Chu nghia Phat Xit ( Fascism )- con goi la chu nghia dan toc cuc doan - da bi nhan loai nguyen rua vi no chu truong tu de cao mot dan toc va ham hai cac dan toc khac.

Chu nghia Phat Xit tu de cao mot dan toc va chu truong ham hai cac dan toc khac.

Con chu nghia Cong San cua Hoang Viet Gian, Jubinell va @@@@@ thi sao ?


Nhu the chu nghia cong san cua Hoang Viet Gian, Jubinell, @@@@@..khong can su co mat cua ngoai bang,vi nhung nguoi mang chu thuyet nay se tu y ham hai dan toc cua chinh ho.

Nhu vay thi chu nghia Phat Xit con thua xa chu nghia cong san tren phuong dien " noi da xao thit " " huynh de tuong tan " chu nhi ?

-- Tinh Co (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 29, 2005


Tu khi Ho Chi Minh nhap cang chu thuyet Mac le Nin doc hai vao Viet nam. Dan Toc Viet Nam bat dau co cuoc chien " Nguoi Viet Giet nguoi Viet "

-- Tinh Co (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 29, 2005.

Oa`i sao la.i nghi~ cu*.c doan the^' nhi? Ho Chi Minh ve^` nuo'c la` la~nh da.o nha^n da^n da'nh duo^i? Thu*.c Da^n Pha'p , Phat xit Nha^.t . Die^`u do' ca? the^' gio*'i cu`ng bie^'t ma` . Ne^'u nhu* My~ ko nhay? va`o can thie^.p qua^n su*. vo*'i Vie^.t Nam , chia do^i nuo'c VN tha`nh 2 pha^`n thi` da^u co' chie^'n tranh Cho^'ng My~ Cu*'u Nuo'c . Die^`u do' tre? kon lop' 1 cu~ng bie^'t ma` . Cha'n o^ng Tinh Co na`y wa' !!!!!!!!!

-- Quan Quan (minhquanazn@yahoo.com), January 29, 2005.


Read the communism manifesto. Read Sartre's criticism on Stalin's governmental procedures. In nowhere in Marx's writing does he mention what you've just said.

Reality and Theory are two totally different issues.

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), January 29, 2005.

Hi Jubébé !

Bé nói đúng :Reality and Theory are two totally different issues.

Cộng sản thì nói hay nhưng thi hành như khí .

-- thich du thu (toollovers@comcast.net), January 29, 2005.

Bon CS la mot loai ta giao nen ho rat di ung voi cac ton giao khac.Nhung loai ta giao luc nao cung duoc che day bang nhung ngon tu hay ho nhu TU DO,DOCLAP,HANH PHUC de lua gat quan chung .Den khi chung no cuop xong chinh quyen se ra mat khung bo giet choc thang tay.Thang lanh dao CS nao cung co dac tinh giong nhau ,la LAM NHU MA QUY NHUNG NOI CHUYEN NHU THANH THAN.Chang nhung giet dan vo toi ,ma giet ca dong bon voi muc dich duy tri quyen luc.Chinh HCM da dau doc NCThanh,chi vi ten nay ung ho duong loi cua Bac Kinh,trong luc do HO dang thi hanh sach luoc bam chat Lien So.Ngay nay bon CSVN dang nam duoi truong cua Bac Kinh,nen bon nay bom cho con NCThanh la NCVinh len lam xep TC 2.

-- Lucius Nguyen (Lucius@hotmail.com), January 29, 2005.

Bởi dzậy bà con gọi mấy cha cán ngố đội nón kối đi giép Râu lốp xe cao su, quần áo rách rưới bạc mầu Kaki Nam Định gì đó cà. Thờ i buổi này ai cũng biết rõ trắng đen là Cha Nội Dao búa lao động Hồ Chí Mẹt gì đó chả hổng có dziệc, dzừ a mới bị cha nội Hạ Sĩ ngưo8`i Miên nó tâ/m quất gì hay chàng màng cô hàng côm tấm ở bên cổng xe lửa so 10 Gia Định, cô hàng côm tấm là người yêu của cha Hạ Sĩ Miên này mà cha Nguyễ Tắc Thành muốn ro8` mó, chả bị uýnh sưng mặt rồi bị liệng dzô cái đống rác cũng hổnh xa con hẻm hà.

Chiều đó Cha NTT gì đó phải đi suống nhà rồng dzì sợ cha Hạ Sĩ tẩm quất nữa nếu còn lạng quạng lảng vảng khu chợ nhỏ bên đường xe lửa này, Cha xin cha bồ Dziệt Nam làm trê con tàu định mệnh hắn chỈ làm nghề đổ rác, quét dọn trên phòng ăn dzà nhà bếp của con tàu. Đụ mẹ làm gì có chuyện cha Hồ Cáo tìm đưo8`ng đi dúp nước đánh Tầy hồi nào đâu, đi ve gái bị uýnh đổ máu đầu máu mủi , sang tới Marseilles gì đó hắn xin cụ Phan Chu Trinh ...viết đơn xin dzô nhập học trường Bảo Hộ mà tại Hồ Cáo còn dzốt dzề văn hóa nên khO6ng dzô được.

Tư tui giả sử mồ mả táng hàm rồng cha láu cá NTT được nhập học rưo8`ng Bảo Hộ thì dziệt nam đâu có chuyện nội chiến 60 năm qua hè.

Tụi Nga Bolsheviks no mướn NTT làm tụi khủng bố dzới nhiều tên hè, cha NTT vòn có tên Chen Dzàng ( Chen Wang ), NAQ [ Alisas của nhóm sinh viên Việt Nam ở Marseilles ], Rồi sanh tới Mouscou gì đó chả lấy tên là Linov mẹ gì kà hồi đó Nga nó nuôi cơm no bò cưởi tối ngày. Ngày học uýnh dzao Găm, thẩy lựu đạn đêm đi hủ hóa với mấy em Hộ Ní Nga đơ.i ngày dzià tào làm chỉ điểm giết người Việt Không Cộng Sản mà Chống Tây cho tụu duexiéme bureau khỉ gì đó hắn còn bán Cụ Phan Bội Châu, THanh tóan Cha Lê Hồng Phong để lấy đào của hắn.

Tui chán ma6'y cha CA mạng cán ngố ngu xuẩn hết sức hô?ng chiụ học hỏi xem trắng đen ra sao mà cứ bốc thơm bốc thúi thằng cha Bán Dzân Hại Tô" Quốc Hồ Cáo ChỒn Mìn này!!!!!!

-- (Tư Ròm @dlls.com), January 29, 2005.

Hehe,vay khi Lien Hop Quoc cong nhan Ho Chi Minh la danh nhan van hoa,thi toan bo the gioi ngu het hay sao?Uh,ca the gioi ngu,chi co may thang khon moi bi danh chet cha,chet me,chay toe khoi thoi!

-- (@@@.@@), January 29, 2005.

Nazism (abbreviated from the German: Nationalsozialismus, "National Socialism") or also called Hitlerism is a type of fascist/totalitarian ideology. The term is most often used in connection with the dictatorship of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 (the "Third Reich"). This ideology was held by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which was led by its führer Adolf Hitler. Adherents of Nazism held that the German nation and the purported "Aryan" race were superior to other races. Nazism has been outlawed in modern Germany, although remnants and revivalists, known as "Neo-Nazis," continue to operate in Germany and abroad.The Nazi party used a right- facingswastika as their symbol and the red and black colors were said to represent Blut und Boden (blood and soil). Black, white, and red were in fact the colors of the old North German Confederation flag (invented by Otto von Bismarck, based on the Prussian colors black and white, blended with the red and white of the medieval Hanse cities). In 1871, with the foundation of the German Reich, the flag of the North German Confederation became the German Reichsflagge (Reich's flag). Black, white, and red subsequently became the colors of the nationalists (e.g. during WWI and the Weimarer Republik).

"National Socialism" redirects here. For alternate meanings, see National Socialism (disambiguation). Nazism (abbreviated from the German: Nationalsozialismus, "National Socialism") or also called Hitlerism is a type of fascist/totalitarian ideology. The term is most often used in connection with the dictatorship of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 (the "Third Reich"). This ideology was held by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which was led by its führer Adolf Hitler. Adherents of Nazism held that the German nation and the purported "Aryan" race were superior to other races. Nazism has been outlawed in modern Germany, although remnants and revivalists, known as "Neo-Nazis," continue to operate in Germany and abroad.

Ideological theory

According to Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler developed his political theories after carefully observing the policies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was born as a citizen of the Empire, and believed that ethnic and linguistic diversity had weakened it. Further, he saw democracy as a destabilizing force, because it placed power in the hands of ethnic minorities, who he claimed had incentives to further "weaken and destabilize" theEmpire.

The Nazi rationale was heavily invested in the militarist belief that great nations grow from military power, which in turn grows "naturally" from "rational, civilized cultures." Hitler's calls appealed to disgruntled German Nationalists, eager to save face for the failure of World War I, and to salvage the militaristic nationalist mindset of that previous era. After Austria and Germany's defeat of World War I, many Germans still had heartfelt ties to the goal of creating a greater Germany, and thought that the use of military force to achieve it was necessary.

Many placed the blame for Germany's misfortunes on those whom they perceived, in one way or another, to have sabotaged the goal of national victory. Jews and communists became the ideal scapegoats for Germans deeply invested in a German Nationalist ideology.

Hitler's Nazi theory also claimed that the Aryan race is a master race, superior to all other races, that a nation is the highest creation of a race, and great nations (literally large nations) were the creation of great races. These nations developed cultures that naturally grew from races with "natural good health, and aggressive, intelligent, courageous traits." The weakest nations, Hitler said were those of impure or mongrel races, because they have divided, quarrelling, and therefore weak cultures. Worst of all were seen to be the parasitic Untermensch (Subhumans), mainly Jews, but also Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled and so called anti-socials, all of whom were considered lebensunwertes Leben (Lifeunworthy Life) due to their perceived deficiency and inferiority. The role of homosexuals during the Holocaust are controversial among historians. Some, like the International Committee for Holocaust Truth and authors Scott Lively and Kevin E. Abrams in "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party"[1], defend the perspective that many homosexuals were involved in the inner circle of the Nazi party: Ernst Röhm of the SA, Horst Wessel, Max Bielas, and others. This perspective is denounced as hateful propaganda by most homosexual associations and groups, stirring heated debates and accusations of censorship and "hate-speech" from both sides.

People of the Eastern European Russian-dominated Slavic descent were also seen as subhuman, but only marginally parasitic, because they had their own land and nations, though many of them lived in German countries such as Austria, which Hitler saw as an ethnic invasion of Germanic Lebensraum by foreign populations who would have incentive to force Austria's loyalty to their lands of ethnic and cultural origin.

According to Nazism, it is an obvious mistake to permit or encourage multilingualism and multiculturalism within a nation. Fundamental to the Nazi goal was the unification of all German-speaking peoples, "unjustly" divided into different Nation States. Hitler claimed that nations that could not defend their territory did not deserve it. Slave races, he thought of as less-worthy to exist than "master races." In particular, if a master race should require room to live (Lebensraum), he thought such a race should have the right to displace the inferior indigenous races. Hitler draws parallels between Lebensraum and the American ethnic cleansing and relocation policies towards the Native Americans, which he saw as key to the success of the US.

"Races without homelands," Hitler claimed, were "parasitic races," and the richer the members of a "parasitic race" are, the more "virulent" the parasitism was thought to be. A "master race" could therefore, according to the Nazi doctrine, easily strengthen itself by eliminating "parasitic races" from its homeland. This was the given rationalization for the Nazi's later oppression and elimination of Jews and Gypsies. Despite the popularity of Hitler and his living space doctrine, some Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS soldiers found the duty repugnant. Only a small fraction of them were actively involved in genocide.

Hitler extended his rationalizations into religious doctrine, claiming that those who agreed with and taught his "truths," were "true" or "master" religions, because they would "create mastery" by avoiding comforting lies. Those that preach love and tolerance, "in contravention to the facts," were said to be "slave" or "false" religions. The man who recognizes these "truths," Hitler continued, was said to be a "natural leader," and those who deny it were said to be "natural slaves." "Slaves," especially intelligent ones, he claimed were always attempting to hinder masters by promoting false religious and political doctrines.

The ideological roots which became German "National Socialism" were based on numerous sources in European history, drawing especially fromRomantic 19th Century idealism, and from a biological misreading of Friedrich Nietzsche's thoughts on "breeding upwards" toward the goal of anÜbermensch (Superhuman). Hitler was an avid reader and received ideas that were later to influence Nazism from traceable publications, such as those of the Germanenorden (Germanic Order) or the Thule society.


Key elements of the Nazi ideology

National Socialist Program

Racism Especially anti-Semitism, which eventually culminated in the Holocaust.

The creation of a Herrenrasse (Master Race= by the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life; A department in the Third Reich)


Belief in the superiority of the White, Germanic, Aryan or Nordic races.

Euthanasia and Eugenics with respect to "Racial Hygiene"

Anti-Marxism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Bolshevism

The rejection of democracy, with as a consequence the ending the existence of political parties, labour unions, and free press.

Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) /belief in the leader (Responsibility up the ranks, and authority down the ranks.)

Strong show of local culture.

Social Darwinism

Defense of Blood and Soil (German: "Blut und Boden" - represented by the red and black colors in the Nazi flag)

"Lebensraumpolitik", "Lebensraum im Osten" (The creation of more living space for Germans)

Related to Fascism


Nazism and romanticism

According to Bertrand Russell, Nazism comes from a different tradition than that of either liberal capitalism or communism. Thus, to understand values of Nazism, it is necessary to explore this connection, without trivializing the movement as it was in its peak years in the 1930s and dismissing it as a little more than racism.

Many historiographers say that the anti-Semitic element, which does not exist in the sister fascism movement in Italy and Spain, was adopted byHitler to gain popularity for the movement. Anti-Semitic prejudice was very common among the masses in German Empire. It is claimed that mass acceptance required anti-Semitism, as well as flattery of the wounded pride of German people after the defeat of WWI. Others see anti-Semitism as central to Hitler's Weltanschauung (World view).

Many see strong connections to the values of Nazism and the irrationalist tradition of the romantic movement of the early 19th century. Strength, passion, lack of hypocrisy, utilitarianism, traditional family values, and devotion to community were valued by the Nazis and first expressed by many Romantic artists, musicians, and writers, as well as, among the Nazi elite, the ancient Greek habit of same-sex relations between the military and young boys praised notably in Plato's works, and favored by German sensualists such as Röhm, Bielas and Wessel. German romanticism in particular expressed these values. For instance, the Nazis identified closely with the music of Richard Wagner (a noted anti-Semite, author of Das Judenthum in der Musik, and idol to the young Hitler). Many of his operas express the ideals of the strong dominating the weak, and a celebration of traditional Norse Aryan folklore and values. The style of his music is often very militaristic.

The idealisation of tradition, folklore, classical thought, the leadership of Frederick the Great, their rejection of the liberalism of the Weimar Republicand the decision to call the German state the Third Reich (which hearkens back to the medieval First Reich and the pre Weimar Second Reich) has led many to regard the Nazis as reactionary.


Ideological competition

Nazism and Communism emerged as two serious contenders for power in Germany after the First World War, particularly as the Weimar Republicbecame increasingly unstable.

What became the Nazi movement arose out of resistance to the Bolshevik-inspired insurgencies that occurred in Germany in the aftermath of theFirst World War. The Russian Revolution of 1917 caused a great deal of excitement and interest in the Leninist version of Marxism and caused many socialists to adopt revolutionary principles. The 1918-1919 Munich Soviet and the 1919 Spartacist uprising in Berlin were both manifestations of this. The Freikorps, a loosely organised paramilitary group (essentially a militia of former World War I soldiers) were used to crush both these uprising and many leaders of the Freikorps, including Ernst Röhm, later became leaders in the Nazi party.

Capitalists and conservatives in Germany feared that a takeover by the Communists was inevitable and did not trust the democratic parties of theWeimar Republic to be able to resist a communist revolution. Increasing numbers of capitalists began looking to the nationalist movements as a bulwark against Bolshevism. After Mussolini's fascists took power in Italy in 1922, fascism presented itself as a realistic option for opposing "Communism", particularly given Mussolini's success in crushing the Communist and anarchist movements which had destabilised Italy with a wave of strikes and factory occupations after the First World War. Fascist parties formed in numerous European countries.

Many historians such as Ian Kershaw and Joachim Fest argue that Hitler and the Nazis were one of numerous nationalist and increasingly fascistic groups that existed in Germany and contended for leadership of the anti-Communist movement and, eventually, of the German state. Further, they assert that fascism and its German variant National Socialism became the successful challengers to Communism because they were able to both appeal to the establishment as a bulwark against Bolshevism and appeal to the working class base, particularly the growing underclass of unemployed and unemployable and growingly impoverished middle class elements who were becoming declassed (the lumpenproletariat). The Nazi's use of socialist rhetoric appealed to disaffection with capitalism while presenting a political and economic model that divested "socialism" of any elements which were dangerous to capitalism, such as the concept of class struggle, "the dictatorship of the proletariat" or worker control of themeans of production.


Support of anti-Communists for Fascism and Nazism

Various right-wing politicians and political parties in Europe welcomed the rise of fascism and the Nazis out of an intense aversion towards Communism. According to them, Hitler was the savior of Western civilization and of capitalism against Bolshevism. Among these supporters in the 1920s and early 1930s was the Conservative Party in Britain. During the later 1930s and 1940s, the Nazis were supported by the Falangemovement in Spain, and by political and military figures who would form the government of Vichy France. A Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism (LVF) and other anti-Soviet fighting formations, were formed.

The British Conservative party and the right-wing parties in France appeased the Nazi regime in the mid- and late-1930s, even though they had begun to criticise its totalitarianism. Some contemporary commentators suggested that these parties did in fact still support the Nazis.


Nazism and Anglo-Saxons

Hitler admired the British Empire as a shining example of Nordic genius. Racist theories were developed by British intellectuals in the 19th century to control the Indian people and other "savages." These methods were often copied by the Nazis.

Similarly, in his early years Hitler also greatly admired the United States of America. In Mein Kampf, he praised the United States for its race-basedanti-immigration laws. According to Hitler, America was a successful nation because it kept itself "pure" of "lesser races." However as war approached, his view of the United States became more negative and he believed that Germany would have an easy victory over the United States precisely because the United States in his later estimation had become a mongrel nation..

Nazi domestic economicpropaganda flyer

Economic practice

Nazi economic practice concerned itself with immediate domestic issues and separately with ideological conceptions ofinternational economics.

Domestic economic policy was narrowly concerned with three major goals:

Elimination of unemployment

Elimination of hyperinflation

Expansion of production of consumer goods to improve middle- and lower-class living standards.

All of these policy goals were intended to address the perceived shortcomings of the Weimar Republic and to solidify domestic support for the party. In this, the party was very successful. Between 1933 and 1936 the German GNPincreased by an average annual rate of 9.5 percent, and the rate for industry alone rose by 17.2 percent.

However, some economists argue that the expansion of the Germany economy between 1933 and 1936 was not the result of the Nazi party, but rather the consequence of economic policies of the late Weimar Republic which had begun to have an effect. In addition, it has been pointed out that while it is often popularly believed that the Nazis ended hyperinflation, that the end of hyperinflation preceded the Nazis by several years.

This expansion propelled the German economy out of a deep depression and into full employment in less than four years. Public consumption during the same period increased by 18.7%, while private consumption increased by 3.6% annually. However, as this production was primarilyconsumptive rather than productive (make-work projects, expansion of the war-fighting machine, initiation of the draft to remove working age males from the labor force), inflationary pressures began to rear their head again, although not to the highs of the Weimar Republic. These economic pressures, combined with the war-fighting machine created in the expansion (and concomitant pressures for its use), has led some to conclude that a European war was inevitable. (See Causes of war.)

Internationally, the Nazi party believed that an international banking cabal was behind the global depression of the 1930s. The control of this cabal was identified with the ethnic group known as Jews, providing another link in their ideological motivation for the destruction of that group in theholocaust. However, broadly speaking, the existence of large international banking or merchant banking organizations was well known at this time. Many of these banking organizations were able to exert influence upon nation states by extension or withholding of credit. This influence is not limited to the small states that preceded the creation of German Empire as a nation state in the 1870s, but is noted in most major histories of allEuropean powers from the 16th century onward.

It is important to note that the Nazi Party's conception of international economics was very limited. As the National Socialist in the name NSDAPsuggests, the party's primary motivation was to incorporate previously international resources into the Reich by force, rather than by trade (compare to the international socialism as practiced by the Soviet Union and the COMECON trade organization). This made international economic theory a supporting factor in the political ideology rather than a core plank of the platform as it is in most modern political parties.

In an economic sense, Nazism and Fascism are related. Nazism may be considered a subset of Fascism, with all Nazis being Fascists, but not all Fascists being Nazis. Nazism shares many economic features with Fascism, featuring complete government control of finance and investment (allocation of credit), industry, and agriculture. Yet in both of these systems, corporate power and market based systems for providing price information still existed.

Rather than the state requiring goods from industrial enterprises and allocating raw materials required for their production (as in socialist / communist systems), the state paid for these goods. This allows price to play an essential role in providing information as to relative scarcity of materials, or the capital requirements in technology or labor (including education, as in skilled labor) inputs to produce a manufactured good. Additionally, the unionist (strictly speaking, syndicalist) veneer placed on corporate labor relations was another major point of agreement. Both the German and Italian fascist political parties began as unionist labor movements, and grew into totalitarian dictatorships. This idea was maintained throughout their time in power, with state control used as a means to eliminate the assumed conflict between management labor relations.



These theories were used to justify a totalitarian political agenda of racial hatred and suppression using all the means of the state, and suppressing dissent.

Like other fascist regimes, the Nazi regime emphasized anti-communism and the leader principle (Führerprinzip), a key element of fascist ideology in which the ruler is deemed to embody the political movement and the nation. Unlike other fascist ideologies, Nazism was virulently racist. Some of the manifestations of Nazi racism were:

Anti-Semitism, culminating in the Holocaust

Ethnic nationalism, including the notion of Germans' status as the Herrenvolk ("master race") and Übermensch

A belief in the need to purify the German race through eugenics - this culminated in the involuntary euthanasia of disabled people and thecompulsory sterilization of people with mental deficiencies or illnesses perceived as hereditary

Anti-clericalism was also part of Nazi ideology. Although it was never acted upon as the Nazis often used the church to justify their stance and included many Christian symbols in the Third Reich.

Perhaps the primary intellectual effect has been that Nazi doctrines discredited the attempt to use biology to explain or influence social issues, for at least two generations after Nazi Germany's brief existence.

The Nazi descendants have been mute in the post-war democracies with some exceptions when interviewed by psychologists and historians. In Norway a group of descendants have taken the official stigmatizing appellation "Nazi children" in order to break the silence and to protest against the continuous demonization of their families. Some historical revisionists disseminate propaganda which minimizes the Holocaust and other Nazi acts, and attempts to put a positive spin on the policies of the Nazi regime and the events which occurred under it. These revisionists are often, however, either aligned with or in the employ of neo-Nazis, and this fact itself often casts suspicion on their beliefs.


People and history

The most prominent Nazi was Adolf Hitler, who ruled Nazi Germany from 30 January 1933 until his suicide on 30 April 1945, led the German Reichinto World War II. Under Hitler, ethnic nationalism and racism were joined together through an ideology of militarism to serve his goals.

After the war, many prominent Nazis were convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials.

Nazism in relation to other concepts Nazi sacred symbol – theswastika or gamma cross

The Nazi symbol is the right-facing swastika.

Nazism and religion

The relationship between Nazism and mysticism is one that has provoked both curiosity and controversy over the years.

Hitler and other Nazi leaders clearly made use of Pagan symbolism and emotion in propagandizing the Germanic public, and it remains a matter of controversy whether Hitler believed himself a Christian, a heathen, or something else entirely. Many historians have typified Hitler as a Satanist or occultist, whereas some writers have often utilized Nazism's occasional outward use of Christian doctrine, regardless of what its inner-party mythology may have been. The existence of a Ministry of Church Affairs, instituted in 1935 and headed by Hanns Kerrl, was hardly recognized by ideologists such as Rosenberg and by other political decision-makers.

The nature of the Nazi Party's relations with the Catholic Church is yet more fraught. Many Catholic priests and leaders vociferously opposed Nazism on the grounds of its incompatibility with Christian morals. Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical Mit brennender Sorge (1937) condemning Nazi ideology. Like political dissenters, many priests were sent to the concentration camps for their opposition, including the parson of Berlin CathedralBernhard Lichtenberg. (Some of these were Poles persecuted due to their nationality.)

Nonetheless, since the 1960s it has been claimed by some that the Church hierarchy headed by Pope Pius XII remained largely silent in the face of Nazism, and allegations of the Pope's complicity are today commonplace; see for example John Cornwell's book Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII (although many works have since been published defending Pius' wartime record, e.g. Ralph McInerny's The Defamation of Pius XII.)

As Nazism continued to rule Germany, to many people it became a kind of religion in and of itself, sometimes called Esoteric Hitlerism, and sometimes associated with Ásatrú.

Hitler walking out of Brown House after 1930 elections


Nazism and fascism

The term Nazism is often used interchangeably with fascism, but this usage is controversial. Some use the word Fascism (spelled with a capital F), only to describe Italian Fascism, while generic fascism (spelled with a small f) may include many different movements, in many different countries.

Nazism and Italian Fascism both employed a similar style of propaganda, including military parades and uniforms, and the Roman salute. The ideologies of both ostensibly included an extreme nationalism and a rebirth of their own nation to some former, past state of national greatness. Both movements, when in power, also put in place totalitarian governments that pursued wars of expansion.

There were also many important differences between the two movements. For example, racism was central to Nazism but of less significance in Italian Fascism. Fascist Italy did not adopt anti-semitism until it followed Hitler's example.


Nazism and socialism

Because Nazism is an abbreviation for "National Socialism", and Nazi leaders sometimes described their ideology as a form of socialism, some people believe that Nazism was a form of socialism, or that there are similarities between Nazism and socialism. It has also been argued that the Nazi use of economic intervention, including central planning and some limited public ownership, is indicative of socialism.

Nazi leaders were opposed to the Marxist idea of class conflict and opposed the idea that capitalism should be abolished and that workers should control the means of production. For those who consider class conflict and the abolition of capitalism as essential components of socialist progress, these factors alone are sufficient to categorize "National Socialism" as non-socialist.

Nazi leaders made statements describing their views as socialist, while at the same time opposing the idea of class conflict espoused by the Social Democrats (SPD) and Communists (KPD). Established socialist movements did not view the Nazis as socialists and argued that the Nazis were thinly disguised reactionaries. Historians such as Ian Kershaw also note the links between the Nazis and the German political and economic establishmentand the significance of the Night of the Long Knives in which Hitler purged what were at the time seen as "leftist" elements in the Nazi Party and how this was done at the urging of the military and conservatives.

Many of the traditional center and right political parties of the Weimar Republic accused the Nazis of being socialists citing planks in the Nazis' party program which called for nationalization of trusts and other socialist measures. However, the German National People's Party (DNVP), the most important party on the mainstream right, usually treated the Nazis as a respected potential member of coalition cabinet.

The Nazis came to power through an alliance with traditional conservative forces. Franz von Papen, a very conservative former German Chancellorand former member of the Catholic Centre Party supported Hitler for the position of Chancellor and later became an important Nazi official. TheEnabling Act which gave the Nazis dictatorial powers passed only because of the support of conservative and centrist deputies in the Reichstag, over the opposition of Social Democrats and Communists.

When the Nazis were still an opposition party some leaders, particularly Gregor Strasser, espoused anti-big business stances and advocated the idea of the Nazis as a workers' party. In spite of this, most workers continued to vote for the SPD or the KPD as late as the March 1933 elections held shortly after Hitler's appointment as chancellor.

Central to Nazi ideology and propaganda was not the rights of workers or the need for socialism but opposition to Marxism and Bolshevism which the Nazis called Judeo- Bolshevism. According to the Nazi world view Marxism was part of a Jewish conspiracy. Rather than being afraid of the Nazis' "socialism" many prominent conservatives and capitalists supported and funded the Nazis because they saw them as a bulwark against Bolshevism.

Ideologically fascism and Nazism reject the most important aspects of Marxist theory. For instance, Hitler did not exalt the working class over thecapitalist class as Marx prescribed. In his book Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote 'the suspicion was whispered in German Nationalist circles that we also were merely another variety of Marxism, perhaps even Marxists suitably disguised, or better still, Socialists... We used to roar with laughter at these silly faint-hearted bourgeoisie and their efforts to puzzle out our origin, our intentions and our aims. '

Moreover, Hitler despised Karl Marx as a Jew and condemned communism and Marxism as Judeo-Bolshevism pledging to block its rise in Germanyarguing that the nation's downfall was due to Marxism and its Jewish influence.

There were ideological shades of opinion within the Nazi Party, particularly prior to their seizure of power in 1933, but a central tenet of the party was always the leadership principle or Führerprinzip. The Nazi Party did not have party congresses in which policy was deliberated upon and concessions made to different factions. What mattered most was what the leader, Adolf Hitler, thought and decreed. Those who held opinions which were at variance with Hitler's either learned to keep quiet or were purged, particularly after 1933. Although this is in some respects comparable to the behavior of certain Communist dictatorships such as that of Stalin in the Soviet Union or Mao Zedong in China, it also presents a strong contrast to the collective leadership exercised in other Communist parties, more so to the more democratic organization of most European socialist parties.

In power, the Nazis jettisoned practically all of the socialistic aspects of their program, and worked with big business, frequently at the expense of both small business and the working classes. Gregor Strasser was murdered, as was Ernst Röhm while Otto Strasser was purged from the party. Independent trade unions were outlawed, as were strikes. In place of the unions, the Nazis created the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. The Nazis took other symbolic steps to co-opt the working classes' support, such as the introduction of May Day as a national holiday in 1933. These were described by socialists as superficial moves designed to win the allegiance of workers rather than grant them any material concessions at the expense of capital.

Industries and trusts were not nationalised, with the exception of private rail lines (nationalised in the late 1930s to meet military contingencies). The only private holdings that were expropriated were those belonging to Jews. These holdings were then sold or awarded to businessmen who supported the Nazis and satisifed their ethnic and racial policies. Military production and even film production remained in the hands of private industries whilst serving the Nazi government, and many private companies flourished during the Nazi period. The Nazis never interfered with the profits made by such large German firms as Krupp, Siemens AG, and IG Farben. Efforts were made to coordinate business's actions with the needs of the state, particularly with regard to rearmament, and the Nazis established some state owned concerns such as Volkswagen. But these were functions of the new German expansionism rather than an implementation of socialist measures. Germany had moved to a war economy, and similar measures occurred in the western democracies during the First World War, and again once the Second World War had begun.

The Nazis engaged in an extensive public works program including the construction of the Autobahn system. As with the expropriation of rail lines, however, the Autobahn system was created with the purpose of facilitating military transport, and government investment in transport systems is common in almost all nations. Similarly, all political movements that have formed governments have used economic intervention of some form or another. The suggestion that economic intervention is left-wing ignores the tradition of intervention practiced by monarchies and oligarchies in Europe before the eighteenth century, and the intervention, including protectionism, subsidies and anti-trade union laws, practiced by right-wingparties in government in Europe and North America during the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Since the fall of the Nazi regime, many theorists have argued that there are similarities between the government of Nazi Germany and that of Stalin's Soviet Union. In most cases, this has not taken the form of arguing that the Nazis were socialist, but arguing that both Nazism and Stalinism are forms of totalitarianism. This view was advanced most famously by Hannah Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism. However, most socialists argue that Stalin's system was not a truly socialist one, since it did not meet certain requirements that they see as essential for socialism - requirements such as a functional democracy, for example.

For more information see the article on Totalitarianism


Nazism and race

All forms of socialism focus on economic relationships as central in shaping society. In contrast, as can be seen in Mein Kampf, the central doctrine of Nazism is racism and the struggle between peoples. Nazis see the society divided not according to social classes, but according to races and peoples.

Nazis claimed to scientifically measure a strict hierarchy among races; at the top was the Caucasian or ("Aryan") race (minus the Slavs, who were seen as below Aryan), then lesser races. At the bottom of this hierarchy were "parasitic" races, especially the Jews, which were perceived to be dangerous to society. Nazi theory said that because the nation was the expression of the race, the greatness of a race could be evaluated according to a race's ability and desire to acquire a large homeland. German accomplishments in science, weaponry, philosophy and art were interpreted as scientific evidence to support Nazi racist claims. suggested another difference between socialism and Nazism: while both had their idea of what kind of parasitic classes or races society ought to be rid of, he saw the former to determine them by a social position (which people may change within their life), while the latter assign a place given by birth. In his view, revolutionary communists would accept one may be born the son of a wealthy capitalist to be acceptable as a productive member of society; according to Nazis, one born a Jew is a born parasite who must be disposed of. A counterexample may be found inMaoism in China, where at times during the Cultural Revolution the relatives of a "capitalist", even generations removed, were beaten, killed, or, at best, sent to a reeducation camp. Collective punishment is another way of describing this phenomenon. In support of Levi's contention, however, the Chinese Communists have had some members with "bourgeois" social origin, some of whom, such as Soong Ching-ling, achieved prominent positions in the People's Republic of China. Similarly there were a number of prominent Bolsheviks who came from wealthy backgrounds and were accepted in the movement despite this.


The role of the nation

The Nazi state was founded upon a racially-defined "German nation". This is a central concept of Mein Kampf, symbolized by the motto Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer (one people, one empire, one leader).

In comparison, many socialists refute the idea of nations, which they see as artificial divisions that support the status quo and oppression: according to them, dividing the world among nations leads to artificial oppositions between these nations, which themselves lead to wars, which are, according to them, waged for the interest of the ruling classes and arms manufacturers.


Factors which promoted the success of Nazism

An important question about National Socialism is that of which factors promoted its success, not only in Germany, but also in other European countries (in the 1930s and early 1940s Nazi-type movements could be found in Sweden, Britain, Italy, Spain and even in the US) in the twenties and thirties of the last century? These factors may have included:

Economic devastation all over Europe after WWI

Lack of orientation of many people after the breakdown of monarchy in many European countries.

A perception that there was a disproportionate number of Jews in the German bourgeoisie (or upper class).

Perceived Jewish involvement in WWI of war profiteering

Appeal of socialism or socialist rhetoric to the German working class

Humiliation of Germany at the Treaty of Versailles

Rejection of Communism (particularly redistribution of wealth ) and the perception that socialism and Communism were Jewish-inspired and Jewish -led movements; hence the Nazi use of the term Judeo-Bolshevik

Hatred of the Jews


Nazi / Third Reich terminology in popular culture

The multiple atrocities and extremist ideology that the Nazis followed have made them notorious in popular grammar as well as history. The term "Nazi" is used in various ways. So are other Third Reich terms like "Führer" (often spelled "fuhrer" or less often, but more correctly, "fuehrer" in English speaking countries), "Fascist", "Gestapo" (short for Geheime=secreat Staats=nation Polizei=Police), "uber/ueber" (from Übermensch, superior person, Aryan as opposite to Untermensch) or "Hitler". The terms are often used to describe individuals or groups of people who try to force an unpopular or extreme agenda on the general population, and also commit crimes and other violations on others without remorse. The terms are often simply used as an insult.

In the context of the Western World, Nazi or fascist is also sometimes used by (generally Left-wing) opposition to malign political groups (such as theFrench Front National) advocating restrictive measures on immigration, or strong law enforcement powers.

Critics of Israel have recently taken to using comparisons with the Nazis in describing its treatment of Palestinians, particularly with regards to Israel'sseparation barrier on the West Bank. Some regard this usage to be antisemitic.

The terms are also used to describe anyone or anything seen as strict or doctrinaire. Phrases like "Open Source Nazi", "Grammar Nazi", "ubergeek" and "Feminazi" are examples of those in use in the USA. These uses are offensive to some, as the controversy in the popular press over theSeinfeld "Soup Nazi" episode indicates, but still the terms are used so frequently as to inspire "Godwin's law".

More innocent terms, like "fashion police" also bear some resemblance to Nazi terminology (GESTAPO, Geheime Staatspolizei, secret state police) as well as references to Police states in general.

It can also be found that German-sounding or German-looking spellings of English words are used to claim superiority in some area, or to create some impression of power or brutality. For example, to give English words a German touch the letter 'C' is often replaced by 'K', like "kool" or "kommandos". A well known example of "germanization" of names are the names of heavy metal bands like Mötley Crüe, or MOTÖRHEAD. SeeHeavy metal umlaut.

Another similar effect can be observed in the usage of typefaces. Some people strongly associate the Fraktur typeface with Nazi Germany propaganda (although the typeface is much older, and its usage was banned at some time in Nazi Germany). A less strong association can be observed with the Futura typeface, which today is sometimes described as "germanic" and "muscular".

-- Chien si (Chien si diet bao@daiviet.com), January 29, 2005.

Nay anh ban Quan Quan :

Ngay truoc khi xay ra tran Dien Bien Phu, Cac cap chi huy Viet Minh nhu Dai Doi Truong, Tieu Doan Truong ( Luc do Viet Minh chua co cap bac Dai uy hay Thieu Ta )du rang la dang vien hay khong phai dang vien dang Lao Dong ( dang cong san ngay nay )Nhung ban than gia dinh la tieu tu san ( thanh phan tach tach xe )Deu bi trieu hoi ve que quan, tuoc doat chuc vu va bi dau to voi gia dinh vi danh toi boc lot. Chuyen do co the the gioi khong biet, nhung nhan dan deu biet, Tai sao Quan Quan khong biet ?

Cung trong thoi gian do, de lay long dai da so nhan dan lao dong dot nat, Dang Lao Dong VN cua Ho chi Minh da rap khuon theo Trung Cong, giet hai thanh phan tri thuc trong chien dich " Tri, Phu; Dia ,Hao. Dao tan goc. Troc tan re " Rat nhieu tri thuc khoa bang bi giet hai tan bao theo kieu thoi trung co. Chuyen do co the the gioi khong biet. Nhung rat nhieu nguoi dan VN duoc biet. Quan Quan co biet hay khong ?

Con chuyen dau to dien chu trong chien dich cai cach ruong dat o ngoai Bac sau nam 54 va tich thu tai san cua thuong gia mien nam sau 75 thi mien ban, Vi chuyen nay ai ai cung biet. Co the Quan Quan gia vo khong biet.

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 29, 2005.

Nay Jubinell.

Can Mac ho hao cai gi ? : " Vo san the gioi hay doan ket lai ".. Dung khong ?

Va bai Quoc Te Ca cua cong san ho hao cai gi ?

Co phai la Vo san the gioi hay doan ket lai de lat do bon giai cap boc lot hay khong ?

Bon giau co ma Cac Mac va Le Nin gan cho danh toi la giai cap boc lot ( nhu cac dang vien cong san VN ngay nay )chung no o cac quoc gia lang gieng cua cac chien si vo san hay la chung no cung o ngay trong quoc gia cua giai cap vo san do ?

Chien Tuyen ( ranh gioi ) cua tran chien nhung nguoi vo san la ranh gioi giua cac quoc gia hay la ranh gioi giua nhung nguoi giau co va ngheo kho ?

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 29, 2005.

Ta^'t ca? mo.i ca'i chi'nh la` do Qua^n Do^.i Hoa Ky` ma` ra ba.n Ti`nh Co*` a` ??? Quang? TRi. ma'u lu*a? , tha`nh co^? Quang? TRi. bi. ta`n fa' vo*'i tre^n 9000 ta^'n Bom , ho. co`n trai? cha^'t do.c ma`u da cam de^? tie^u die^.t Du Kich cua? ta khi ho. ko nhi`n tha^'y d.c Co^.ngS an? , chi'nh cha^'t do.c do' da~ la`m cho ha`ng nghi`n , ha`ng trie^.u ng` VN bi. ta`i ta^.t ko nhu*~ng suo^'t do*`i ma` co`n cho ca? the^' he^. con cha'u . My~ , La^`u Na(m Go'c ko du? can dam? nhi`n tha^'y su*. tha^'t ba.i cua? mi`nh ta.i Chie^'n Tr`g Vie^.t Nam ne^n ho. co^' du`ng nhu*~ng do^`ng tie^`n de^? mua chuo^.c nhu*~ng do^`ng ba`o ta o*? nuo'c ngoa`i de^? fan? do^'i Che^' Do^. Xa~ Hoi Chu Nghi~a . Thu*? nhi`n xem chi'nh dang? co^.ng san? da~ la`m cho My~ tha^'t ba.i tre^n mo.i chie^'n trg` . My~ ko da'm ta^'n co^ng va`o ca'c nuoc XHCN chi? do*n gian? vi` ho. so*. la.i tha^'t ba.i la^`n nu*~a . Viet - TRung - Ba ('c Ha`n - Cu Ba , chi? co`n 4 nuo'c theo XHCN ma` tho^i . I't nhu* va^.y tho^i do' nhu*ng My~ ko da'm ta^'n co^ng 1 nuo'c na`o ca? , ngay ca? Trie^`u Tie^n ho. cu~ng so*. bo*i? vi` sau lu*ng TRie^`u Tie^n co`n co' Trung Quo^'c , Nga . Chie^'n trg` SoMaLi cu~ng da~ la`m La^`u Na(m Go'c xa^'u ho^? . Ne^'u xe't theo bi`nh die^.n hei^.n nay thi` My~ hoa`n toa`n co' the^? da'nh ba.i VN , nhu*ng ta.i sao ho. ko da'm ?????

-- Quan Quan (minhquanazn@yahoo.com), January 30, 2005.

It is a known fact, at least in contemporary logic, that everyone works their best towards benefitting themselves. Cooperative aggreement can ONLY be reached when an individual realizes, using backward induction, that stubbornly pursuing his good while ignoring the rights of others, will only lead to mutual destruction.

Such is the case with communism. If by nature, everyone wants to pleasure themselves, then how can a system built on personal sacrifice and mutual respect be endured? Communism fails on the logical base.

Furthermore, a learner of economics will tell you that a state-controlled market is only market in name. How can an organization, i.e. the government, knows what you and I, i.e. human beings, want? Therefore, from an economics base, communism fails to provide an efficient mean to maximizing God's given resources (be they natural or human).

Yet, this is only crude, pratical evidence.

The DOCTRINE of communism did not envision this. Karl Marx seeks to destroy the caste system emminent in the world that is entirely TRUE. The leaders of the USSR, however, took it upon themselves to ensure that the DOCTRINE remains intact, even though reality proves it faulty, by eliminating opposing forces. Realizing the power invoked at hand, it comes to no surprise that they then use it much more frequently, and for their own advantage, to ensure their interest, as common sense dictates that they would.

Nevertheless, like I have told you, the acts of Stalin and his lot do not in any way undermine the materialistic integrity of Karl Marx's doctrine. For all we know, Marx is still a very respected figure in the realm of philosophy.

Just to remind you, I am not a communist. I thought you would assume so just because I am playing the devil's advocate. In fact, I have already denounced communism's PRACTICALITY (not theory) on several bases in the last 6 months. However, I insist that a forceful shift of power, especially in a time like NOW, would be preposterous.

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), January 30, 2005.

Cam on ve bai post dai long thong bang tieng Anh trong khi Jubinell la nguoi Viet.

( Co mot dieu rat la la hau het cac Viet Kieu Hai ngoai deu lay nick name bang tieng Viet trong khi nhung nguoi Viet khong phai la thuong tru nhan - resident - lai khoai lay nickname bang tieng ngoai quoc- que huong la chum khe ngot ?- )

Jubinell lai dai giong ve cong san ly thuyet va cong san thuc te.

Jubinell co biet cong san quoc te ma Dang cong san VN nay theo la dang cong san quoc te thu may khong.

Dang cong san Mac Le Nin la de tam quoc te, tuc la cong san quoc te lan thu ba.

Hai lan truoc, chu thuyet cac mac duoc dua ra nhung deu khong thanh cong.

lan dau tien, De Nhat Quoc Te hay Hoi Quoc Te Cong Nhan do Chinh 2 ong to cong san la Marx va Engels lap ngay 28-9-1864 tai London, nhung chi 3 nam sau phai giai tan tai Philadelphia Hoa ky.

Dieu do noi len cai gi ?


Le Nin thuc hien duoc chu thuyet cua Marx sau khi pha tron voi BAO LUC, voi DOC TAI, voi SAT MAU.

Theo Jubinell, nhung nguoi chong cong san tren toan khap the gioi tu xua cho den nay, la nhung nguoi chong bon cong san thuc te hay ho la nhung nguoi chong cong san ly thuyet ?

Nhung hau qua cua cong san gay ra cho nhan loai la nhung hanh dong thuc te cua bon cong san hay la do nhung ly thuyet suong tren giay to ?

Thay doi quyen luc bay gio la mot dieu lo bich ?

Cai lo bich nhat la van doi duy tri mot chu thuyet phan tu nhien ma van cu cho la tu nhien.

Kich thich han thu qua khu ? chu thuyet cong san cua dang cong san VN co co bua liem la mot chu thuyet co nen tang ly luan cua mot triet thuyet trong qua khu hay tuong lai ?

Chu thuyet Marx Lenin khong co mui vi dau tranh ? khong co han thu ?

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 30, 2005.

Nay anh ban Quan Quan.

Anh ban noi nhung cai toi neu ra la do Hoa ky gay ra ha ?

Dau to dien chu, thanh toan thanh phan tri thuc theo mau muc cua trung cong ( cach mang van hoa ) LA DO HOA KY GAY RA A ?

Rat that vong, Quan Quan khong hon mot con vet .

khong ngo chu Quan Quan lai qua thap kem, xoang xinh den nhu vay

-- Tinh Co. (nghisaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 30, 2005.

Jubébé ơi ,cải nhau làm gì ,ta thấy tất cả từ quốc gia ,tư bản và cộng sản điều không hiểu nên cố bàn cãi và biện luận cho lý lẽ mình .

Tôi chưa thấy ai trả lời đúng :

" cha đẻ ra thuyết cộng sản là ai ? "

" Thuyết cộng sản có từ lúc nào ? "

" Tại sao từ lúc có chủ thuyết cộng sản tất cả các nước theo cộng sản không có nước nào giống nước nào ? " . . . .

-- thich du thu (toollovers@comcast.net), January 30, 2005.

-Nay Jubinell.

Toi thay cai dieu lo bich ( preposterous )nhat, ngo ngan nhat va khoi hai nhat la nhung nguoi co gang nan ni, thuyet phuc bon cong san tro nen luong thien ( honest ).

Cau noi :" Dung nghe nhung gi cong sn noi, ma hay nhin nhung gi cong san lam." Chac han Jubinell da nghe roi ( du rang khong thich ).

Con cau noi nay, Jubinell da tung nghe chua ?

" Cong san chi co the thay the chu khong the thay doi "

-- Tinh Co. (nghisaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 30, 2005.

Dear Tinh Co,

You're missing the point. In your original post you've used the world "CHU NGHIA." This is hardly levity. I obviously want to refer to the original teaching of Karl Marx and his contemporaries. Are you seriously saying that Vietnam is still communist country, with an ideology of its own?

Take another look. Under the banner of democracy you attack the current Vietnamest government, calling them communists. But you already know that economically speaking, Vietnam is on the path to, if not already, endorsing free market competition. What is still communistic about the system? That it calls itself so?

So then are you saying: "look at the so-called communist countries today: they are all hypocrites"? I might discuss that another time. But more the same, what does that have to do with the original doctrine of communism?

As for a shift of power, I worry less than you. With communism no longer popular, Vietnam is constantly under heavy scrutiny from capitalistic forces, waiting to devour it and perform "justice." You've seen what is done with Iraq. The leaders of Vietnam will do what it takes to ensure their own survival, even if that means--as ridiculous as you lads might want to see it--sparing more of their privately kept money for their so-called "miserable" citizens.

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), January 30, 2005.

Toi hoi Jubinell:

Ten nuoc VN ngay nay la gi ? " Cong Hoa Xa Hoi CHU NGHIA VN " hay la " Cong Hoa Xa Hoi CHU THUYET VN " ?

Khoi Cong san duoc goi la " Khoi CHU NGHIA Xa hoi " hay la Khoi " CHU THUYET xa hoi " ????

Nhung hau qua cua khoi Cong San gay ra cho nhan loai la do CHU THUYET cong san hay CHU NGHIA cong san ??

Bon cong san tuyen bo the nao ?

1/ Muon tien len CHU NGHIA xa hoi, phai co con nguoi xa hoi CHU NGHIA ?

hay la

2/ Muon tien len CHU THUYET xa hoi, phai co con nguoi xa hoi CHU THUYET ??

Trong dau bai cua toi post len, toi nhan manh den CHU NGHIA!

Con ly thuyet cua Mac Ang Ghen chi nam tren giay to, khong an thua gi den toi.

Dung co loi thoi vo van nua !

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 30, 2005.

Jubinell, hay lat tu dien Viet-Anh ra :

CHU NGHIA : - ism

* Cong san chu nghia : Communism = chinh quyen cong san, chu nghia cong san. He thong chu nghia cong san, hoc thuyet ve chu nghia cong san .

* fascISMo : Chu nghia phat - Xit

* communIST :(n) nguoi cong san. ( adj) cong san

* FascIST : nguoi theo chu nghia Phat -Xit

Nhu vay thi - theo Jubinell - nhung toi ac do ( Vietnamese ) communIST party(s) gay ra cho nhan loai ( va nhan dan VN ) thi ta goi la gi ?

Toi ac cua chu nghia cong san ?

O.K ?

Toi ac cua

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), January 30, 2005.

Let me ask you something Tinh Co. Supposed a terrorist takes hostage and then kills thousands of people, but he proclaims to be Christian and profess to doing it under his faith, would you then start saying Christianity is horrid, dangerous, and should be banned from the world?

I doubt it.

Do you know of a sect of Christianity called neo-Christianity who begins to interpret Bible verses differently to fit modern time? They believe the verse "your body is the the temple of the holy spirit of God" doesn't really mean your "body." They then say that smoking, drinking, cholesterol etc. are acceptable.

Do you nkow of a sect of Christianity who tests the Lord by putting themselves under extreme physical constraint like being bitten by snakes, fasting for a long period of time etc.?

Now if I cite these two groups and say Christianity is horrible would you accept it??

I doubt it.

The integrity of communism is similar, it cannot be assessed by the acts of a few individuals who claim themselves so. To be valid, we must refer to the original thing.

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), February 01, 2005.

Tra loi cho Jubinell ngan va gon :

Nhung nguoi theo Thien Chua Giao ma lam dieu tan ac la ho lam SAI nhung dieu ma Dang Sang Lap da chi day.

Con cac dang vien cua ta thuyet cong san lam nhung dieu tan ac la ho THUC THI DUNG DAN nhung loi ma Mac Le Nin da chi day.

Hoan Toan khac nhau.

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), February 01, 2005.

"Con cac dang vien cua ta thuyet cong san lam nhung dieu tan ac la ho THUC THI DUNG DAN nhung loi ma Mac Le Nin da chi day."

I have to ask you this: Have you ever read the communism manifesto? How many Marxist writings/documents have you encountered. Why don't you go ahead and do that.

Then you'll see that you're right and wrong, depending on what you mean by "nhung dieu tan ac."

Marx insists upon violence ONLY as a mean to reconcile social classes and abolish inequality between caste systems.

Once a communist state is secured, the function of the ruling party is technically redundant. In fact, Marx invisions that the conception of a "party" will no longer be necessary once Society is well under way to Utopia.

In reality, communists states have been enforcing Utopia upon its people, whose selfishness proves formidable to the overall progress of the State. As time passes on, minds grow weary and swords grow blunt. Ideals soon give way to corruption and degration of the original spirit.

Furthermore, nobody really endows the original doctrine, as society evolves and new complexities must be taken into account (Marx wasn't a learner of economics, especially international economics, which proves indispensable to modern politics). That is why there are Leninists, Maoists and people following "Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh."

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), February 01, 2005.

Nhung dieu ma cac can bo cong san " giao duc " cac tu binh trong cac trai tu cai tao :

- BAO LUC ( Tyranny ) Cach mang thang BAO LUC phan cach mang.

Co nghia la dung suc manh DE BEP ( Crushing )doi thu.

Ton Giao : Dung tinh thuong de hoan cai doi thu ( enemy ).

Lenin tuyen bo " Trong cuoc chien cua cach mang vo san tren toan the gioi, nguoi chien si vo san neu duoc ( Gain ) thi duoc tat ca, neu mat ( lose ) thi khong co gi de mat.

Co nghia la sao ha Jubinell ? nguoi chien si vo san chang co tai san gi ca, trong cong cuoc dau tranh giai cap de loai bo giai cap boc lot, neu ho thang, ho se co cua ai va dia vi , neu chang may ho thua, ho van chi la vo san.


Ton Giao : Dang sang lap cac ton giao nhan nhu cac tin do phai bo thi cua cai cho nguoi ngheo.

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), February 02, 2005.

"trong cong cuoc dau tranh giai cap de loai bo giai cap boc lot, neu ho thang, ho se co cua ai va dia vi"

I am in AWE of your ability to twist words and phrases. Where did you get this from?

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), February 02, 2005.

From communist officers . From Lenin's declaration .

Thanh that ma noi, toi thay toi nghiep nhung thanh phan tre ung ho cong san ngay hom nay.

Va toi cung cong nhan phan nao su thanh cong cua cong san trong van de bip bom tuyen truyen cho the he tre nam trong vung kiem soat cua chung.

Unesco khong he cong nhan Ho chi Minh la Danh Nhan Van Hoa, the ma bat ky ai cung huyen hoang Ho chi Minh la Danh nhan van Hoa.

Nhung menh lenh, nhung xao ngon cua cong san bip bom nguoi ngheo, nhung duong loi sat mau cua cong san doi voi nhung nguoi chong lai chung no . Nhung y do tham tan cua cong san trong cong cuoc cuop chinh quyen nup duoi danh nghia Doc lap va Thong Nhat dat nuoc...Nhung lop tre nhu Jubinell hoan toan khong he biet den.

Vay thi mong moi the he tre tai Vn dua toi ac cong san ra truoc toa an lich su the nao duoc.

Va cung an ui cho chung toi la lam mot cong viec khong den noi nghich lai luong tam. la len tieng ve nhung su that ma bon cong san da co gang bung bit va che dau.

Jubinell chac biet rat ro ve nhung hinh anh ve cac trai tu binh giam giu cong san tao Con Son.

Nhung chac chac jubinell hoan toan khong he biet den nhung trai tu binh ma cong san giam giu binh linh VNCH tai Nam Lao. Neu so sanh nhung noi nay; Thi trai tu Con Dao la Thien Duong.

Khong co phong vien nao duoc phep co mat de ghi lai hinh anh cua nhung trai tu " dia nguc tran gian do " chi co nhung nhan chung con song sot voi tuoi gia suc yeu.

Neu nghe noi den nhung hanh dong cua nhung ten " ac on " cai tu cong san tai day. chac chan nhung nguoi tre tuoi nhu Jubinell se la len : " nghe duoc nhung cai do tu dau ? lam gi co chuyen do ? "

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), February 02, 2005.

Chang le Jubinell chua bao gio nghe cau nay cua Lenin a ;

Trong cuoc cach mang vo san , nguoi chien si vo san se khong co gi de mat, vi neu thang, nguoi chien si vo san se co tat ca, neu thua, ho khong co gi de mat..

di hoi may ong cong san gia xem sao.

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), February 02, 2005.

-- (tosu_cs@yahoo.com), February 02, 2005.

Tinh Co, Not only am I in awe at your ability to twist words and phrases, I am also in awe of your inability to under simple, basic instructional English. This is what I said: ---
"trong cong cuoc dau tranh giai cap de loai bo giai cap boc lot, neu ho thang, ho se co cua ai va dia vi" I am in AWE of your ability to twist words and phrases. Where did you get this from?
Now you can't even follow simple instructions. I said: "Where did you get this from," meaning THIS PHRASE: "trong cong cuoc dau tranh giai cap de loai bo giai cap boc lot, neu ho thang, ho se co cua ai va dia vi" and NOT THIS PHRASE: "Trong cuoc cach mang vo san , nguoi chien si vo san se khong co gi de mat, vi neu thang, nguoi chien si vo san se co tat ca, neu thua, ho khong co gi de mat." Now are you tell me that "tat ca" literally means "TAT CA," including the sun, the stars, and his boss's wife? Don't you think that Lenin isn't that dumb to literally mean that EACH OF THEM will get EVERYTHING, even though he knows that one man's gain is another man's loss?

-- Jubinell (Jube@Jube.Jube), February 03, 2005.

Cau hoi cua Jubinell khong co gi kho de ma hieu.

toi chi e rang Jubinell " gia vo " khong hieu cau tra loi cua toi, van de qua ro rang .

Toi yeu cau Jubinell giai thich tinh than cau phat bieu cua LeNin ung dung vao hoan canh thuc te tai VN hom nay

Cau phat bieu cua LeNin

" Trong cong cuoc cach mang vo san tren toan the the the gioi, nguoi chien si vo san khong co gi de mat, neu thang; ho se co duoc tat ca, neu thua, ho khong co gi de mat "

tinh hinh thuc te tai VN ngay hom nay :

Nhung chien si vo san cua VN ngay xua hung hang thuc hien dung dan triet ly dau tranh giai cap. Ho da danh bai dien chu o ngoai bac, va sau do 20 nam; danh bai tu san o mien nam.

thuc te bay gio, yeu cau Jubinell hay nhin qua mot vong chung quanh xa hoi VN ngay nay, cac chien si vo san ngay hom qua , la nhung can bo cong san ngay hom nay TAI SAN CUA HO LA GIAU HAY LA NGHEO ?

Dai da so can bo cong san VN ngay hom nay thanh liem hay la tham nhung ?

Va ho khong them de y toi van de giau ngheo nua, ai giau co thi cung chang sao, vi no da tro thanh mot chuyen duong nhien va ra binh thuong.

Tai sao ?

Tai sao nhung chien si vo san hung hang danh bai nhung nguoi giau co hon ho ( richer than their )theo dung triet ly dau tranh giai cap, va ho chi thoai mai bo qua van de giau ngheo mot khi ho cung giau co nho vao tham nhung va duc khoet cua cong ?

hay suy luan dua vao cau tuyen bo cua Lenin.

-- Tinh Co (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), February 04, 2005.

Theo Jubinell." Tat ca " trong cau phat bieu cua Lenin la gi ?

Chien si vo san la khong co tai san ( property )

Co duoc Tat ca co phai la " gain " duoc tai san cua bon " boc lot " hay la khong ?

Tro lai de tai chinh ( Main Subject ) :

Nan nhan ( Victims ) cua chu nghia Fascism la cac dan toc khac - dien hinh la dan toc Do Thai -

Con doi thu ( enemy )cua cac chien si vo san la ai ?

la nguoi cua dan toc khac ? hay chi la giai cap khac cung trong dan toc cua chinh ho ?

Co phai cong cuoc cach mang cua cac chien si vo san la danh bai nguoi cua chinh dan toc cua ho hay khong ?

Hay tra loi ngay thang .

-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), February 04, 2005.

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