AGNOSTIC : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread


-- PUNKER (, February 13, 2005


No Agnostics do not worship the Pope. In fact no Christian at all worships the Pope! Catholics on the other hand give honour and respect for the Pope as a Church leader and follow what he proclaims as infalliable because the Holy Spirit speaks through him on such councils as the Spirit does the Bishops as well, but that is as far as it goes.

And from what else I understand Agnostics do not deny the exsistence of God or a god, but nor do the believe in them or Him. It's a step up from an athiest.

Perhaps another can answer it better though.

-- Jason (, February 13, 2005.

Agnostic = no knowledge

That's right, they have the knowledge that it is not possible to have knowledge of God. Sounds self-contradictory to me.

Tim Kirschenheiter

-- Tim K. (, February 13, 2005.


-- Pat Thompson (, February 13, 2005.

Yes, strictly speaking an agnostic is someone who believes "it is impossible for ANYONE to know whether or not God/gods, life after death, or any other supernatural thing exists, or anything about their nature." However many people today call themselves "agnostic" when they really mean "I put all that in the too hard basket because I'm too lazy to consider any of it." Some add, illogically, "God may be true for you but not for me."

Punker, nobody that I know of worships the Pope. Catholics would regard that as just about the most serious sin you could commit.

-- Steve (, February 13, 2005.

A question for PUNKER, how about it?

Punker, who does the Pope worship? Do you know?

In the middle ages, Catholics had a Pope. Who did THAT Pope worship? Go back many more centuries to those Popes. Who did they worship? Give this some thought. Tell us what you think, OK?

-- eugene c. chavez (, February 14, 2005.

Querido Eugene: te doy un buen consejo: no pierdas tu tiempo haciéndole caso a Punker. Se ve que aparte de mal educado (siempre nos GRITA EN EL FORO ESCRIBIENDO TODO CON MAYUSCULAS) es un ignorante: imagínate que "adorar al Papa" ¿dónde aprendió semejantes estupideces? Te recomiendo seguir dos antiguos y sabios proverbios españoles: "Hacer caso a los locos es engrandecerlos" y el otro: "A palabras necias, oídos sordos".

Por otra parte sigue con tu labor de aclarar las dudas de los que deveras quieren aprender y de orientar a tantos que andan errados.

Que Dios te bendiga.


-- Enrique Ortiz (, February 14, 2005.

De acuerdo, Enrique. Siempre me parece este joven menos abusivo que aquel malo. Le hago tales preguntas con fin de mostrarles no solo a ellos, pero a todo mundo

Que un Papa es quisa mas adorador del Senor que lo que piensan los corrientes. El Papa por definicion es el mayor ejemplar cristiano.

Gracias por el apoyo, Mi Enrique!

-- eugene c. chavez (, February 14, 2005.

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