What was the deal with Jr. High.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

Jesus, i'd like you to forward a message to your superior and allmighty. There are some questions I have to ask. Mainly, why did you allow all the beatings and such to happen to me? I was a sin-free teenager. My mom still says it's because I had filthy thoughts and was corrupted by the internet and Harry Potter devil-worship.

So I thought about some cheerleaders once in a while. Does that mean I deserve to get hit with a locker padlock and stuffed into a locker? Actually, the locker thing happened many times. I had no friends, and you pay me back by doing things like this to me? Everything I prey for, the exact opposite happens.

Do I have to harass more homosexuals before I can have your blessing and have good luck for once?

-- Andy Poland (macaw72@hotmail.com), February 20, 2005


[Postings from]

-- crybaby (baja@baka.com), February 20, 2005.

1: Jesus can't "Forward this to his superior, the almighty". Jeus is the almighty. so learn Christain theology 101 before comgn to mock us.

2: Even though yo think this is funny, its not. Only an idiot woidl think that mokcing someone sbeleifs the ay you do, by actively seekign them out on thei own boards and coming up with utter gibberish is funny. fortunealy for yo the inernet is rife with idiots whoim you can amise and amus yourswlf with, regretabel though this baord lacks htem.

Please leave and mature before procceeding. also learn that tolerence, the buz word sued so often today, applis to Chrisaisn beelifs as well.

3: Try leavign peopel aloen and not mokcign their sacred beleifs, and see how nie they are to you. maybe your distorted image of Christainit, no doubt gnerated by media and popular hype, is extended by peooels overreacitosn to suhc "Jokes".

But a th same time, wehn constantly harrassed, how welse will soemoen respnd?

4; You worry over christaisn harrassing Homoseuxlas? Your harrasisng Chrisains! Don you see that thats the same thing! and most Christaisn DO NOT harrass people. Yes soem exist. Yes There is a Phelps guys who pickets Homoseuxals. He is nto representative of the majority of Chrisains.

Now, please leave, grow up, maturer, and learn the value of respectign others, and learn that its not nice to go up to peopel and devlaue their beelifs.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), February 20, 2005.

perhaps you need to be sober before posting.

-- shibby mateo (shibby3mateo@ucsd.net), February 20, 2005.

Since I don drink, Im always sober...

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), February 20, 2005.


Are those words of experience?


-- rod (elreyrod@yahoo.com), February 21, 2005.


Sometimes life sucks. Soon you'll be out of high school and will never see those yahoos again. It might seem like it takes forever, but believe me, you'll be out of there before you know it. Don't do anything stupid, and get good grades so you can go to college and end up having them working for you.


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), February 21, 2005.

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