Vx1000 Trade + money

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Well i have a 3 week old Sony DCR-TRV22 and i was considering trading it with someone for a sony vx1000. The TRV22 had only been used about 15 times and is still in mint condition. I would include all that came with it (tv jacks,usb cord,...so on) and a carrying case. I would also put in around an extra $100 or so. Only reason i want a vx100 is for the top handle. The trv22 has a touch display which makes it really nice to navigate.

Picures of my trv22

http://xs17.xs.to/pics/05082/DSCF0002.JPG http://xs17.xs.to/pics/05082/DSCF0003.JPG http://xs17.xs.to/pics/05082/DSCF0004.JPG http://xs17.xs.to/pics/05082/DSCF0005.JPG

Please e-mail me if you want to do this offer.

-- corey (skater4life757@gmail.com), February 21, 2005

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