Tues 1 Mar (Journalism)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mr. Waller's C period Bulletin Board : One Thread

Write and post a "News-in-Brief" article, consisting of a lead paragraph and a second paragraph, perhaps with a quote. The entire posting should be about 50 words. -and- Happy Belated Birthday Jason!

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2005


The Science National Honor Society sponsored a lecture on the innovative field of bioinformatics by VCU professor Dr. Jeff Elhai on February 24 in club sponsor Mrs. Hick's room.

"He exposed some real problems in the world of science," said club president Chris Boswell ('05). "[He exposed] the importance of creating a system with biologists that utilize BioLingua and other computer languages."

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2005

Thursday was the first of several tutoring sessions arranged by a dedicated group of MLWGS students. The tutoring is set to take place from 4:00-5:30 on the MLWGS campus, however this Thursday no students showed up to be tutored!

Rachel Savoy (’06), who is organizing the tutoring, personally went door to door in the neighboring area in order to promote awareness about the available tutoring.

“My goal is to have children come every week because they enjoy it…[it should be] a place where they can come and learn, but also to have fun learning,” said Savoy of her efforts.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2005

On Tuesday, March 1, the Varsity and JV MLWGS Boys Soccer teams were selected from around 40 strapping young men by Varsity and JV coaches Dan and Dave Park, respectively.

“The coach picks the strongest players,” said Sam Schaffer, one of three freshman varsity players (‘08). “It didn’t matter what position they played.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2005

Policy debaters recently competed in the Virginia High School League (VHSL) District debate tournament held at MLWGS on Tuesday, February 22.

Captains Aileen Zhang and Shaily Pandey won first place in contemporary policy debate. Sophomores Michael Douglass and Nick Wamsley placed second in classical policy, and a team consisting of Hai-In Kim (’07) and Sohini Sircar (’07) placed third.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2005

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