Leeds Central Club Fire

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

This is a note that my ALrails Yahoo! Group recieved this morning (03-07-2005). What was this sturcture and it's significance?

Another Central landmark is gone in Leeds. The infamous Central Club burned yesterday from an unknown fire that started at the rear of the building. The Central Club was located next to the Harry Walker siding and near the original Central passenger depot that once served Leeds.

Jerry (Voyles)

Dale E. Burns

-- Dale E. Burns (trainshooter@charter.net), March 07, 2005


Hmmmm, guess I should have waited a little while to receive an answer from my own group. Here, according to the writer of the original message, is what the Central Club was..........

The Central Club was a railroad oriented beer joint built near the tracks in the area of where the old C of G depot used to be. So, they named it after the Central. It was a local landmark in Leeds and legend has it that the old building would shake every time a train would pass by and it was a custom to raise your beer bottle high to salute the train. Yesterday, someone decided to torch the place.

Dale E. Burns Webmaster..Dale's Alabama Rail Pic's www.alabamarailpics.com

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-- Dale E. Burns (trainshooter@charter.net), March 07, 2005.

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