using reality therapy in group setting : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

i am wondering if this theory is applied the same in a group setting. in addition, which populations does it work the best with? what is the efficacy and what outcomes would you be working towards?

-- korinne gongos (, March 08, 2005


Korrine, I like this question, as it allows me some think time. A few years ago, during my Advanced Week, in preparation for my Certification Week, I was able to develop a game, based upon Barnes Boffey’s Transition Questions. Prior to starting the game, the players were to identify Have’s, Do’s, and Be’s. Have’s are just as the word implies-- things, objects, toys, etc. Do’s were activities in which they’d like to participate. Be’s were states of being or ways they’d like to be. These items were then written of corresponding Have, Do, and Be cards and placed in three piles on the game board. Players then rolled a die and moved to squares on the board. If they stopped on a Have space, they drew a Have card. They were then led through the Transition Questions. Note--they might or might not be dealing with their own want's. In fact, it is very likely they were being questioned about another player’s Qualilty World item. One very positive aspect of this game is that it allows an individual to understand his/her want from another’s perspective and, if you would, vicariously work through either attaining, doing, and working to be that particular way. In addition, under the game's procedure, they'd have an opportunity to express their thoughts, regarding their own item in anonymonity

This would be a Fun and Powerful (collective Knowledge of the group) way to find ways to gratify needs. I suppose that’s what the application of Choice Theory, Reality Therapy, is all about. I would think that if there is pervasive feeling of safety and trust in the group, it would work. As far as what outcomes we’d work toward--What is it that you want?

-- Ted Donato (, March 09, 2005.

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