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Government - International/Nation States Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
New brothers in arms
'Pakistan plans jehadi belt around India'
Iran promises to rescue any U.S. personnel
What do you think about a National ID Card?
Iran 'pursuing nuclear programme'
Keeping the public in check the Canadian way.
How well gun control worked in Australia
Iran Becoming the Great Power of Western Asia
Mex police detain man w bombs near US Embassy
International summits turn into armed camps.
Fourteen Immigrants Die In Arizona Desert
Mexico plans to issue survival kits to border crossers
Philippines:State of Rebellion
Brazilian government threatens anti-globalization march
Fighter Jets Could Reinforce China Flights
China exerting regional influence
China to release spy plane crew
Chinese planes collect electronic data
Tokyo walks tightrope as elderly Chinese 'await' war
Crisis may affect arms sale to Taiwan
China's Military Demands Hard Line Against Washington
Was America hunting for a new killer submarine?
Public pissed over weak U.S. response to China
China is endangering its interests
China Hints At Desire To End Standoff With US
Hainan: From accident to incident to accident?
Hainan incident: Foreign and domestic entanglements
North Korea moves forward missile deployment along border
Israel bracing for Katyusha rocket attacks on cities
India's population reaches 1.027 billion
China Ups The Ante
China: Hide those beggars
Russian Air Force Chief Accuses West of Probing Air Defenses
India tests long-range ballistic missile
Civil war fear over Arafat revenge on 'collaborators'
Russia will reportedly skip payment on massive debt
Arafat Faction Calls for Escalated Uprising
Cuba, China Sign Military Collaboration Agreement
Israeli submarines said to be placed on high alert
Israel braced for war with Syria
Iran leader urges destruction of 'cancerous' Israel
Canada: Office recalls almost 10,000 defective passports
New uprising erodes settler security, morale, says Fatah
Ten killed in occupied east Jerusalem today
This time the intifada is global
Vigilante rule brings anarchy to Bethlehem
Heavy Gunbattles Rage in Bethlehem
UK:Plan to spy on emails and phone calls
Israeli curfew crushes the life out of old Hebron
Israel in political turmoil as violence continues
New crisis may erupt, Yugoslavia's leader warns West, U.N.
IDF allows fuel supplies into Gaza
Palestinian unity grows as life gets worse
Yugoslav tanks amass near Kosovo
Russia calls for EU intervention in Mid East crisis
Israeli Jets Strike South Lebanon
Israeli tanks prepare to seize West Bank land from Arafat
Israel should attack - Netanyahu
Yemen Groups Want U.S. Goods Boycotted Over Mideast
Argentina's debt crisis is a global problem
Argentina paralysed by strike action
Gaza running out of money for food
Four Palestinians killed in Israeli tank attack
Egypt pulls its Ambassador out of Israel
New level of fighting in Mideast
Saudis Tell Cohen Palestinians Should Be Protected
A death the Israelis cannot ignore
Mideast clashes continue despite Arafat's cease-fire order
Middle East in freefall
Mid-East clashes intensify
Israel:Clashes Drag Down Upscale Settlers
Palestinians 'at war' with Israel
Bomb blast launches new "day of rage" against Israel
China backs Palestinian independence
Oil is one thing - unity is another
Saudis Open Border With Iraq
Mideast crisis threat to Euro-Med partnership
Israeli Arabs growing angrier, experts say
Israeli tanks pound Palestinian positions
Israel's apartheid
Southern Jerusalem evacuated as gun battles rage
Defying U.S., Arabs Widen Iraqi Ties
Conflict may spread, Israel warns Europe
Analysis: Israel's new military strategy
Rockets blast Arafat offices
Arab Uprising Shows No Sign Of Diminishing
High tech infrastructures vulnerable to New Terrorism
Calamity for Euro Goes Far Beyond Gaffes by Central Bank President
Israel :Cost of crisis over $1b
Israel braces for suicide terror campaign
Plot to Bomb NY Hotels
Palestinian militias swap stones for M-16s
World: Hundreds injured as Jordanians try to cross Israeli-controlled border
Islamic Terrorists Arriving In The Mideast From Britain
Israel:Street clashes now deliberate warfare
Arabs declare jihad and agree $1bn aid deal for Palestinians
Israel stops Iraqi food convoy for Palestinians -INA
China Prepares U.S. War Scenarios
Arafat vows intifada will continue
Yemenis march for Palestine
Iran's Khomeini: Only way to solve crisis is to eradicate Israel
Arab ministers urge action against Israel
Israeli Security forces on terror alert
Israelis, Palestinians Battle
Israelis queue for gas masks
Israel Secret security agreement reported
Jerusalem: Fierce battles despite truce
China's military says it's ready to use force against Taiwan
Rather: What A Mess
Palestinians attempt to storm US consulate in Sydney
America's Worst Nightmare?
Arab leaders worried by Arafat's destabilizing region
Palestinian leader refuses to attend summit
In the unhappy land where Islamic mobs rule, the police do nothing and Israeli troops guard the exits
US closes African embassies
Israel on 'war footing' as terror attack fears escalate
Jewish Settlers go on rampage after gunship attack
Middle East on the edge of war
Latest Violence Raises Threat Of Large-Scale Communal Warfare
Israel hits back after killings
Middle East Tense, With Fears of Terrorism, Hints of Talks
Israel's Arabs: Enemies within?
Israeli army mobilises reserves
Palestinians turn anger toward the United States
Frustration, blunders, led to Mid-East crisis
Editorial comment: Middle East slide to war
Fears of wider Mideast conflict
Israel faces war threat
Analysis: Arab opinion hardens
Yemen says "help arm Palestinians"
Iran warns Israel over Lebanon
Nowhere to Hide As Israelis Destroy Gaza Site
Arab World, Angry With Israel, Demonstrates
Israel faces war on two fronts as fighting breaks out in Lebanon
Barak orders withdrawal of soldiers
Thousands protest against Israel in Nigeria, UAE
Israeli Forces Storm Al Aqsa Mosque
New low for Aussie dollar
Conflicts, clashes plunge Bolivia into severe crisis
Iran calls for attacks on Israel
Kuwait says it won't be provoked by Iraq
Fierce battles rage in Mideast as leaders meet
Gun Violence Rages in Mideast
Mideast close to 'all-out war'
Violence Flares in Israel; 3 Dead
Are anarchist protests harbingers of fascism?
Syria launches first Scud D missile
Britain: government threatens anti-strike laws following fuel tax protests
Russia Sets Out to Tackle '2003 Problem'
Russia Sets Out to Tackle '2003 Problem'
Arafat lashes out at Israel
Russia's 'Black August'
Russian Infrastructure, Disaster Waiting To Happen?
Are British bobbies reading your e-mail?
Israel 'may have 200 nuclear weapons'
Drugs stockpiled in case of Olympics attack
UK: Police to track mobile phone users :
West Bank gears up for war
UK: Inland Revenue web site woes
UK:Millions of 'missing' tax records
Misprint glitch could render 100-euro notes worthless
Uk: 140,000 youth offenders wiped from computer
Toxic Gas Cloud Threatens 300,000 in Russian Far East
UK: Inland Revenue resorts to sophistry to deny Y2K bug plague
AUS: Secret plan in place to fight electronic war
UK: Unexplained fault hits No. 10's website
UK: Software upgrade failure leaves Revenue facing prospect of manual assessment
Miscounted Beans: Japan's GDP Flub
Venezuela Turns to U.S. for Computers
Vast database details every Canadian's life
Computer glitches cast shadow over Venezuelan elections
Prague Air Navigation Services Says Prepared for Hackers
UK: Gov't site crashes under weight of public opinion
Brazilian tax Information leaked
Chinese missiles could hit U.S. forces
Russia test fires 2 ICBMs
Report predicts Australia to be country of great divide (infrastructure issues)
Y2K and drunks
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