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Legal Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
Legal industry suffers blow in Trade Center attack
Jackson to make reparations a priority
Legal barriers to human cloning may not hold up
CA: Drug initiative trims prison population
Mill cutting hundreds of jobs
U.S.: Cameras Scanned Super Bowl Crowd for Suspects
OR: Lawsuit targets Measure 3 limits
OT: The US election
MA: Pending Lawsuit Accuses Independent Energy Holdings PLC Of Fraud
Report Finds Companies Used Law to Shield Against Y2K Suits
US Site that tracks y2k lawsuits
Boston: Woman Sues Storage Company
Insurance and legal concerns - for the archives
UPDATE - Grand Adventures Sues Software Vendors
Lloyd's Chairman Issues Wake-Up Call To US Healthcare Industry On Electronic Risks
UPDATE - Y2K Still Bugging Lawyers
UPDATE - Hershey Foods Ponders Lawsuit over Computer-Linked Losses
100 New York Businesses Sue Utility for $50 Million Over Blackout
Owens Corning Sues Insurers Over 160 million in Year 2000 Costs
WILMINGTON - Owens Corning Sues Insurers Over Y2K Costs
Attorneys Still Looking for Ways to Recover Y2K Costs for Companies, Despite Absence of Y2K Glitches, I.I.I. Economist Says
NY: Xerox's Y2K Claim to Proceed in Court
LEGAL - Synchronics Gets Y2K Judgment In Action Over Noncompliant System
Mealey Publications Reports Port Of Seattle Sues 7 Insurers For Y2K Costs
INDIANA--Newspaper Sues Over Fish Kill Records
Seattle--Lawsuit, Complaint Charges BMC with Violations
CA, San Fran - Providian (credit cards) blames glitch for $millions in late fee overpayments; DA's office claims fraud
An innocent man
Supreme Court halts electronic records case
New York; CA - Anderson Kill Insurance Services (AKIS) warns: Y2k Insurance Claims deadline approaching fast
NSAs privacy pledges not enough
2000 glitch delays petitions
Y2K costs and counting
Bank faces legal action for glitch
The bugs not gone yet (lawyers)
Legal Actions and Firings Over Y2K "Exaggerations?"
GICC Thread Category: Legal
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