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Y2K Overview Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
Y2K still a problem in courts
Part II: How Terrorist Activity Could Cause Civilization To Collapse
Charlotte's Web: An Overview of Infrastructure Vulnerability
Y2K flaw blamed for Down's Syndrome test errors
8/3/2001 Compilation of Some Y2K-Related Threads, References, & Reports
This week's Y2K stories
Land of milk and honey under watering ban
This week's Y2K stories
State Dept May 2001 Report: Year 2000 Lessons Learned
This week's Y2K stories
Arabs discuss water crisis
Y2K Is Finally Here
Recent headlines of Y2K problems
Idaho Water woes and worries
KS: Another audit finds shortcomings in Johnson County offices
The Institution of Electrical Engineers re Y2K: The Millennium Problem in Embedded Systems 4-2-2001 thru 2100
MD: Police Chief says Y2K killed cops' crime-tracking computer
Y2K pays off in Neighborhood preparedness for storm
Bunker Fever
Ottawa, Despite Three Years' Preparation, Remains Vulnerable
In what years might Y2K patches break down?
What are your views on Y2K, from 2001?
Quicken Fiscal Literacy Survey
Y2K threat boosted states' efficiency
Community born of Y2K fears blossoms in Blue Ridge
Y2K Bug: The Year 2000 in review
It sure looks like these posting are accelerating.
Review: August 12, 1999 - Adding fuel to the fire of Y2K
Pre-, post-Y2K attitudes are basis of doctoral dissertation
UPDATE - Experts Maintain Importance after Y2K
Miscellaneous sources of information re Y2K - for the archives
UPDATE - Zilog's Y2K Upgrade Yields Benefits
NEVADA - Insurer Sued Over Y2K Fixes at Mandalay
I'm Okay, You're Okay?
UPDATE - Y2K Fixes Didn't Come Cheaply for State Firms
MALAYSIA - Y2K Overview
What Happened to Y2K Heroes After the Date Change?
UPDATE - Y2K...A Lookback
UPDATE - In Search Of The Post-Y2K Gravy Train
UPDATE - PA, NJ Officials Report Minor Y2K Bugs in First Quarter...Computers Will Be Monitored At Least Through June 30
PA - Malvern Computer Firm's Fortunes Rise as Y2K Fears Fade
DENVER - Final Tally for Y2K Bug Tops $433M
US - Y2K Lives on in Company Expenses
IRS Says It Violated Its Own Code
Aetna reports: Y2K - Worth Every Penny
NJ - Terror, Y2K Work Profits Port Authority Police
SECTOR BENCHMARKS: Banks, Electric, Plant Outages, Nuclear Power, Oil, Gasoline, Natural Gas, Transit, Aviation, Railroads, Pipelines, National Guard, Emergency Services, 911, Mail Service
Puerto Rico blames Y2K for drop in hotel registrations
DELAWARE (USA)--Y2K Testing Investigation
Jim Lord: Y2K: Last Hurrah, Final Thoughts
Breathe easy, Y2K is over?
World Y2K group to continue
Spreadsheet of Y2K Glitches Available
A sampling of Y2K glitches since Jan. 1:
Administration Claims Credit for Undoing Y2K Bug
City's switch glitch
British research reports 100 significant global Y2k failures in January
An Astrological Approach to Y2K and 1.1.2000 Written Before The Rollover
Majority of Y2k PC problems will occur in April
InfoWorld - How Y2K Affected One Leading Technology News Web Site
Y2K patent holders trying to collect fees
Y2k prep saves the day
Illinois - Y2k trouble; Railroad gates, ATMs among items hit
Example of a Typical Minor Problem
UK Taskforce 2000: Guenier shuts up Y2K shop
Partial List Of Prominent Computer Glitches Since 1-1-00
Y2K global glitch list complete
Y2k Reality
67 failures plus future problems
There's no beating the bug The Y2K variety was puny but, warns Chris Hudson, there are plenty more out there
Glitch Collection
Florida Problems - variety this week
Power Plant & Other Problems in Alaska this week
Excerpts from Y2K IEEE white paper
A sprinkling of Y2K troubles - from CNET News
Y2K bug prophet warns next few weeks crucial
More Glitch Reports
Multicountry Survey Shows 15 Positive Technical Outcomes of Y2K
"Normal" problems
Looking for a Catchy Phrase for The Game's Not Over
speculations - the day after
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