Thanks Angry for the $.02.. :) Mark Longridge has done an exceptional job in helping create the TG settings page for what it is today. Allthough there are a few games unfortunately I have to dissagree on as far as the settings are concerned, and figured this is where I would gladly help a player when in question on the settings for a particular game. A good example (I'm sure Angry will back me up on this one) is on the game Donkey Kong 3. According to Mark's TG settings page, he only allows 3 men to start (which is perfectly fine) but only 1 more man and no extra's thereafter?! I'm sorry, but if anyone has ever played this game like Angry and myself have, you too will see that getting a score of 2.1M or 1.9M (in the TG book) with just 4 men is extremely hard to believe! We both used the default settings for this game but honestly, we probably could of bumbed up the extra men awarded from 30K to maybe 40K which would of put the settings somewhere in the middle like I mentioned yesterday. Also, if you visit his TG setting page, and want to look up the settings for most of the Williams games, you will only see the settings for "Tournement" mode, NOT "Marathon" (default) mode. Mark doesn't believe in the Marathon settings or "playing forever" which in some instances I can understand, but I think we should give the player the opportunity to submit a score on the default settings as there are many many scores in the TG book to compare with these such settings. The book has 2 score lists for most of the Williams games and a few others (Q*bert, Missle Command, Star Wars and Star Trek) I will be talking to Walter in the next few days about possibly adding another 2nd list of scores for these games for tournement settings (Centipede, Millipede, Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Mr. Do, Gyruss, and Galaga) Reason being is because all of these games do not have an inevitable end can be played for ever. It would also be interesting to see what players can do with 5 men on these games and no extra men awarded.(posted 9466 days ago)Regards, Steve Krogman