This is in response to Steve Krogmans posting regarding TG settings that can't be found... Steve makes a very good explanation of how the TG settings are derived, and gives some insight as to how a player can make a limited judgement on their own. My only concern is at the end of his message, where Steve says:(posted 9466 days ago)If any player has a question about a setting for a particular game they can e-mail me and I will figure out the correct setting for the game and then confirm it with Walter Day to see if it will be an official setting to add to his archive.
Considering that Mark Longridge is the official Twin Galaxies judge for all MAME emulation game scores, shouldn't we be running these questions through Mark? I'm sure both Steve (being the official TG judge for PC games), and Walter (doing *everything* that he does), have better things to do.
Just my $.02... =Angry=