This was a subjective call for me, but eventually decided something had to be done about it. I wouldn't consider what you did leeching, but you got lucky and milked pointed and knew you were doing so. In later levels when you split discs it is really self-defense and you are not really trying to gain easy points. Your milking was different from 3 others that also got penalized. In the other cases, the player waited for 15 (!) discs to be tossed and subsequently split. In your case your gain was 8 stuns * 200 for 1600 pts. The other 3 cases was 15 disc splits * 100 for 1500. I decided to deduct 1000 points from all 4 recordings. Note that ROUGH's recording of 110700 has been DQ'ed for points leeching. He purposely did not move the mouse and used this to his full advantage. Just check his game which is now in last place with 0 points.(posted 9220 days ago)