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Response to Tetanus shots for Lambs--Docking & Castrating

from sheepish (rborgo@gte.net)
Yeah, that sleepless night thing...we have a baby monitor (radio shack cheapo model) out in the barn, and we leave it on. I have the other monitor next to the bed, and during lambing I check it every two hours (set the alarm). We listen to hear if there's any bawling (hungry lamb) but also to hear any pawing around (restless ewe) etc. That monitor is powerful...we can hear owls and stuff a mile away. We do barn checks every 2 hours also. My husband always gets the 1 am and 5 am checks, and invariably the lambs are just on the ground around 5! So why keep checking before!! However, our first year, we had a stillborn, and 2 lambs that I needed to reposition and assist out. What a way to start learning! I hope everyone had a good lambing season, and hope and pray that ours goes well, too. And that the coffee is hot!
(posted 9008 days ago)

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