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Response to The Founding Fathers ?

from Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com)
I went and did some research on Sweden. During the early part of the twentieth century The rise of communism and it's cousin socialism was reaching it's height. During the 1930's Sweden began to create a huge social system that many in the following decades admired. Sweden has quite a large social system and in fact in 1987 while the average income was 154,950 workers only took home 74,886. Many economists tried in vain to warn Sweden about the eventual effects of such a large tax burden on the nation. In the 1950s and 60s Sweden was proclaimed a model for other nations when it came to balancing socialism with a free market. The question is is socialism freedom? In my opinion the answer is no. It is not freedom in Sweden or the United States. The whole concept of the redistribution of income came from the minds of both Lenin and Marx and others like them. The idea is to "help" the poor through giving one persons income to another forcing the first to do without to give to the other. The idea was to take advantage of the bourgeoisie in favor of the proletariat. In other words steal from the rich and give to the poor. The only thing is that in any socialist society the rich are not the only ones stolen from. In fact often the very people the laws are supposed to help are the people that pay the ultimate price. A Good example of this is American zoning and building laws. originally these laws were put in place to make sure that the poor would not have substandard housing, but those same laws have since become the reason most poor people cannot afford to get beyond their current statis. We have state enforced homelessness compliments of socialism. This has been true also in Sweden where in the past thirty years socialism has led to a considerable recession and economic instability. Domestic Violence, rape and suicide is up sharply. Maybe not so safe walking the streets after all. Socialism is just another form of slavery. It binds with invisible chains and holds us back from achieving our goals. Strength comes from fighting for our livelihood. Having everything given to us makes us weak and unhappy. Hunger builds stronger people. It keeps us close to where our food comes from. The very things that we homestead for are the very things that should bring us to freedom. The fact that there are not more people on the edge of hunger has created this insatiable society we live in. I hear socialists constantly spouting horrible prophecies of starving children, but in the greatest depression America ever endured I have talked to no one who didn't call it the happiest time of their childhood. Needing, wanting, missing. All these things stretch us to greater heights of achievement. This is what freedom does. If you look at America's history you can see that the greatest achievements in American life Whether in the Appalachians or in the sunny state of California took place in times of hardship. People we must look beyond our physical comfort to the human spirit to see that just because something bad happens to us does not mean that it isn't good for us.

Little Bit Farm

(posted 8953 days ago)

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