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Response to mail order chicken problems

from A.T. Hagan (athagan@netscape.net)
Not that I've ever wanted to raise any of the exotic varieties but I've never needed to order chicks from a hatchery. All of our local feed & seed stores in my area carry chicks in the Spring. I didn't attempt to make a complete list but from the four stores that I contacted some of the available varieties were:

Plymouth Rocks, barred and white Rhode Island Reds Red Leghorns Production Reds Buff Orpingtons Gold Laced Wyandottes Cochins Black Sex Links

There were more but I was after Barred Rocks and didn't really pay attention after that but I did pick up some Gold Laced Wyandottes just for novelty.

One advantage of buying from your local feed & seed stores (other than supporting local businesses) is you don't have to buy a large number of them and you can look at what you're getting before you buy them. Spring is when all of our stores carry chicks so this is the time to start investigating.


The Prudent Food Storage FAQ, v3.5


(posted 8947 days ago)

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