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Response to The Founding Fathers ?

from Anonymous (characterart@juno.com)
you think you know a good deal about what the founding fathers were like? They were men with a vision, they had a dream, they wanted to form a more perfect union. and that's what they did, I'm sure you have studied the Constitution, and that would lead me to this question: could you write that? In a world where everything was monarchy and aristocracy, could you break from the mold? Without any knowledge of what it would turn out like, could you construct a government for a new country? Do not use your hindsight to judge that which could not have foresight. I would hope you could find a glitch or two in the Constitution, you've had 200 years of records to look at it - of course everything doesn't always go as planned. Don't blame what we have become on who never intended it. You judge the Founding Father's character? Let him who has no fault cast the first stone - do you ever speed, or not wear a seatbelt, or litter, etc. Of course they weren't perfect, and neither are any of us. And you mentioned slavery - do you see any slaves now? That was a thing of the time, and passed. And even though it took so long to be removed, that wasn't the Founding Father's fault - that was society's fault! And you question a man's religious convictions - do you know the first thing about God, if you did, you would know that in the Bible it says: "Before you point out the speck in your brother's eye, deal with the plank in yours." I think it's obvious that your convictions are misplaced, and your history knowledge is misunderstood or misinterpreted. And about these heroes of yours: they are no more a hero than the caring mom that cooks everyday for her family while washing their clothes, or the loving father that takes care of his family with a paycheck every week. You want to talk about heroes, then look at anybody who holds on to truth in this wicked society today - they are the heroes in the faith. This country can be described as "The best of times and the worst of times": the best of times are because of what our Founding Fathers did for us; and the worst of times are from what we did to ourselves by loosely playing with words of the Constitution and redefing truth as a situational concept. You want to know why this government is so meesed up, then look no farther than your own back yard. This is not a personal, it is just a plain fact that we need to hear. For if we do not start making some changes in this country, there will be no place to flee...
(posted 8613 days ago)

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