Not like it matters now, because this whole debate has become a bit outdated at this point. But I just wanted to add my two cents. I am a girl and I play videogames. Here is an example of what I play etc. I own an atari and have a collection going of mostly adult video games, Custer's Revenge etc. I have a C64 and an 8-bit construction set record which has data that you can download for either the C64 of the atari. I have a panasonic pride and joy really, with just about every game ever made for it's short life span. A nes, sega, sega cd, dreamcast, ps, ps2, gamecube, and xbox with tekki simulator. I play everything, though I find some puzzle games to be quite tiresome and "girl games" like britney spears' dance game to be insulting and frankly...stupid. the only reason why I am not a member here, is because I hold my 3do in high esteem and spend my time with it, watching battle bots, and making creatures out of cans. I don't go to the arcade too much because the record shop that I volunteer at has pinball games that I don't have to spend money on. In conclusion, I think girls are just as capible at playing videogames as boys are. Its just people are different...there are some boys who don't even like videogames, just as there are some girls that hate the color pink. Boys are more previlent in the gaming scene because that's how it all got started. And I have lots of theroys on that, that I won't get into that. So, now that I've blabbered on endlessly, here is the end.(posted 8185 days ago)