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Response to What do you think of the olympiad rules?

from Kale (angelo.salese@tin.it)
I have a bad feeling about this:

"d. Version(s) of MAME allowed[...]it MUST playback in MAME and MAME32, unless the version is 0.51 (m37b15) or higher - then it MUST playback in MAME only. (MAMEW) "

If "some drivers call the rand function to generate random numbers and the implementation of this function depends on the library of your C compiler, which means that gameplay will differ and inp files won't be portable across platforms"(Example:Solomon's Key),that means for some games we CAN'T have a valid recording since it MUST playback in MAME and MAME32(they are like the day and night you know)or MAMEW when a person with minimum of "mental power" play with DMAME (Reason:much more faster).

I think is a hassle this thing...
(posted 8589 days ago)

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