On the subject of bad .inps...(posted 9357 days ago)Why doesn't MARP just stop accepting scores done on beta versions of MAME altogether? All of the duff inp's seem to have been recorded on betas. This would at least help the problem a bit. The reason is they don't even work from one beta to the next most of the time. If we only accepted final release recording at least it would be easier from ppl to verify scores. Is anyone really going to download another 2 meg beta version of MAME just to take a look some ancient hi- score?
When the older beta's are no longer available ppl could just upload anything whether it worked or not or maybe wasn't even a valid recording and claim the 10 pts. Maybe that's what's happening anyway? Recorded on a beta which is no longer available there'd be no way to confirm or deny it.
Surely there's enough games on MAME that players can wait until the final version before submitting scores?