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Response to BAMBOO

from Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au)
Try Bamboo World (Australia) as an excellent source of information, even if you can't buy from them (they have a really excellent book available if you can figure out how to buy from them, too). There is also the American Bamboo Society, but I've just found that - I don't know it at all.

Bamboo World has information on many (hundreds of) types of bamboo, including climatic requirements (some types easily down to 6 degrees Centigrade (say 10 degrees Fahrenheit)) below freezing - more with shelter such as in forests. After all, much of China is VERY cold.

PLEASE DON'T PLANT RUNNING BAMBOO cultivars - only clumping types. The only ways I have seen to control running bamboos take excessive work and/or money, may not work, and why bother when you know better and can get clumping types? You really don't want bamboo getting under paths, roads, driveways, foundations .... I've seen people win law-suits because of damage done by bamboo their neighbours planted on the boundary. If it gets in a pasture, and gets a few days clear (two will do it in favourable conditions), it will be too tall and vigourous for even goats to control. There are good clumping bamboos which will grow a hedge three feet thick, and you nominate the height - up to eighty feet - used as windbreaks around some orchards, so they're wind-hardy.

Many bamboos don't provide edible shoots either. Either poisonous (cyanide), or too bitter, or just not worth the trouble - poor quality in taste or texture or size. Better to plant a known variety.

(posted 9013 days ago)

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