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Response to Tetanus shots for Lambs--Docking & Castrating

from kim (fleece@eritter.net)

It's just a personal preference for us. We don't want to introduce toxins into our animals. I know that our view is by far the minority and I wouldn't suggest anyone else do it without researching the whole immunization issue for themselves.

We try to raise our animals as naturally as possible. Sheep have tails, why remove them???? In England they were raised for many many years without their tails being removed. Look at some paintings by the old Masters to see some really beautiful sheep. I believe that there is a Constable for example that shows mature sheep with tails. Docking tails is something that came about to increase efficiency and out of a need for cleanliness in confined rearing. Our sheep range, stay quite clean on their own unless we goof and feed too much grain or something dumb. If we develop problems using this system we will change.

As for castrating, again we only do it if we have to. Markets pretty much demand it. We are raising our first uncastrated male now to either sell as a ram lamb (he is pure bred RAmbouillet and an excellent looking little guy) or to eat ourselves. We've heard that rams have a stronger flavour, but dont' yet know if that is true.

Good luck in whatever you decided Jonathan. These are all personal choices and the best any of us can do is read, ask questions and make the most educated choices we can. Just remember that status quo isn't always the best route and that industrial agriculture gives us many of our common practices. That's not always the best route for a homesteader. Cheers - Kim

(posted 9008 days ago)

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