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Response to The Founding Fathers ?

from Doreen Davenport (livinginskin@yahoo.com)
Say, this isn't meant to be nit picky, but A. Lincoln WAS NOT the progenitor of the Civil War to end slavery. He was only interested in stopping the South from seceding from the Union. In other words, it was the first federal government infrigement on States rights. I find slavery and racism reprehensible, but I feel that the misinterpretted history that is being fed to us is even more reprehensible. There is book called "The South was Right", it is really interesting and illuminates the begining of the Fed Gov intrusions. I used to feel all warm and fuzzy inside over the Star Spangled and all the traditional patriotic stuff, and then....1984,oddly enough, I saw that Reagan had vetoed a bill that would "allow" the press to tell both sides of an international news item. First Amendment???? I started checking into things and slowly my idealism shriveled. I am still a patriot, but a wide awake one now. I know that crying "I'm an American!!" will get you killed more quickly in some parts of this world. Here at home they'll just demand your thumbprint and search you with no probable cause, and tell you that it's all for your safety and the safety of the children....(trigger locks for all my friends! Hold on Mr Burglar, and let me remember the combination or line my fingers up correctly, I am a law abiding American citizen!!!!) Just as an historical reference, my father's side came over on the Mayflower in search of religious freedom....(check out IRS laws regarding a 501C-3) and my mother's side came over in the early 1700's from France and I am part American Indian on that side-so I am definitely American by all methods of judgement. I'm not bragging just don't want anyone to think I'm "un" American. Sorry for the dissertation, but someone typed "Founding Fathers?" and got us all fired up here!
(posted 8957 days ago)

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