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Response to The Founding Fathers ?

from Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com)
I thought I'd stick my two cents in here. It is true that some of the forefathers owned slaves. In order to get a handle on this it has to be understood that at this time in the world and for thousands of years before slavery was an acceptable practice. The earliest historical documents mention it readily. While slavery was going on here it was also going on in Europe, South America, and yes Africa herself, Where it still continues to this day. Our Forefather's were but reflections of Europe and their time. It is true that in most places slavery died out sooner than in the US, but that is because slavery was by that time something that econmic growth in the US was dependent upon. Cotton and Tobacco were king and only free laor could keep it that way. This is not to say that slavery is or was good thing. In fact most southerners would agree it only hurt the south. I have a diary written by the wife of one of one of the civil war big wigs in the south and the prevailing desire in the south at the time of the civil war was to see slavery ended. The civil war was because the south was taking all their raw goods that the north needed for manufacturing and leaving the table. Slavery was just an issue to draw support. It is impossible to look at history without taking all of the issues in their context. This includes the US actions with Native Americans. It is almost funny to me how people today can look back on the actions of our forefathers and judge them when they ought to be sweeping their own doorstep. For thousands of years the way that countries gained more land was they won it in war. Which meant that they went in and occupied a land and when the current residents tried to kick them out they killed them and broke their stuff. Americans were not the first to do this and were not the only ones doing it in their time. It is still going on today in fact. Look at the Serbs. I think what happened to Native Americans was horrible, but it was an acceptable practice at that time. You don't change thousands of years of conditioning at one time. Sweden is almost a tyrannical government. They tell you what to do, and when to do it and take your money too. The reason the women in the Appalchians could do the things she did was because she was free. She was free to seek her own way without the infringement of others. Maybe you want to be a little swedish robot, but as far as I'm concerned I am going to stick with America and hope we can get some of our freedom back instead of giving it away like the Swede's have. Unfortunately America is following Sweden right down the road to slavery. You talk about slavery. What is it when my government takes all my money, makes my decisions, and tells me what to do. Is slavery only bad when it is an individual doing these things? In other words is it OK to be enslaved to government? Governments have tortured people, made them work for free, Beat people, killed people. No I'd rather take my chances in America where I at least have a shot at determining my destiny. My Forefathers may not have been perfect, neither am I. But My forefathers gave me a chance to say no to slavery for the future. They gave me a chance to give my children something better. They gave me the opportunity to boot out freedom grabbing liberal money stealers and I am so happy about it. So go to Sweden and if you have the time I have a long list of people to take with you. God Bless America and all the diverse, multi-racial, beautiful people in it. I hope we can make the future about correcting the wrongs of the past and taking our freedom back too, so that My children and yours can have a future of happines and joy.

Little Bit Farm

(posted 8955 days ago)

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