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World water crisis Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
A World Without Water
Who owns water?
The coming water crisis
Israel Drinking water shortage
Arab water deficiency
JNF plans to tackle water crisis
California Water supplies and population growth are on a collision course
Le Figaro claims CIA met with Bin Laden
Border good will evaporates in water dispute
Water Agencies want billions to protect drinking water
Water Sources for China Yellow River Dry Up
Japan: Health ministry orders water supply protection
Water sources difficult to attack
Water systems not protected against attacks
Whose water is it, anyway?
Coolest summer in a decade chills Los Angeles
How to Keep the Rice Bowl Full
Mexico says it can’t meet water debt
Water And National Security
Gasoline additive leak threatens California drinking water
Fast growth outside Boston strains towns' water supplies
In regions across U.S., water use is hot issue
A Simple Glass of Water
Israel farmers water quotas to be reduced again
Irrigation crisis threatens food supply
Cost of water goes up worldwide, with larger increases expected
OR governor says Klamath water crisis could hit Columbia River
Water :The wellspring of life, or just a commodity
China Strives to Tackle Water Shortage, Pollution
Mexican ruling on water debt a 'nightmare' for Valley
Utah"s water shortage is becoming dire -Governor
U.N.: World water crisis to threaten one in three by 2025
Why Canada's water systems are failing us
Water pressure
Water a commodity more precious than oil
Bulgaria Water situation to get desperate within three years
Tokyo faces dire water shortage
Water woes a common theme among Central Texas communities
Well that supplies water to Amarillo is shut down for tests
Water dispute in an arid region
Mexico misses deadline to repay Rio Grande water debt, U.S. farmers angry
Managing water equity at two levels
DetroitWater systems are crumbling despite fixes
Israel water shortage worsens
Israel: Ain't got no water but my lawn is green
Klamath Sheriff asks feds to leave irrigation headgate
Water crisis foreseen for California
Israel's Water Emergency - Israel Will Launch Full Scale Attack Within Days
Murky water is no problem when you have no water
Brief Scare Spurs Israelis to Heed Water Crisis
ARK:Too Much Watering, Too Little Water
Jordan facing 50 per cent water deficit this summer
Water suddenly in short supply in many Twin Cities communities.
Arabian peninsula water reserves depleting fast
Israelis Warned Not To Drink Tap Water
Parched Southwest cast envious eye at Midwest
SoCal water district offers to pay farmers not to farm
Israel: Local authorities must cut water consumption
Klamath Basin farmers, communities reel at cutoff of irrigation water
Syrians brace for more water rationing
Water shortage hits Tucson's northeast side
Half of Greece may turn to desert
Water shortage could lead to war
Quenching California's thirst
Newfoundland water warnings hit new high
If California's power woes weren't bad enough, wait until you hear about the potential for a water crisis
Forget oil. In the 21st century water will be king
Chinese water crisis
Oil built Texas - but water will shape its future
Drought and a Western "water war" story
Decrepit Water Main Could Blow Anytime Right Under Fifth Avenue
Israel faces further cuts in water consumption to avert crisis
Shrinking water reserves
Oil tankers 'should be used to import fresh water'
Next crisis? Usable water
As all eyes turn to the power crunch, a worse crisis looms: water
Canada: Major Cities' Water Supplies are "At Risk"
World Bank: China Water Shortage Threatens Catastrophe
Klamath bucket brigade
Canada Water crisis is national, experts say
Dried Out
WA - Factoria reservoir overflows: Malfunction sends flood toward office buildings
Atlanta absorbs water like a sponge
The Growing Power Of Water
New Uzbek Water Crisis
Pakistan's Water Crisis Threatens Livelihood, Stability
California's other crisis
For Texas Now, Water and Not Oil Is Liquid Gold
California Water Managers Warn of Impending Crisis if Funding Runs Dry
Chinese Cities Fighting Water Shortage
Israel: Water crisis worse than expected
Mexico Grows Parched, With Pollution and Politics
California The other shortage: Water
Florida, low on drinking water, asks E.P.A. to waive safety rules
North China Urban Water Shortage
Serious Water Shortage plagues Israel
Watery Louisiana faces declining water supply
Oregon farmers vent anger over loss of irrigation water
Shanghai water shortage worsens
Water crises stirs new disputes
Floirida Dade's water reserves near crisis point
Water refugees
Water shortage may affect 3 billion
Declining water quality deals blow to agriculture
Northern California town out of water
Water crisis looms for Australia
Israel Warns Syria, Lebanon on Water Rights
New york water down the drain
S.F. Water System In Bad Shape
Irrigation creates world water crisis
BC: Water scare triggers reservoir security
Washington: Will a water crisis be next?
Replacing water lines to cost $1T
Aging Water, Sewer Systems Drain U.S. Cities
Water everywhere and barely a drop fit to drink
Lack of safe water drives global crisis
One million die in Europe of water born ilness
KARACHI: Another breakdown worsens water crisis
Las Vegas expanded water system will be inadequate
Water A Disappearing Economic Input
Thousands march in Spanish water protest
Scotland: Water Warning
Test of L.A. tap water finds high levels of chromium
Water, water, nowhere, Nor any drop to drink
Water supplies seen getting more scarce
Israel:Water shortage growing increasingly more serious
World: Analysis From Washington -- Water Wars
Great Lakes water levels hit 35-year low
Israel:Water to farmers will be cut by 50%
Water Wars in the southeast
China: 300 million suffer dirty water supply
Ontario water-system crisis looms
Shanghai sinking as water table shrinks
Chinese Province Faces Serious Water Pollution
Water emergency declared in Ga. city
Tel Aviv area water sources severely polluted
A thirsty world
Israeli, Palestinian Water Supply Running Dry
China running out of water -- and time
As Old Pipes, Sewers Crumble, So Could The Nation'S Cities
Israel will face a serious water shortage
Canada national water crisis forecast
SAO PAULO Gears Up for Water Rationing
Crowds riot with police over water shortage in India
Beijing starts "war" against serious water supply crisis
KARACHI Water crisis continues
ISLAMABAD: Many areas facing water shortage
Bolivia Water Dispute Spurs Anger
Ahmedabad mob agitates over water; police open fire
Pakistan: Shortage of water at critical stage
Ahmedabad water crisis continues
BANGLADESH - Water Crisis Deepens, WASA Suffers 41% System Loss
Water riots spread in India towns
Jamaicans face water shortage
Oregons Willamette Valley drinking Water Dwindling
Pakistan acute water shortage
Rising population faces shrinking water supply
AUSTRALIA - Water Levels Hit Danger Mark
SHANGHAI--City Combats Dirty Water, Sewage Flowing into Rivers
USA--Nationwide Study Finds Water Systems Do Poor Job of Reporting Problems
'Billions without clean water'
Water War Between The States
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