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Response to The Founding Fathers ?

from andrew hanson (ah365777@aol.com)

the founding fathers were men, very, very special and talented and brave men....they were better educated in the classical sense than we can barely even imagine, and their intellects on average were light years above most modern americans ability to adequately appreciate....the were intellectually brilliant, politically savvy, and absolutely committed to the idea of home rule....

your problem is, that you fail to get over this idiotic misplaced sense of moral outrage and oppressive guilt over slavery and the treatment of the american indian...

have you ever even begun to consider the facts??? were all the indians peace loving eco weenies living out idyllic little lives in their merry little bands of environmentally conscious communities??/ Not hardly, they were carrying out warefare, slavery, torture and killing on on another second to none!! It is not as if white europeans brought any atrocity upon them they were not bringing down upon one another before we got here you dope!! look at the indians in south america....hell the only 2 reasons most of them went to war was to get slaves and to get humans for human sacrifices for their rituals....the aztecs only went to war for slaves because that was the currency of the day...humans!!!

it is not as if whites invented slavery in the 1600's either...it had been in practice by every society since before written time....and there were plenty of blacks even former slaves themselves who were slave holders themselves owning up to 200 slaves...the first frech ambassador to the us chronicles this in his letters home....even pointing out that the former slaves were even more cruel to their slaves than the whites...

the history of the world has been a history of military conquest...all the great masterly races have been great warrior nations...as teddy roosevelt so aptly pointed out...

the slaughter went both ways...here in maine the early settlement of york was wiped out and the surviving women and children marched over 500 miles in January mind you to canada and sold into slavery to the indian tribes there

don't bother us with your mindless dribble...it went both ways!!

these men were the founding fathers because they designed the laws and institutionsl and the checks and balances and the guiding principles which have produced the richest, most productive, freest, most vibrant society and country in the world today....do you think there are 56 men alive today who could duplicate that feat??? that is why some of us hold them in such reverance, though they are not gods they were so much better than our leaders today that we should make no qualms about teaching the present generation that they should be used as role models

(posted 8944 days ago)

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