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Health: public health alerts Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
The next step against smallpox
Japan Times: CJD cases hit 1,078; watch gets boosted
L.A. Taking Back Title of U.S. Smog Capital
A history lesson about smallpox
Tips for creating an emergency safety kit
Whooping cough alert
2nd Florida man positive for anthrax
New flu strains alarm authorities
Japan: impact of one case (so far) of BSE
Planning for the Unthinkable
(Hlth) West Nile in Eastern Iowa
Hacker forces banks to cancel Visa debit cards
At long last, signs of a BSE breakthrough
Louisiana: St. Louis Encephalitis outbreak continues
Mobile phone users at greater risk for brain tumor
U.S.: Botulism warning: commerical chili, TX - PA - CO - WA
Ottawa: Pomace Olive Oils Recalled
Nanaimo, B.C.: Rare Fungal Infection
Canadians Panicked by West Nile Virus
Can WEST NILE VIRUS be isolated from the milk of an infected mammal?
New Brunswick: E. Coli Outbreak
West Nile Virus Headed To Oklahoma
Anticholesterol drug pulled after link to 31 deaths
China admits Aids crisis
UT: Rare disease prompts a warning *Health Alert*
House Upholds Arsenic Standards
UAE bans soya products from East Asia
Anthrax case in South Texas prompts warning
Super-bug infections increasing dramatically
Spain Fears Legionaire's Disease Epidemic in City
NV: Vaccinations urged as flu bug emerges
African dust brings germs, fungi across the Atlantic
CA - Part of Redondo Beach Closed Due to Sewage Spill
Shock new Mozambican Aids stats
Foot-and-mouth soldiers have Q fever
New Zealand Wards jammed by flu victims
WA: Tetanus vaccine will be rationed
New Zealand: foot-and-mouth scare shows economic risks
Bad batch of cortisone causes third death, doctors believe
US health officials keeping an eye on potential bubonic plague exposure
China's AIDS policy taking a deadly toll
Houston flood victims warned of fire ants
Hong Kong: possible case of vCJD
CA - One dead, at least three others are infected with meningitis
Mass inoculation against meningitis-related outbreak under way in Ohio
A Deadly Flu Ready To Strike
Hospital mobbed after 2 Ohio students die from meningitis
Hospital runs out of antibiotics
TB: Coming to America?
U.S. nearly out of tetanus vaccine
Ozone measures hit unhealthy levels
Of Mice & Men -- "something that should be keeping us all up at night"
Scientists Invent Germ-Killing Plastic
Red Cross to Reject More Donors Over Mad Cow
Beef recalled in E. coli scare
Bulgaria Polio Case
CJD scientists warn of 'second wave'
Rare disease closes Canada hospital
Chernobyl children show DNA changes
Wheres the beef? 471,000 lbs recalled.
Clarifying foot-and-mouth confusion -Mayo clinic
Officials worry West Nile virus might hit Georgia this year
More Human Virus Cases Suspected
Update with doixin angle: Britain Gives Grisly Details of Foot-and-Mouth Man
Human may have "Foot and Mouth"
Ground beef suspected of E. coli contamination recalled
Sewage Routed into Mississippi
Minnesota : Martial-law option studied as response to foot-mouth
Foot-Mouth likely here: expert
As European supplies dwindle, byproduct shortages hit array of goods
If you use Canola Oil, THINK AGAIN
Oregon: TB cases at mission triple to 90
Kenya on alert for ebola virus
UK: Farmers accused of infecting their herds
Foot-mouth war escalates
UK: Fears grow as mass cull contaminates the water
An outbreak waiting to happen (long)
UK: Families told not to panic as TB total reaches 29
Public Health, U.S./Mexico: respiratory illness in college kids
UK: 'Food police' set to patrol retailers
Vitamin manufacturers learn of possible presence of mad cow disease
Foot-and-mouth hits 11th Dutch farm
Vaccines don't stop spread of farm virus, says report
F&M: Smuggled meat blamed for epidemic
Livestock epidemic widens its menace for British farms
Mad cow-like disease kills two
Second Vermont sheep herd seized
Britain extends culling of healthy animals to whole country
Vermont sheep arrive at Iowa lab to be tested for brain disease
Toronto: Biological Scare, Anthrax
Disney: No risk to visitors from employee with TB
80,000 carcasses await disposal
Cannibals to cows: The path of a deadly disease
U.S. sheep seized in mad cow scare
Foot and Mouth: (British) Army to help clear carcasses
Foot and mouth disease found in Central Asia
Official: 400 cases of F&M confirmed in Saudi-Arabia
Medicines Could Carry vCJD
Wild deer add to concerns about disease
F&M farmers vow to fight plan for mass slaughter
Fearing disease, (California) ranches limit visits
Europe adopts fortress mentality to fight virus
Disease Forces Closing of Ford Plant
Angry French farmers demand action on foot and mouth
Germany to deploy troops inside borders
Fortress mentality takes hold in Europe
In Europe, borders are back
Foot and Mouth global threat
Foot and Mouth spreads to Middle East
UK: 100,000 sheep to be slaughtered
U.S., Canada ban EU animal imports to keep out F&M disease
Panic as foot and mouth epidemic spreads to Europe, Argentina
McDonald's forcing beef industry to comply with mad cow beef ban
France confirms first case of foot and mouth disease
Drudge Report: A million unborn lambs could be slaughtered
Parkinson's miracle cure turns into catastrophe
Washington monitors foot and mouth
First official link between power lines and cancer
Australia Quarantine set for boost to prevent `catastrophe'
Russia joins war on foot-and-mouth virus
Fears mount as f&m disease hits new areas in Britain
FMD - Foot Mouth Disease moves westward
Irish Confirm Foot-and-Mouth Case
Germany 'on brink of disease abyss'
Foot and mouth may have spread to Europe
If You Live In Central NY look at the Sky *Being Sprayed @ 9:25 AM
A modern-day battle of Britain, waged on the farm front
EU, U.K. Ban British Animal Sales After Virus Found
Cholera Crisis In South Africa
Boy In Serious Condition
Hamilton: Ailing Congolese Woman to Remain a Mystery
UN warns BSE risk could be global
Canada Testing Woman Feared to Have Ebola
Greensboro/Piedmont NC : Surry County Woman Dies From Meningitis
Cholera infections sky-rocket in S.Africa
Meningitis hits Galveston County
Growing Concern over Meningitis
Another Student Dies From Meningitis
more mass vaccinations order-third in a week
Meningitis spreading in Harris and surround
Approaching pandemic is Britain's shame
Uganda: Ebola Spreads
Reports: Human Form of Mad Cow Disease May Have Spread to Russia
Ebola in Pakistan- continued
Ebola Strikes Boss Of Gulu Hospital
Nine dead as Ebola spreads to Pakistan
Ugandans quarantined in Nairobi Ebola scare
Mad cow scare spreads across Europe
Ugandan spreads deadly Ebola virus from hospital
Ebola is spreading
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