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Reflecting on Y2K Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
Arkansas Computer system causing city woes
Canada: Rewards Reaped for Y2K Planning
Two news sources cite Y2K preparedness efforts as a help in dealing with WTC terrorists attacks
Cleveland pays $10 million for Y2K Bug protection
Y2K spending criticized
Y2K bites Oregons phone billing plan
Y2K's revenge
Anderson takes the rap for tech crash
Ohio: Parma fire, police departments are still not Y2K-compliant
More Thoughts on Ongoing Y2K Issues
The blame game begins as USA's economy hits the wall (y2k?)
Blame it On Y2K
Lingering Bug May Cause April Fools Problems
In the wake of Y2K, U.S. companies are outsourcing even more
NZ: Y2K Bug problems at eatery
Post-Y2K investors wary
Senator Bennett on Y2K
Intuit blames Y2K for poor sales
Atlanta y2k work costly...and late
Ottawa: Government Still Spending on Millennium
In 'retention bonuses,' Y2K bug still bites
Y2K preparations paying off in crises of Y2K+1
Computer expert fined $NZ10,000 for Y2K ``sabotage''
Y2K Threat Not Over for Property Insurers
Y2K: Profits From Doom
Benefits of Y2K may last long time
Y2K stockpiles outlast year
Y2k Workers chance to celebrate
Peter de Jager looks back at Y2K
Ottawa: y2k flop a valuable lesson
Y2K Hubbub Largely Forgotten, but Lessons Remain a Year Later
New York judge rules against Xerox in Y2K insurance case
A Year Later, Y2K Consultants Rely On E-Business
Will the Real Y2K Stand Up?
No more beware on Y2K scare
After Y2K, all is not A-OK
Blame it on Y2K
Y2K- Hoax of the Century
Spam shoppers went Y2K crazy
Hong Kong billionaire give big y2k indemnity
OH - $5,000 Y2K glitch hits timeclock
BOJ New Settlement System Test Leaves Players More Edgy
CMGI chief says 'real Y2K bug' was financial
genset market beats Y2K blues
References Compiled from a Variety of Sources and Posted to GICC in June 2000
Comments Concerning the 9/12/2000 GAO Report on Y2K
Companies Used Law to Shield Against Y2K Suits
Y2K to blame for Compel profit slump
New! Y2K discussion group
Leadership emerges as Y2K's lesson learned
Koskinen's Next Challenge: DC Govt.
Y2K survival food - $35,000 worth - up for sale
UPDATE - Deloitte on Y2K Staff Transitioning...
HK - Assets Fall on Y2K Unwinding
CANADA - Y2K Planning Put to Good Use
Y2K Blip Cost Region Plenty
Trespassing government real Y2K threat(Commentary )
UPDATE - Y2K Causes Kids to Get Jury Summons
Imag/Paranoia/Reality (cont)-Y2K Glitches
Imagination,Paranoia or Reality?Preponderance of Glitches
One last Y2K lesson: People get the job done
Question: Has anyone studied the Navy's Utility Report and actual problems
Y2K bullets mean trouble overseas for Wisconsin man
INDIA - Dunlop Plants May Face Y2K Backlog Problem
Summary of a Slide Presentation ~ April 12, 2000 GW Panel Program on Y2K & Embedded Systems
TOPEKA - School Payroll Software Glitches from Y2K Upgrade
SAN DIEGO - Y2K Bug Engraved in Tombstone
Clinton Says Bin Laden in Y2K Plot
UPDATE - NM Cty. Y2K Fix Not Working, Blames Vendor . . .
UK End is here for doomwatch pair
TANZANIA - Ministry On The Spot Over Y2K Compliance of Computers
UPDATE - Y2K Still a "Grave" Problem...
IBM CEO-Y2K hangover is history
Washington, DC: Video of April 12, 2000 Program at GW now online. "Y2K: What Happened and What Has Been Happening Since January 1?"
GTSI Points Finger at Y2K for Losses
Hospitals face costly new rules after Y2K compliance
Businesses tally the costs of Y2K
UPDATE - CEO Paid $21.2 Million Last Year to Pull Co. Out of Y2K Doldrums
CHICAGO - Y2K Pros are Taking care of (e-) Business
UK - SBS Recovery Underway After Y2K Disruptions
DELAWARE - Del. Paid for Y2K Slots Glitch, Computer Malfunction Affected 800 of 3,600 Machines
NAIROBI - Kenya's Y2K Center to Become Think-Tank
CANADA - Y2K Brigade Targets Hackers, New Task Force Formed
UK -- Xpertise Recovering From Y2K and Windows 2000
UTAH - Y2K Threat Has Passes, But Utahns Holding On To Silver-Backed Liberty Currency
John Koskinen's 3/22/2000 Responses to Questions About National and Global Aspects of Y2K
IOWA - Union, Polk Tiff Over Y2K, Consultants' Bills Continue To Add Up
Evening Panel Programs on Y2K April 12 & May 4
Y2K Final Report by President's Council
CHICAGO - No Longer Bugged...Some Y2K Pros Taking Care of (e) Business
UPDATE - Ixos Blames Losses on Y2K Bug and 'Confused' Strategies
MASS - Kronos Issues Second Quarter Earnings Advisory; Y2K Impact Lingers
BANGALORE - 'SMK Bug Replacing Y2K' (short lighthearted article)
NY - Xerox's Y2K Claim to Proceed in Court
NY - GP Strategies Report Fourth Quarter Operating Loss ( Mention of Y2K Issues)
WELLINGTON - New Zealand Firms Spend 596 Mln US Dlr on Y2K Bug
Share any words of wisdom you might have - with David Sunfellow's list
Applying the lessons learned from Y2K in a bigger game
CANADA - Military Warns of Y2K Bug Sabotage
CA - Xircom to Miss Q2 Expectations, Cites Y2K
Canada Y2K worries blamed for lack of hiring
Stop and Smell the Roses: Notice a theme?
CANADA - Cyber Siege...Don't Drop Y2K Worries
The end of the world as we know it - -- - AGAIN?
Computer Currents Glitches of the Week
FLORIDA - Lack of Crime Statistics Attributed to Y2K Unreadiness - Y2K Glitches Beginning to Show
MALAYSIA -- MAS Y2K Team is Risk Manger of the Year
CHINA--Time Runs Out For Banks's Y2K Staff
Are there any Y2K stories here?
Y2K remediation -- don't stop being prepared
Lurking Y2K Problems
Glitch Central suffers a glitch
Unused Y2K stocks are welcome bounty for food bank
IY2KCC final report posted
Y2K: Was it worth the cost?
What is the meaning of it all?
And you thought Y2K was all over
Y2k fear bolstered sale of soups
Airtours bugged by y2k
KPMG proves y2k impact
Don't panic: It's just the end of the world (once again)
Y2K Hysteria? Try internet terrorism
Rep. Kucinich Dept. of Peace Legislation Evolves Out of Rollover
N. Carolina's Y2k lesson? Humanity that exists in all of us
Weathering Y2K backlash
Preparing for y2k not a wasted effort
A Y2K Essay - Interesting Perspective by Meg Davis
After y2k what now?
Sen. Bennett reflects on Y2K
Email from Michael Brownlee - False Conclusions, Missed Opportunities, & Unlearned Lessons: A Y2K Retrospective
Jamaica Used "Why Re-invent the Wheel" Ingenuity to Avoid Y2K Glitches
We still haven't reached the final chapter
Commentary the real crisis
Koskinen speaks out
A new beginning
Y2K Preparation Pays Off at Local College
Comments and Y2K Impact Ratings for January 17, 2000 and the First Quarter of Year 2000
Heartening Letter For Activists
GSA Article-The Many Silver Linings of the Y2K Challenges
Reflections on y2k - Congratulations on a Resounding Success
David La Chapelle on Y2K:
Y2K Afterthoughts Website
Heroes of Y2K by Judy Backhouse - Computerweek Magazine
When is a Y2K bug not a Y2K bug? (depends on what "is" is)
Y2K Doomsayers Smarter Than Most People Think
Thoughts on Y2K written by Tom Atlee, Co-Intelligence Institute
Reflecting Y2K
LEMONADE: Boeing Says Y2K Work Carried Long-Term Benefits
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