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Energy Crisis Threads
in the
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) question and answer forum
Energy supply crucial to national security
Energy Independence Now
Long-range effects may hit energy industry
Myth concerning CA power shortage
Japan developing micro nuclear reactor for apartment blocks
The day the area dodged a blackout
CA ISO graph
California eyeing Brazilian _ not Midwestern_ ethanol
New York City declares power emergency (Tuesday PM)
NY: Fighting Plans for a Gas Pipeline ("NIMBY")
The very real energy crisis
Energy crisis? What energy crisis?
PG&E set to lower voltage in move to conserve power
Abraham says nation faces crisis
The Crude Truth
Russia's Ulyanovsk Region Hit by Energy Crisis
NYT: supplies lag despite new natural gas wells
Power Cut Off in Tokyo After Fire
GAO Demands Energy Task Force Records
CA's New Problem: Sudden Surplus of Energy
data on oil production declines
Energy developments that signal a potential trend
Monument lands in West protected
Substation Fire Knocks Out Power In OKC
Energy crises don't take vacation
State Joins Challenge to Bush on Air-Conditioner Standards
The US' energy woes
Bush Says FERC Plan Is Not Price Controls
Girding Up For the Power Grid (Long Article)
New Federally Approved Fuel for Generators
Energy crunch means dark times ahead for Latin America's biggest economy
Benton Oil and Gas to move to Texas, cut jobs
Energy rationing starting for Brazilians
New market overwhelms U.S. agency (long)
Who controls the power?
Growing energy demand will not abate soon
Canada :Number 1 - at hogging energy
"Smart dust" to the energy rescue
Power Trader Tied to Bush Finds Washington All Ears
National Energy Policy
Moral from 1970s energy crisis forgotten today
Canada/US: Energy "Gold Rush" Sparks Fears
Global demand pumps up energy consumption
Can the last one to leave California…
Bush: Americans can still have it all
Emerging Infrastructure Failures and the "NIMBY" Syndrome
Energy Crunch Reshaping America
Energy crisis exaggerated, experts say
West Is Warned on Energy Security Risks
Today's energy shortages far less ominous than in frantic 70s
Bush's national energy plan won't help California
The bad oil on Bush's energy plan
Bush's Energy Policy Includes Dire Predictions of Summer Woes
Moody's cuts CA bond rating
A Must Read, with "repaired" URL
Energy Solution-THIS IS A MUST READ
Montana's power crisis may be more intense than California's
Coal prices rise sharply
Energy crisis solutions years away, Bush says
Calif. outages should miss refiners- US energy chief
Bush, rivals don't dare ask public to make sacrifices in energy crunch
Property Seizure for power
Retail Gasoline Prices Hit All-Time High, AAA Says
Neighborhood aversion worsens power crunch
California, Chicago brace for gas to hit $3 a gallon
Who’s Got The Power?
Union of Concerned Scientists article re energy problems
Energy futures up sharply after word of refinery woes
Gas stations nationwide plan for $3 gallon
Energy Amnesia
Gas prices rising again
Fuel crisis potentially volatile for Bush
U.S. looks to Canada for energy supplies
Economists' approach lacks energy
Crosspost re energy crisis from Cory Hamasaki's listserv
Dupont Profits Fall, Hurt by High Energy
Gas costs jump nearly 13 cents per gallon
The leaky bucket
Energy Crisis: Is Your City Next?
GAS prices rising again
Hilton extends energy surcharge beyond California
Energy crisis sends PG&E reeling
Council on Foreign Relations' report on energy policy challenges (excerpt and URL)
Energy crisis taking toll on average consumer
Northwest's power supply dries up
WA: An Urgent Call To Save Power BPA Warns Of 250% Rate Boost, Crippled Economy
Report: Government Utilities Allegedly Gouged California During Power Crisis
WA: Utilities scramble to cut power use
WA: Pressure grows for price caps on power as prices charged by generators rise by 1000%
Shutdown would eliminate 1,200 high wage jobs
Heat, Lights Extra on Hotel Bill
Power Situation by State
Bush budget would cut solar, renewable energy programs
Bush Budget Would Cut Solar Programs in Half
Summer Gasoline Prices to Be High
Millions Could Lose Their Power
India:Staving off power crisis -`Arthelio Project'
Dogbert's solution to the energy crisis
"Cow power" may help ease energy crisis
After natural gas price surge, cost of coal now about double
Dynegy expects record first quarter profits
This summer, power-hungry U.S. may feel West's pain
Giuliani: Calif.- like shortages could occur in NYC
Gas prices are up 24 cents...
Looming Energy Bottlenecks Might Sap U.S. Recovery: Art Pine
Power politics of energy woes
Winter of our discontent
Coal prices double, expected to cause additional utility rate increases
Northern lights face blackouts
Stop the Titanic, I want to get off
Cheney warns U.S. must produce more energy
Zimbabwe seizes fuel, bounces check in ghas crisis
Albany encouraging use of diesel generators to avert blackouts
Nationwide power shortage predicted
Abraham sees nation threatened by energy crisis
Abraham: Energy Costs Pose Recession Risk
Bush's chief economist 'major energy crisis'
Buying A Boeing Plane Will Cost 5.72% More
Landlords feel the pinch as heating costs increase
Holsteins provide raw material to run dairy's power plant
Pakistan: Growing water and power crisis
Enron's political power rises
Energy-use myths exposed
Budget may cut energy research
Energy costs outpacing average wages
Canada: Free Trade and the Price We Paid
Power warning from Western governors
Electricity: The real threat to America's power
Distributed energy: AFS Trinity Power Expands Role With Fuel Cell and Microturbine Companies
Alberta election issues: sky-high power and heating bills
Calif. power woes may spread
Power Crisis Sparks Anger Among Ratepayers
Utility Customers Make Tough Choices Between Gas and Rent
Nevada: County voices electric concern
Alternate power options collapsing
An earthy (but costly) energy fix: Geothermal
Congress on Collision Course With Energy Issue
Stopgap fix won't keep power on
Energy Sec'y Says New Policies Won't Be Quick
Turning off lights really does save energy
U.S. feels Claifornia energy pain
Judge: Energy sales to go on- 5 day extension
Five million homes need help paying fuel bills-survey
When will the piper be paid?
Alberta: Spud plant decision a hot potato
High heating bills prompt Minnesotans to burn corn
Crisis fuels solar power sales
Conservation, green and solar energy for Fetzer vineyards
Energy-saving itms suddenly popular
Utilities consider coal as a fuel for future power plants
Free energy conservation publication available
The adventures of Wally the Watt, Part II
The adventures of Wally the Watt- Part I of II(long!)
Bush's Energy Secretary faces power shortage
Energy conservation may not be comfortable, but necessary
Secretive power deals spur outcry
Reclaimimg S.F.'s big giveaway
Washington: Wood- and pellet-stove sales soaring -
Calpine profit triples
Rising energy costs hurting poor
Power deal just a temporary fix
Energy deregulation- taking a second look
Push on for renewable energy sources
Blackout time for utility funds
Does anyone know of a forum that discusses rate hikes for utilities?
Which employees are paid during blackouts?
Public, businesses facing reality of energy conservation
February 2001 threads on ezboard addressing Y2K-related embedded control system connections to energy sector and other problems
Ariz Governor breaks with other governors over power crisis
A climate change primer for Bush's smokestack cabinet
The dawn of micropower
ENERGY: Another shrug
Norway: Record electricity consumption - Blackout threatens
Regulators blame mechanical wear for off-line California plants
Protesters force PGW office to close
Energy crisis threatens security, Abraham says
Energy Price Caps Shot Down At Power Summit
PLC's will [did] they croak?
Watch February 6th
Some savor utility crisis
It starts with a snowflake, and powers the Northwest
Conserving Power Could Cause Problems for Business, Police
Caught in the Electrical Fallout
California crisis ripples through US economy
Steering out of the energy crisis
Crossposting: Question re role of Y2K in the Energy Crisis
Murkowski Panel Told California Mess is Spreading
Governors gather to discuss energy
Flower growers strive to keep lights-and heat- on for greenhouse crops
"No way" US taxpayers paying Calif power debt-lawmaker says
Minor Edit: An Engineer's Views re Ongoing Y2K Problems
West battles power crisis on many fronts
Fields of broken dreams: Outages cause economic stress
Shell Urges PUC To Drop PG&E
Energy crisis stirs up bad vibes
Arizona: No summer outage, APS, SRP say
New printed Energy Conservation of Better Times Almanac now available
US gas, power prices to remain high, Senate panel told
Power troubles snowball in Russia
California senate panel delays vote on electricity rescue plan
Demand for rental generators soars
Study sees California power woes affecting West through 2003
West Coast operations remain profitable despite refinery outages
Water agencies pitch in to combat energy crisis
An Engineer's Observations: Ongoing Y2K-Related Problems
Soros says US is already in a slump
Higher gas amd electric rates hit northern Nevada
Crews fight mayhem when power runs out
Trading floor breathing last gasps in failure of deregulation
Cheney calls energy woes state's mess
Some Power Trip
Power Woes May Be Widening
El Paso says it is owed $50 million by California utilities
Businesses question Cal. power stability
States locked into grid face severe energy test
N.Y.'S California Nightmare
Power crisis moving up Bush's agenda
Editorial comment: Power failure
A nation without an energy policy
Calif. Energy Crisis Spreads
Power suppliers gaining clout in Sacramento
Missouri: Flaw drives gas prices up
With 201,243 miles of power lines Western grid has some hot spots
Solar panels give power to the people
Electricity: How officials keep public in the dark
PG&EGas Cutoff 'doomsday scenario'
How S&L debacle, energy crisis are linked
Key California energy players huddle amid Stage 3 alert, idled power plants
Eugene Oregon Electrical rates could skyrocket
Calgarians pine for Epcor's gas prices
Washington governor declares `energy alert'
Arkansas: Power to the people?
Energy alerts businesses, utilities, fire up generators
Power costs could damage Montana economy
Power woes hit Calif. so hard, its neighbors hurt
Staying warm becomes a luxury
Country in early stages of energy crisis, Ashland CEO says
California generating ill will, not sympathy
PG&E foot soldiers take brunt of abuse
California Demand for back up generation creating backlog
Calif. Power Crisis Deepens As Bush Mulls Options
If natural gas service is interrupted, customer shutoffs could last months
Mexico's U.S. power offer more about politics
CA: Consumers to Pay More, No Matter How Crisis Resolved
Borrowed energy essential to California
STAGE 3 EMERGENCY NOTICE [200100728] 01/26/2001 04:32 through 01/26/2001 11:59
US metals industry jolted by electricity crisis
Florida Consumers facing higher utility bills
BPA chief warns of higher rates
PG&E reports outages in Marin County but no blackouts
California Power Crisis Partly to Blame for Phelps Dodge Cutbacks
Experts say crisis likely to stay around
Energy Problems need attention...............Greenspan
California On Its Own For Power After Feb. 7
Under protest, gas supplier says it fulfilled DOE order
Refineries could be subject to rolling blackouts
Rolling blackouts pose purely random menace
Yet More on California: NY Times: Crisis Replays Familiar Theme
Energy Questions: Re actual power of Feds to intervene and control
MichiganNatural gas prices to jump as much as 60 percent.
San Diego seeks electric surcharge
Search to solve power problems
Arizona Utility stops selling power to California
CA - Davis Sees 'Good News' in Power Auction
Midwest Natural Gas Prices May Reflect California Woes
Tennessee pays for power crisis in California
American economy facing an electric shock
Small town, big trouble
Power crisis moves into San Diego
Boeing feels California power crisis
It Could Be Years Before California Pays For Northwest Power
Alternative energy information source
California Energy Crisis Starting to Roil Other Western States
Despite California power crunch, downtown skylines still lit up
The No-Blackout Bunch
Blackouts dim fairylights in Tinseltown
Power prices expected to slow economy
Energy crisis looms over ag, says Senator
Australian Power supplies could be stretched to limit
CA - STAGE 3 EMERGENCY EXTENSION through 01/24/2001 23:59
California Transmission glitches add to woes
Montana Aluminum Plant to shut down, resell power
California Super Bowl viewers urged to save electricity
WA: Utility is told to cap rates
California blackouts could affect Arizona gas pipelines
CA - State Electricity Auction May Push Prices Up
The California Department of Water Resources Request for Bids for Energy Purchase
So How much do you pay for energy?
Possible blackouts pushed back to 10 a.m.
CA - STAGE 3 EMERGENCY EXTENSION [200100711] through 01/23/2001 23:59
Y2K and Energy Sector Problems
California's image dims as lights go out
CA-Refineries could be subject to rolling blackouts
PG&E warns Calif. power reduction plan is in trouble
Update: Calif. faces more power shortages
Utility bankruptcies would cause wide financial shocks
Tacoma Power plans to borrow $100 million
New president sweeps Calif. crisis under the rug
Calif. struggles in 2nd week of power crisis
California faces more power shortages
Get Used to It! Alerts, blackouts predicted for next 2 years
SFO Cuts Back Energy Use After Almost Running Out Of Jet Fuel
California oil pipelines reopened until Jan 26
CA:Hurried plans leave consumers in the dark
Energy companies strike tentative deal
Moscow: 16 Die from Chilly Weather
CA, Palm Springs, Edison cutbacks leave residents without power
PG&E News Release on Possible Natgas Shut-Off
Power grid layout prevents most utilities from helping
Californians could find themselves 'powerless' on Monday
Edison lines can't carry all wind power
Looters poised as power cuts hit California
California suffers third series of power blackouts
Great article on exactly how PG&E got to where they're at
California extended its Stage 3 alert to Monday
NY:Power Generator Plan Fuels Brentwood Fury
TN: Heating bills shock customers
End to power sharing urged by Washington and Oregon
Fuel, Electricity Shortages a Double-Whammy for Calif. Trucking
California may sap West's electricity
Dark Days Send Chill Through Dairyville
Electricity Supplier Terminates Contract With Pacific Gas & Electric
California ISO board disbanded; power line foes wait
Propane users also burned by high bills
Fuel shortage hits airline industry
Miss: Fuel prices hurting poultry industry
Plug pulled on 675,000 California homes and businesses
PG&E denies it proposed drastic reductions
Financial troubles loom behind threat of blackouts
Anxiety a blessing for solar power
Protesters pay their gas bills in pennies at Laclede office
Gas, jet fuel shortages feared for Las Vegas
Montana Power asks for increase in gas rates
Gas Shortage Possible as Crisis Affects Refineries, Pipelines
California Crisis Hurts Businesses and Idles Workers
PG&E Responds to Secretary Richardson's Order
Blackouts eat profits
Standard and Poors puts California on credit watch
Seattle City Light warns of new rate boost
California From Dim To Grim?
California power crisis raises U.S. capacity worries
Two gasoline suppliers lose power for 18 hoursy interruptions
Mayor of power-rich L.A. wants to charge rest of state more
California regulators order struggling utilities to keep power on
Lights could be off 12 hours a day, utility warns
It's your own fault, Bush tells Californians
Las Vegas Valley may face gasoline shortage
Calif. Utility in New Defaults As Crisis Persists
Blackouts benumb California, natural gas threat escalates
California still on energy alert but sees improvement
BPA acts in face of power crisis
California's dairymen dumping milk in midst of power crisis
California's Power Band-Aid
California Gasoline Shortages Possible
Retail electricity seller quits Bay State
CA - STAGE 3 EMERGENCY EXTENSION through 01/19/2001 23:59 [200100677]
Utility troubles felt far down the line
Calif. Blackouts a Fear for Elderly
California power problems worry New York
Richardson warns Calif power suppliers
San Francisco city attorney to sue state's power generators
Natural-gas cutoffs possible this week, PG&E chiefs say
Power crunch hits smaller businesses doubly hard
Nevada Power seeks another rate increase
PG&E Loses Remaining Credit Lines
Manufacturers getting slammed by high gas prices
Rolling Blackouts - Again
California power crisis has Arizona power plants running full blast
California ends blackouts as Canadian company steps in
Much of northern California in the Dark
Wake up before it's too late: A commentary on the energy crisis
California Inches Ever Closer to Losing Control
California: Defaults followed by chaos
OPEC slashes oil production
Bonneville ships 9,200 megawatt hours of electricity to California
Net blamed as crisis roils California
Calif. Farmers Fear Freeze Due to Power Woes
Another jolt looms for NW power customers
California: Continued conservation efforts urged
Drastic Move Averts Rolling Blackouts
Fertilizer prices heading up
Sky high and climbing; Propane costs surprise customers and gas companies alike
Farmers Feeling Effects Of Power Crisis
Too Little Juice, Too Much Red Ink
Iowa:Propane price also up
Stealthy Deal Protects Profits of PG&E's Parents
Moody's cuts SoCal Edison, Edison Int'l to junk
OPEC Forges Ahead with Planned Supply Cut
S&P rules on power crisis debt
Southern California power company in default
CA - STAGE 3 EMERGENCY NOTICE - Effective 01/16/2001 at 07:20
View of California different in Texas
Californian Governor to flick the switch
Calif. Gov. Races Against Clock to Fix Power Crisis
Generators expect California utility to pay bill Tuesday
Maryland Homeowners paying nearly 70 percent more for gas heat
Crude Oil Steady as OPEC Seen Cutting Output to Protect Revenue
Power crisis proves costly for more than just utilities
SoCal Ed Executive Says Utility Unable To Pay CalPX Tuesday
India's power crisis
Colorado may be repeating California electrical disaster
Energy's future in a new market
USA`s Triple Energy Whammy in Electric Power, Natural Gas & Oil
No power plants in my backyard
California crisis remains out of reach
California governor says state will buy power
California governor asks feds to invoke emergency powers
Santa Anita Braces For Possible Power Outage
WI: Gas pump prices take another leap
California Thriller
Waiting For Light To Come On When will we realize the need to conserve?
If Northwest Gets the Chills, California Could Feel Weak
Chattanoogans see natural gas price jump
CA:Gas cutoff could douse lights: Power generators depend on PG&E
The Coming N.Y. Blackouts
Arizona Governor promises to fight if attempts made to take electricity
Calif. Frustration with Power Crisis Grows
Fill up car now, gas prices will go higher
U.S. natural gas prices set record high in December
Oil Patch cuts back
Are California Grid managers crying wolf?
Credit Crisis Seen Adding to Calif. Blackout Threat
NC: Heating Costs Reaching Crisis
PG&E customers Check your bill to see if PG&E will put you in the dark
Natural Gas Is On Fire
A Crisis of Ignorance
Time magazine article on the natural gas shortage
California ISO found an angel
Gas industry battles planet Earth
NYC Facing Tight Summer Power Supplies
Oil price 'set to surge'
'It's Going To Get Ugly'(California)
calif. set to shut power off to up to 2 million
Northwest faces tight electric supply; volatile wholesale prices
U.S. Head Of Energy Regulation Resigns
High gas bills are last gift of Bill and Al
Minn: Soaring gas prices may limit spring fertilizer supplies
Missouri Gas Energy seeks 44 percent increase in gas charges
Californians warned of floods, electricity shortages
Washington's Natural Gas Prices May Soar
PG&E can't buy gas for heating
As the Lights Go Out in California
MidAmerican official: High natural gas bills won't be going away
Richardson Says California Power Crisis on Path Toward Resolution
The Shocking Truth for California
Electricity threat to US banks
PG&E Corp. says it can't raise cash
California could buy plants in deal with utilities
Illinois Commerce Commission to probe natural gas prices
Natural gas prices to go up 70 percent
Energy crisis may reach Burbank shortly
Analyst says nation near energy crisis
PG&E protests in SF turn ugly
Washington Regulators set to OK increase in natural gas rates
Heating Or Eating?
Wall Street Boo Calif. Power Plan
Electric Co. asks to boost El Pasoans' bills again
US: Utility fears hit banks
California energy crisis jolts US economy
B.C: Region's big natural gas users switch to dirty fuels
Seattle City Light proposes 18 percent increase in electric ratese
Alabama Gas Corp increasing rates by 62 per cent
Davis Focuses on Energy Crisis in Speech
Silicon Valley Fear of Outages Has Generator Firms in Chips
Cold weather forces Texas propane declaration
2 Arctic gas lines said needed to meet U.S. demand
Moody's cuts ratings on 3 California utility projects, may cut 3 more
Power Shortage Not Addressed : Blackouts expected during the summer
Possible fertilizer shortage a growing problem for corn farmers
Californians Don't See Power Problem
Power costs slam California's factories
Calif. scrambles for answers to power crisis
BP accused of tightening supplies to spike gas prices on West Coast
Fertilizer exec: Holding off on nitrogen buys "risky"
Governors Warn Of Blackouts, Urge Residents To Conserve
California power crisis deepens
Tech companies afraid of the dark
Credit rating agencies downgrade California utilities
Edison, PG&E's Outlook Dims as Shares Plunge, Debt Ratings Drop
Los Angeles 'power police' on the trail of electricity thieves
Power firms across Russia cry crisis amid freeze
Natural gas prices create nitrogen shortage
Montana Power crisis warning issued
Fitch says ready to cut Calif utilities to junk status
Rolling blackouts may hit without warning
Natural Gas Prices Nearly Quadruple Nationwide Since January 2000
How gas prices snuck up on us all
California Businesses Gird for Massive Electricity Rate Hike Shock
Californian Utilities' Woes Spread to Independent Power Producers
PG&E customers face higher natural gas prices
Fertilizer plants seek natural gas
Effect of California's Energy Crisis on Economy May Have Worried Fed
California Rate Surge Won't Stop Power Failure
Severe Electricity Shortages Hit Russian Far East Region
India: Power supply still erratic
Analyst: Proposed rate hikes for California utilities 'grossly inadequate'
Saudis push for Opec cut
California Regulators grant utilities temporary rate hike
PUC Expected to OK Electricity Rate Hike
PG&E gives feds bankruptcy warning
Milk prices zapped by electricity costs
California wood-burning power plants experience own fuel crisis
Electricity Makes, Breaks Silicon Valley
Mystery blackouts in Australia
California power-supply woes threaten economy and high-tech businesses
Cutback in conservation contributed to current energy crunch
Mexican steel plant closes due to gas prices
Australia: Diesel engine crisis looms
Danger Ahead- natural gas drawdown
PG&E says unit may run out of cash in 3 weeks
The Market Flaw California Overlooked
California Electricity rate rage growing
As Minnesota economy booms, electricity shortage looms
Families search for ways to ease the burden of higher gas costs
PG&E Warns of Higher Natural Gas Bills
Power plants to fire up natural-gas industry
A side-effect of Calif's power crunch: service cuts to businesses
Ohio natural gas heating bills doubling and tripling
Bandwagon gas market
Megawatt Muddle
Chicago Gas-price increases ignite criticism
Israel Oil company workers' strike could dry up gas pumps
Gulf calls for oil output cuts
Oil price threat to global economy
California Utility crisis getting worse
Propane prices on the rise, too
NZ Power price 'over the top'
Madison Wisconsin Heating bills are up 60% or more
PG&E, Edison International Estimate 2000 Electricity Debt at $12 Billion
Texas: Wood if you could
California Energy Crisis Drives Natural Gas Prices to Record Levels; Suppliers Declining to Sell Commodity
California Power crunch spills into water issue
Higher gas amd electric rates hit northern Nevada
Credit Crisis Threatens PG&E Feb Nat. Gas
Oil: Highest Annual Average in 15 Years
Power crisis? Piffle, consumers say
Heating Oil Rises as Winter Storm Approaches the Northeast
Electric generators selling like hot cakes in Arkansas
Lack of Power in the West Proves a Boon for Some
California enters Dante’s Inferno
North Carolina Gas prices stress suppliers, buyers
Stove merchants see sales stoked by threat of electricity failures
Calif. Fails To Solve Energy Dispute
U.S. municipals see Calif. utility paper sink
Silicon Valley Braces For More Energy Shortages
California Electric bill tax suggested
Ready for a shock? Then don't touch next electric bill
Panic in the natural gas situation
Analyst "We don't have enough gas to get us through the winter."
California Governor Asks for Extended Power Sales Order
No U.S. Bailout in Power Crisis, California Governor Says
Calif. utility seeks 30 pct rate hike
California:Gas bills bring chill to valley
Big gas rate hike possible in Vicksburg MS
Borden Chemicals and Plastics to temporarily idle natural gas based facility
Lessons for all in California crisis
Hydro Responds to Northwest Power Shortage
Canada, U.S. Look North to Meet Energy Demands
Power Crisis Casualties
`Server farm' boom poses threat to NW power supply
Serbia plunges into darkness as energy crisis worsens
Gadhafi: Freeze Oil Production
Natural Gas Price Soars Past $10 in Oklahoma
The makings of a power crisis
Energy crisis jolts California agencies
High heating costs cause alarm
California Rate Hike Is No Quick Fix For State's Energy Crisis
Natural-gas providers paying dearly
Consumers forced to weigh their power options
Stage set for strong U.S. gas prices in 2001
Heating fuel pipelines are being pushed to their limits
Those on fixed incomes have to cut back on thermostat use
California ISO Issues Concurrent Stage One and Stage Two
Wyoming cities scramble for power after transformer fails
Idaho PUC limits power sales to California
Colorado Gas bills could jump 40%
Energy Crisis Draws Fed Chief to California
Kansas City reporting a power shortage
California PUC Sets Stage for Increase in Electricity Bills
California Power Shortage Turns Deregulation Dream to Disaster
OPEC president responds to Bush's call to "open up the spigots"
Mass: Leap likely in bills for natural gas
Wa governorwe're waking up to obscene, manipulative and extortionist electricity prices
Oil won't solve energy 'crisis' Production unable to keep up with voracious U.S. demand
So CA - SAN ONOFRE 3 - 97% Power Operation - END OF CYCLE COASTDOWN
California Electricity Rate Hikes Loom
Living with the power surcharge
Rising natural gas prices leaving business behind
High oil, gas prices distorting propane market
Energy costs sowing internal turmoil in California agriculture
CA - STAGE 2 EMERGENCY NOTICE - Effective 12/21/2000 at 07:30
Natural Gas Rises to Record as Supplies Seen Falling Too Fast
Deepening California Crisis Raises Specter of Power Rationing
Greg LaMotte on California's energy crisis
New West Energy Suspends Energy Sales in California
Inland California Customers of Electric Utility to Be Back-Billed
Natural gas squeeze starts to pinch
California guaranteed power for another week
CA - STAGE 2 EMERGENCY NOTICE - Effective 12/20/2000 at 14:10
High natural gas prices hurting U.S industries
S&P warns Calif. utilities risk imminent default
U.S. chemical companies punch drunk as economy slows
Northwest Workers Paying a Steep Price for California's Energy Crunch
Utah gas bills could climb by nearly a third
California Power jolt: 50% price hike forecast
SCE&G raising gas rates by 19%
CA:Outside Power Supply Ordered
Energy crunch pinches the West
Maine firms face surge in electric rates
Lawsuits claim Californians gouged by natural gas conspiracy
Mich:Rising prices could have big impact for propane, heating oil users
California Utilities Want Rates To Increase About 20%
U.S Cuts Flow From Trinity To Sacramento River Basin
'Crisis of Power' Leaves Russians Without Heat
Energy Secretary Warns of Lay-Offs From California Power Crisis
CA - STAGE 2 EMERGENCY NOTICE - Effective 12/19/2000 at 09:15
California remains in Stage 1 emergency
High oil prices cut New Zealand's economic growth
Power Sales to California Heat Tempers in Northwest
Price of Natural Gas Hits Boiling Point, Soars Past Cost of Oil
New bills give gas Ohio customers a major chill
Oil producers be aware !
Fertilizer prices shoot upwards
BPA continues to assist California
How are the higher energy cost affecting you?
PPL Montana Leery of Mounting California Debt
Montana Refinery cuts back to save on electricity
This power crisis is getting very nasty, very quickly
Mainers may feel sting of FERC
Governors call for 'energy summit'
Why don't we have enough power?
As Oil Prices Decline, Natural Gas Threatens to Upset the Trend
Now Is the Winter of Our Discontent
MidAmerican Energy warns heat bills could double
Ariz. targeted gas, got budget cramp
Skyrocketing natural gas prices hurting deregulation efforts
Washington Power rates go higher as energy crisis grows
Utahns may face big jumps in gas, power bills
A powerful crisis in the NW region
Manufacturers Reeling From Soaring Price of Natural Gas
RPT-NGL supply crunch looms for US heating, petchem sector
New York regulators call for cut in price cap
Generation gap: Northwest electricity no longer plentiful
Power Shortage Sends Ripples Across West
Virginia Wood sellers expect demand, price to increase
Mixed Message From California Edison Is Making Critics Skeptical
U.S. Entry Into California Power Crisis Off to Rough Start
Oregon governor Calls for Summit to Unplug Energy Crisis
Canada Boggled by gas bills? Look south for culprit
Oil Patch Comes Back to Life as Natural Gas Prices Climb
ESAI warns of high gas prices, possible curtailments
CA governor asks for probe of 'exorbitant' hike in natural gas prices
U.S. Denies Northwest Power Price Cap, Approves California Cap
Wa Governor weighs into the fray surrounding escalating power crisis
Medford, Ore.-Area Natural Gas Utility Wants 29 Percent Rate Increase
FERC order shifts California away from spot market
California Energy pressure builds up
Feds: We'll Correct Power Woes
Sierra Pacific plans more rate hikes
Don't Blame Markets for California's Energy Mess
Officials ready if lights go out: Procedures in place to handle blackouts
California's power problems at-a-glance
Dwindling supply spikes heating oil prices
Texas: Gas prices force production halt at factory
WSJ reports that energy price volatility may harm utility credit ratings
California electricity: from disaster to farce
NW Power Rates Jump
AGA reports gas supplies declined 158 bcf
Alamitos Pays a Price to Go Back On-line Despite California's Desperate Power Needs
U.S. natural gas inventories seen starting 2001 at record low
Consumers may have to pay billions if utilities declare bankruptcy
California Power crisis building to blackouts, utility bankruptcy
Boeing finds power bills a real shock
CA - STAGE 2 EMERGENCY NOTICE Effective 12/14/2000 at 00:59
Spot price of natural gas plunges $11 US at Sumas
Utility Officials Repeat Power Warning in Oregon
Sky High Fuel Costs Are Grounding Airlines
California's Gas Pains Are Hardly Natural
New Economy puts strain on old power plants
California Secures Power But Trouble Still Looms
WA governor Asks Federal Government To Cap Electricity Prices
Lights Out as California Slammed by Power Shortage, High Prices
California Secures Emergency Power
Officials: Power plants contribute to high US gas prices
Calif governor says 2 utilities running out of cash
US Takes Emergency Steps on California Electricity
California Pleads for Emergency Power Imports
Khelil sees OPEC recommending 1.4-mln-bpd output cut on Jan. 17
California Screaming-market manipulation?
Tacoma Power rates up by 86%?
Electric gold rush zapping California
Surge in natural gas prices prompts call for probe
Natural gas costs explode, burn California customers for 50% more
Smelter profits by shutting down
Electricity Crisis Puts PG&E in A Cash Bind
Kilowatt Divide' Separates Winners, Losers in California Energy Crisis
Saddam's empty oil threat
Slim Relief in Sight for Strained Western Power Grid
Businesses accuse Puget Sound Energy of price gouging
Wholesale electricity prices soar in California
Aging tankers
Senate hearing: Sharply Higher Heating Bills Forecast
NW Power shortage averted
High natural gas prices threaten U.S. refining output
U.S. stuck with high natgas prices, low supplies-EIA
CaliforniaTech Companies a Drain on Power Grid
Natural gas prices soar into `uncharted territory'
California Natural gas prices go through the roof
ND:High prices, low temperatures will cause gas bills to double
Natural gas jets past the $9 mark as blizzard blows prices to record
Be glad you're not chilly in California
Energy Shortage Taking A Toll On Silicon Valley
U.S. natural gas prices start the week with a bang
California and the west; Power prices climb as crisis continues
California plea:shut off electricity-sucking items
Natural Gas Climbs as Blizzard Boosts Heating Demand in Midwest
Canada:Gas prices set fire to wood sales
OPEC warns of possible output cut; Natural gas climbs
West coast energy crisis heightened by cold snap
West Coast Energy Crisis Heightened by Cold in Northwest
Western Energy Crisis Threatens Industry
Energy crisis in Western states forcing plants to shut down, cut back
California Power Squeeze In 7th Day
Kaiser Halts Output of Northwest Smelter
California Power still at premium
Prepare for Dark While It's Still Light
Powering down the economy
Anger in U.S. over rising winter heating bills
California power crunch spurs many questions
Blackout threat remains as California scrambles for electricity
Montana Power shortage looms
Under Threat of Blackouts, Some Users Conserve but Others Make Light
Wahington Governor urges voluntary limits on electrical use
As Blackouts Loom; 4 More States Issue Warnings
Gas bill for large users doubles
Natural gas prices push major change
Warm trend helps California avert power blackouts
Gas Liquids Supply to Be Pinched by High Natural Gas Prices
Washington Utilities seek big gas rate increases
Canada Cheap Natural Gas for East Coast Consumers Becomes a Fading Dream
Allegiant Air cancels flights, lays off 41 due to soaring fuel prices
Pira sees risk of physical gas depletion this winter
FERC asked to help with California energy crunch
California Power Grid Back From Brink, but cold snap coming up
California lets high-polluting power plants to resume
Power shortage in California affecting Utah
Power Prices Soar in Western U.S.; Blackouts Are Feared Monday
California: Some of the Reasons for Diminishing PowerSupply
Wyoming Gas, electricity prices to rise
WA governor urges people to Turn Off Lights, Turn Down Heat
California Power Officials' High-Wire Act
Caliornia pushed to brink of blackouts as supply falls
Illinois Natural gas prices, chills create big bills
California paper mills to temporarily shut due to natural-gas prices
STAGE 2 EMERGENCY NOTICE -- Effective 12/08/2000 at 00:01
Chicago: Increase not going to gas company
EU Heading for Record Oil Deficit
Natural gas prices more than just a seasonal blip
STAGE 3 EMERGENCY NOTICE Effective 12/07/2000 at 17:15
California Electric Company Answers Questions about `Rolling Blackouts '
WA: Cold snap could bring power shortage
Ohio:Cinergy will seek another gas rate increase
California Customers ordered to reduce power use
BC Gas seeks price increase of 30%
SeattlCity Light customers may face rate roller coaster as demand rises e
Natural Gas Out of Control
WA:Most of 800 mill workers face layoff due to power prices
Cold front approaches as California power crisis looms
Power users cope with PG&E warnings
California surprise inspections at power plants
Calif. Limps Along Under Threat of Power Outages
U.S. Winter Heating Bills to Be Higher Than Expected, DOE
Power Prices Soar in Pacific Northwest
Gas shortage likely to shut California power plants
DOE: U.S. Winter Heating Bills to Be Substantially Higher Than Predicted Last Month
DOE Warns of High Fuel Prices Next Spring
China may be causing 'missing barrels' effect
California braces for latest power emergency
California governor considers Banning Electricity to other states
Kansas Expect gas bills to grow by 50% this winter
Natural gas futures hit all-time high-again
OPEC oil price falls below $28
Wisconsin Public Service Corp customers will 17% more
Indiana Gas rates will hit the ceiling as temps fall
Energy costs put crunch on California Christmas
Higher gas utility bills on horizon for Texas residents
Energy , Energy , Energy , Energy , Energy – Vikrant Suri
US Northwest power prices soar, traders fear bankruptcies
Mass Heating cost increases pushing 30 percent
High gas and power prices dog California market
US faces crisis over energy policy
AGA Preview: U.S. Natural Gas Inventories Seen Down 75-100 bcf
OPEC Oil Output And Iraq
Californians asked to turn off holiday lights as power demand peaks
Kansas: Natural gas prices more than triple from a year ago
Gas prices stay high on huge storage withdrawals
Iraq crude boycott targets U.S. oil import reliance
Natural Gas Prices Hit Highest Levels Ever
Calif. calls power alert after generation loss
Iraq won't resume oil exports until U.N. approves prices
Natural gas soars to record level
Iraq boycott spells shift in world oil trade patterns
US plant outage hits ScottishPower's pocket
Fuel prices hit Iowa's poor hard
Coal Becomes More Attractive as Oklahoma Gas Prices Continue to Rise
Turmoil hits energy markets
Iraq Blames U.S. for Its Halt of Oil Export
As oil prices rise, demand for firewood is hard to satisfy
California Shaken by Natural Gas Price Explosion
Mutiny on the Meter?
Iraq To Resume Exports Until Jan.
Iraq 'plans Palestine oil tax ploy'
Iraq cuts oil exports in battle with UN -continued
Japan Oil crisis deja vu
Jerseyans feeling heat on oil price
Russian utilities cut off Georgia capital
Analysis: Small Earthquake in the Oil Market
Russia: People Protest Lack of Heating in Homes
US counters Iraq oil move
Analysis: Saudis key to blocking more limits on oil production
Market concern has Iraq stop exports
Calif. faces record high winter natgas prices
Analysis: Saddam's oil tap
U.S. Working on Moves to Make Up for Lost Iraqi Oil
Shasta paper plant closes because of high natural gas prices
Natural gas price hits record high
IRAQ: Japan vessel refuses premium, leaves for Saudi without oil
Oil exports: The Iraqi statement
Heating Oil Prices Up 11 Cents In Past Three Weeks
Nigeria Fears Fuel Crisis After Pipeline Tragedy
Fresno solar plant sits idle during energy price hikes
Gasoline for $3 a gallon
Iraqi oil export suspension looms from midnight
US to counter Iraq oil threat
Increase of oil shipping fees..Increase of prices.. Where is the OPEC?
Weak Infrastructure Threatens Energy Crisis-Oil Economist
Iraqi oil loadings slow as lifters refuse surcharge
Governor to present plan for solving California's complex energy problems
Chilling Energy Bills Soon to Confront Chilly Orange County, Calif., Residents
High oil prices seen sustained by producer/consumer nations tension
Higher oil prices send Japan's import costs soaring
California Heating prices may exceed expectations
Early cold spell triggers California stage 2 energy crisis
Russia: Fuel Thieves' Pipeline Raid Pollutes Siberian Tundra
Retail heating fuel costs soar
Iraq Warns of `Consequences' If UN Rejects Oil Sales Formula
US in 'worst' natural gas crisis since ''70s, says executive
Natural Gas Prices Soar at California Border
PG&E Hits Us With Hot Prod / Huge bid for higher rates sneaked in like burglar
Oil, money and benign neglect
Chaos in Nigeria
Nigerian oil union sees strike impacting output by end-week
Big Oil's well of employees is running dry
OPEC Worry Over Oil Price Plunge Is Misplaced
Gas prices soar to $20/ Mcf in California
Md:Home gas suppliers put heat on buyers
Dearth of ships stalls transatlantic clean trades
Interruptibles - another worry for U.S. heating oil?
Oil Prices Hit Transatlantic Fares
API Chief: Heating Oil Price May Increase by 50%Over Last Year
Oil Holds Ground, Iraq Exports Threatened
Iraq's oil price formula rejected
EGYPT: Arab oil ministers: No adjustments
Toronto Truckers threaten traffic action over fuel costs
Nigerian oil output hit by strike
MASS:Heating oil stockpiled State plans for worst
Big Chill 'To Black Out Us'
Cold comfort from Saudi oil minister
Russia Says Oil Companies Aren't Paying Full Taxes
OAPEC expects Kuwait oil output capacity to rise to 2.5 mln bpd
Opinion:The Iraqi reopening of the shared Iraqi-Syrian pipeline
Md:Natural-gas options vanish into the ether
Egypt opposes Arab oil embargo on West to pressure Israel
Seattle City Light warns usage cuts, blackouts possible
High gas prices revive prospects for coal
Arabs see no need to boost oil output
Kuwait official sees no return to $20 oil
Power Prices Sting Tacoma, Wash., Chlorine Plant
Soaring Gas Bills Warm Western Kentucky Region
Iraq threatens halt to oil exports
Oil price stokes German inflation
Iran urges oil embargo on states backing Israel
Oil Stays Firm As Mideast Heats Up
U.S. natural gas prices are expected to continue their relentless march higher next week
CA: Power Suppliers Accused of Manipulating Prices by Intentionally Reducing Output to Boost Prices
Russian energy crisis bites
OPEC to hit oil gamblers
Higher energy costs strain metals producers' costs
U.S. retail heating oil price at seasonal high-EIA
Richardson says enough natgas to meet winter demand
Oil softens, market still nervous
40 000 shiver in Vladivostok winter
World's first commercial wave plant opens in Britain
Colorado: Natural gas bills climbing more than was predicted--home heating costs may rise more than 100%
BC Gas wants another rate hike
Philadelphia natural gas rates to rise by about 24 percent
Missouri Natural gas prices climbing even higher than expected
Iraq may halt oil exports December 1
Oil Is The No. 1 Cloud Over World Economies
California Gas Heating Bills to Rise Substantially
Korean Govt to Ask Oil Refiners to Stem Cash Payments
U.S. May Tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve if Iraq Cuts Exports
Iraq 'exports oil to Syria'
California contradicts power concerns
N. Y. : Indian Point 2 in the "Red" Zone
Energy Crises Feared if Oil Prices Gyrate
Fuel protests spread Down Under
California still battling power shortages
Pricey power, cheap copper keeps Continental mine shut
U.S. ships 5.227 million barrels of emergency oil
NW utilities grid for power shortages which could be triggered by an "Artic Express"
The Alan Greenspan of OPEC?
Heating oil in short supply
Opec prepares to cut output
Lights dim as costly oil squeezes Pakistan
Aussie Truckies maintain blockade at Victorian oil terminals v
Oil Buyers Concede $25 Barrel Fair
Kansas Propane Customers Expect Winter Prices to Skyrocket
Rates Climbing Natural Gas Shortages, Deregulation Promise A Chilly Winter Ahead
Oil Crunch 'A Supply Problem'?
Oil Consumers Plead with OPEC
Oil prices threaten U.S. juggernaut
U.S. energy chief calls for oil prices between $20 and $25 per barrel
Oil Markets: Watch the Thermometer!
The California electricity mess
Gas bills may give California consumers shivers
California Returns to the Edge of an Emergency on Electricity
Iraq beefs up oil price to beat sanctions
'Big Storm' To Hit Oil Market
Holiday lights could overburden California electricity grid
OPEC's Rodriguez tells French paper oil supply exceeds demand
Saudi source denies Riyadh happy with $30 oil price
U.S. heating oil stocks are now 31 percent below last year
California power grid strained for third day
California Warned of High Gas Bills and possible blackouts
Natural Gas Rises on First U.S. Inventory Drop in Seven Months
Alitalia Profits Slide - Fuel Costs Blamed
Oil higher on U.S. winter, Iraq worries
Iraq asks crude lifters for 50 cent premium
Cold pushes natural gas to record
Northern chill sends oil price up worldwide
Oil climbs in Asia as US faces winter without Opec boost
OPEC names hawkish leader
Richardson wants more oil-again
With 11,000 Mw down, California ISO issues alert
Seniors left out in cold as energy rates skyrocket
High Oil Prices? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!
Syrian intellectuals call on OIC to use oil to pressure Israeli allies
Natural-gas prices hit high; heating oil also climbs
Saudi Arabia forecasts oil price stability
Oil market saturated
OPEC Ministers Decide Against Winter Oil Production Increase
Washingtons energy prices near rest of U.S.
Oil Rises to 1-Month High as OPEC Plans No Change in Output
OPEC will not pump more oil despite high prices
Pakistan:Shell depot attacked, staff assaulted
Despite squeeze, OPEC likely to keep lid on oil production
OPEC fears impending oil glut.
Rain, train and gasoline woes put Britain on brink of crisis
WA:Demand For Power Driving Up Prices
Boston-Area Residents Disenchanted, Disillusioned over High Utility Rates
California shock
Tanker Shortage Spurs Freight-Rate Rise, Adds to High Oil Price
Oil prices riding high with little influence from OPEC
Heating oil prices still combustible, linked to gas
World demand for oil is set to increase
Europe ships heating oil to U.S. despite stock worries
Iraq agitates oil market with "game'
Statement by the President: Signing Statement on the "Energy Act of 2000"
OPEC may cut oil output
Aus:LPG price reaches a new high
Warning of winter fuel shortages
Oil hits US wholesale prices
Oil: Still Waiting for an Inventory Boost
UAE Bstill has spare oil production capacityB
Iraq writes to UN, questions "usefulness" of continuing oil exports
Americans to pay 29 pct more for natural gas
Gasoline Stocks at Lowest Level in Years
Crude Oil Inventories Fail to Meet Expectations--API Distillates Rise More Than Expected
Poughkeepsie Electric bills jump due to fuel
Natural Gas Rises 5% as Cold Spell Seen Boosting Midwest Demand
Oil Closes Higher on Iraq Export Halt
Nigeria: Shell force majeure at Bonny after 250,000 bpd loss--May wipe out OPEC production increase
Russia: Airline Fuel Crisis Closes down Flights
UK The fuel protesters' story:
Crude oil prices:The China Factor
Power deal threatens aluminium smelters
Candidates not focusing on the energy crisis
Britain In Chaos: Fuel - Hysteria spreads across Britain's
Natgas prices risk thousands of Mexican jobs-poll
UK: Government prepares for all-out war against fuel protesters
OPEC's Lukman says oil set to fall after U.S. polls
Distillate heating oil supplies remain low, report says
UK:Fuel tax rebels threaten food supplies
Ca: Rising natural gas prices send a chill
A discreet way of doing business with Iraq
The big shock?
PA: Natural gas bills to rise again
CA: U.S. panel orders changes in state's electricity market--says hign prices unlawful but no refunds
Oil Refinery Restraints
Prices for heating, hot water double in Ukraine's capital
The New Millennium Oil Crisis
UK: First petro station runs dry as oil giants' profits enrage protesters
Ireland Hospital fuel budgets hit as heating oil cost rockets
ENERGY MATTERS: Can OPEC Steer Southbound Price Train?
SA calls for more oil
Oil up after surprise inventory dip
Iraq delays action that could send oil prices soaring
Mass: Natural gas rates hiked over 20%
Mo: Ameren hikes gas prices 39 percent
Britain: Fuel protesters plan four-day nationwide rolling blockade starting November 10th
Crude Oil Rises on Unexpected Decline in U.S. Inventories
Tight Refinery Capacity Props Up Crude Despite OPEC
Japan:2 deficits threaten intl financial order
Facing Energy Crisis, Europe Has Forgiven Russia for Chechnya
UK: Prepare for more disruption, oil companies warn
Middle East: Peace with Integrity and Solidarity within Israel?
British fuel protesters warn of early action
OPEC plan will do little to ease oil prices
California: Higher Gas Bills
Thirteen-dollar natural gas this winter?
The brewing oil crisis and Pakistan
Natural Gas May Give You Heartburn
OPEC hikes oil output, fails to curb price
Iraq to accept dollars for oil
Iraq Says Its Oil Will Be Priced in Euros This Week
With Energy Prices Tamed, Guzzling Ways Return
UK :Record oil profits set to fuel anger
Solution to our latest energy crisis
Florida Highway Patrol told to save gas
Rupee plummets on rising oil prices
Iran says oil prices may fall sharply in 2001
Iraq Starting Euro Oil Contracts
Iraq's Oreo Plan On Sanctions
Japan: Water's more costly than oil, so what's the fuss?
Iraq spreads trouble on oil supplies
Australian Views: How serious is the oil crunch?
Mass:Heating oil users lock in rates
Yamani voices oil price fears
How serious is the oil crunch?
Stop In Iraqi Oil Exports Would Trigger IEA meeting
Iraq may halt 5.0 pct world oil exports in euro row
American Airlines CEO says high fuel costs may persist
Joplin Mo. Fuel budgets running on empty
Oil price surges $32 a barrel on Iraq supply fear
Oil price fears pummel rupee to record low
FBI Practices Rescue of Oil Reserves
Oil price shorting out coppers's electricity
Boston Electric utility customers will see rates increase
Indiana lifts gas-tax break
Somalia: Capital's Traffic Comes to Halt as Fuel Prices Rocket
Analyst: Low storage, cold weather to lead to winter gas market volatility
Tanker shortage to squeeze U.S. Northeast oil supply
Nigeria May Not Sustain Higher Oil Output
U.S. retail gasoline rises for second week to $1.551/gallon
European Panic rush on fuel forthcoming?
Consumers face a 'perfect storm' of energy problems
One Cold Blast Might Wipe Out Homeowners' Heating Oil Stash
Crude oil price on a rollercoaster
Oil Holds Above $31 As Mideast Simmers
Oil prices may shock again as winter looms
Gas hits 105 yen per liter in sharpest rise since Gulf War
Oil prices may shock again
Burned By Natural Gas Prices
Pound 'adds to oil price'
Customers blow fuse after utilities appear to pull plug on service
Clinton has ordered all federal agencies to fill their heating oil storage tanks early this winter to avoid a supply crisis
Maine Heating oil pinch: $77 more per month
Havoc in world oil markets
Canadians told to brace for big natural gas price hikes
U.S. Energy Secretary Asks OPEC Pres for More Oil
Chicago Tribune: Why are natural gas prices skyrocketing?
Hungary's Planned 43% Gas Price Hike Called Illegal
The oil apocalypse
Arab Leaders Blame Israel for Violence; Jerusalem Unites Summit
Pellet fuels, stoves make fiery comeback this winter
Where have all the barrels gone?"
TorontoTruckers threaten fuel depot blockades across province
War fears fuel oil price
Icra predicts hard days ahead for oil importing countries
Hizbullah leader says Arabs afraid of 'oil weapon'
Crude Oil Gains on Worst Day of Mideast Violence in Two Weeks
Fed chief predicts oil prices to fall
Only in the oil market...
US heating oil supply effort rebounds on gasoline prices
US oil rises as crude stocks fall unexpectedly
NE Region's oil stockpiles low even before winter begins
The world's thirst for oil
Oil prices have US scrounging for supplies
Duluth addresses rising cost of heating oil
Dire Heating Oil Predictions for northeast
Chile Truckers Strike for 3rd Day
B.C. Natural gas prices could jump by 20%
Iran minister wants oil used as anti-Israel weapon
U.S. Says Has Enough Heating Oil for East Coast
Korean'Oil refineries drain national wealth by dumping exports'
UK: Fuel increase spells 'end of the road' for truckers
Oil sent out of Midwest on purpose, study says
UK: Petrol price moving on up
Top Fed Officials Warn of Oil Price Risks
Canada: Truckers block major highway in Ontario
Phoenix stations run out of gasoline
UK Fuel protesters threaten mass rally
High fuel costs hit US Airways third quarter earnings
Study: Big oil cut inventory to boost gas prices
Drop in supplies boosts oil prices
Wyoming: Even wood for heating costs more
Canada Rate hike adds 45% to natural gas bill
Oil -- US Inventories **Decline** With Winter Looming
Canadian truckers reject government-brokered deal
California regulators will reconsider whether utilities can pass on electric losses
We're on the brink
Syrian president in Saudi
If the oil prices keep rising?
Heating Oil supplies remain static
Oil on rise as Gaza flares again
Falling $A keeps oil prices on the rise
Ontario truckers launch blockades
Heating Oil Flows Under the Radar
Retail Gasoline Price Rise, Diesel Hits Record
Analysts: US to scramble for 2001 gas supplies after colder winter
NJ:When it comes to gas prices, what goes down must come up
Oil falls more than a dollar ahead of Mideast summit
Pain at the pump
Ontario truckers vote to park
Nearly two-thirds of Maine dealers raise their oil prices
Sales of Wood Stoves Heat Up in South Bend, Ind.-Area
California Barreling Ahead Toward a Fuel Shortage
Ireland:Shock ahead for electricity thieves
The other heating-bill crisis: natural gas
Mainers take looming heating-oil price hike in stride
London: Secret plans to ration petrol
Mideast conflict to raise Australia's petrol prices
Saudi's threaten use of oil weapon if Israel continues attacks on Palestinians
This time the West can survive an oil embargo
UK: Defence chiefs preparing for further fuel protests
Mideast-spurred oil panic highlights U.S. energy shortage
Oil Experts Say Third 'Predictable' Personality Could Shape Presidential Election
World oil markets hold their breath for a recession
Georgia Gas bills may bring extra chill
Vermont Heating program prepares for 'desperate' winter
No sign of oil ban . . . yet
Gas prices creeping back up
The ghost of crises past
Corporate bond crisis grows amid credit fears
Oil markets fear supply squeeze
Ignoring Strong Inflation Data, Tech Stocks Post Second-Largest Gain
US oil on high alert as Mideast crisis simmers
The Oil Crisis and the Flight to Quality
Michigan gas prices soar after Mideast attacks
Pakistan Crude oil imports up 81 percent
Upheaval in Mideast pushes gas prices up
Fear may drive oil to $US40
Wyoming: 50% increase in utility bills could cost jobs
Iraq extends anti-dollar campaign to oil
Finnish Defence Forces Cut Down Operations Due to High Oil Prices
Crisis in the Mideast and Wall Street
Pentagon: Iraqi troop movements detected
Don't Discount Saddam's Capacity to Add Fuel to This Fire
Memories of 1973 oil crisis sends markets into panic
Mideast Problems Could Affect Pump Prices
Oil prices boost U.S. import costs
Middle East War a Market Breaker?
Oil Surges; Violence Sparks Panic Buying
Oil Surges; Violence Sparks Panic Buying--up to $36.20
Iraq may halt oil flows unless paid in euros-paper
Iraq threatens to halt oil exports over UN money: official
Russia: Gas Oil Exports Drop By 8.1% in September
Oil nears $34 as US stocks drop, Middle East bubbles
A Resurgent Asia Craves Oil
Reno Firewood providers besieged with orders
Moultrie GA warns of much higher gas prices this winter
Feds Award Oil Deals to Tiny, Inexperienced Firms
Oil could be US economy spoiler
Oil price hits $34 a barrel
Florida troopers asked to cut gas usage
U.S. Economy: Fed's Worry Is Whether Inflation Scares Consumers
Britain: Petrol pushes inflation to two-year high
Federal Reserve Officials Warn Oil Could Be Spoiler
Will Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Make You Warm? Maybe Not
Caught Unprepared, Natural-Gas Industry Is Stymied by Labor, Equipment Shortages
Oil up on API report
EC Looking to Russia as Solution to Energy Woes
Indian Lorry-Drivers Threaten Nov Strike Over Oil Price Rise
Straining Energy System Points to Rising Stocks
U.S. oil blasts higher as stocks shrink--nearing $34 per barrel in after hour trading following API report
Venezuelan oil workers to stage walkout
Venezuelan oil workers to stage walkout
Congressman Hyde calls for FTC natural gas investigation--concerned about rumour that natural gas prices may skyrocket by 90%
Oil price spike catches market off guard
Middle East crisis fuels continuing oil price rise
Electricity Crunch May Force the Nation into Tough Tradeoffs
Market conditions make oil price stability impossible
Saudi will not consider halting oil to West-source
Asian Stocks, World's Laggards, May Extend Slump on Oil Surge
Nigeria counts 721 incidents of pipeline vandalisation this year
Oil price rise hurts Italy more than rest of EU
UK: Oil inflation hits factories
Iraqi oil output falls
Crude oil jumps again
Guerillas Target Colombian Pipelines
Michigan Heating fuel available, but expensive
Oil prices threaten jet market
We Didn't Ask for Energy Deregulation and We're Not Paying for It
Bracing for oil price jump, N.E. rethinks its reliance
Mercury News carriers stop delivery to protest rising cost of gas
North American gas market to enter winter with lowest gas level
Oil Prices Push Up UK Industry Costs
Oil bounces back
AustralianTruckies roll into Parliament House
List of Likely Factors Affecting Fuel Shortfalls
UAE Has Spare Oil-Production Capacity
Australia: Oil Rises on Supply Concern as Middle East Tensions Escalate
High cost of heating sends Wisconsin homeowners scrambling
New England Bracing For Heating Oil Crisis
Fuel cost squeeze is on
Indiana:Natural gas price cushion proves elusive
Hong Kong: Is the world heading for its third oil shock?
Chicago: City asks gas company to cut bills--64% increase predicted this winter
Britain's hauliers plan how to bring the country to a halt again
OPEC doing Greenspan's work
MO:Increase in wholesale natural-gas prices means higher bills
High summer gas prices under suspicion
Shipping lines raise bunker surcharge again
The Strategic Oil Boomerang
Asean Joins Japan, Korea Call for Stable Oil Prices Which Hace Climbed 50% This Year
Australia: Truckies in noisy protest
Saudi foreign minister in Iran
UK: Fuel crisis to overshadow retail results
CA: Oil Leaks Found in Rickety Tanker
Wyoming offers toll-free number to help residents with heat bills
New England Bracing For Heating Oil Crisis
DOE Says Only One-Third of Emergency Oil Will Be Additional Supplies
N.M. Provider Seeks Electric Rate Hike
The Great Oil Controversy
Oil reserves rushed to market
CA: State peak electric use drops despite rolling blackouts
Crude Oil Rises on Concern for Shortages of U.S. Heating Oil
Mexico: When Oil Is Too Much of a Good Thing
Start stocking up on wool blankets
Higher heating bills coming -Energy Dept
Increase in Electric Bills Shock Okla., Residents
Charlotte, N.C.-Based Natural-Gas Utility Warns Customers of Higher Bills
Natural gas marketer is canceling contracts with regional users
Propane Industry Advises Consumers: Be Prepared
Moldovan Deputy Premier Tells Parliament About Shortage of Fuel for winter
New Jersey: Four natural gas utilities seek big boosts in rates
Australian Fuel blockade starts
Japan,Europe Would Unlock Reserves If Oil Hits $50-60-Bbl
European Central Bank Unexpectedly Raises Key Interest Rates
Sicily grinds to a halt as fuel protest bites
Truckers rally to protest rising fuel costs
NJ: Four natural gas utilities seek big boosts in rates
Japan planning massive export of oil
Retail gasoline prices hit 38-month high in Japan
Fuel woes hit Europe
California utilities seek billions in relief from high costs
Truckers Block Roads as Gas Prices Continue To Fuel European Demonstrations
Energy agency seeks more heating oil to ease tightness
Oil Workers Threaten To Strike In Brazil
US will have problems selling SPR oil--OPEC president
Low Distillate Inventories Worry Analysts
Argentina trucking strike stymies cattle, cash flow
Sicily Under Pressure From Truck Drivers' Strike
Oil, gas firms stuck in valuation rut
Britain: Fuel crisis hits retailers, services
Refinery capacity runs short
Romania: Drivers' fuel price protest jams Bucharest traffic
Vermont Heating oil programs in a crisis
Australia's Oil Refining Industry In Crisis - Minister
Oil Industry Survey Reveals ... 'We're Not Adequately Prepared
Businesses pass on cost of fuel
Fed frets about cost of energy in future
Chicago Nicor gas bills set to rise 90 percent
India: Price hike in petroleum products will affect railways
Oil prices above $32 in Asia
SPR release receives mixed interest from oil companies
California helped cause blackouts in June, consumer group claims
WS: Dealers of wood-burning heating appliances busy
Australia:Refineries cry poor on profits
Indiana: 40,000 swamp NIPSCO phones to lock in gas rates
Low Supply of Heating Fuel Lifts Crude Oil Prices 4.3%
Southeast Asia Nervously Watches as Oil Prices Climb
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's Global: First Cuts to Global Growth
R.I. powerless to combat cost of heating oil
NY:Oil prices impact county budget
Oil crisis might be averted, energy chief says
NY:There Will Be Oil for Winter, But at a Price, City Is Told
Chicago natural gas could rise 50 percent
Middle East Tension Keeps Oil Above $32
Sabotage saps Colombia oil output
Japan to propose concerted oil reserve release at IEA meet
Striking Spanish truckers block border with France
Violence spreads into Israel
India Petrol traders threaten strike
Calif. Drayers Protest Fuel Prices
UK:Fuel crisis hits manufacturers
IowaHome heating prices to rise 45 percent for gas users
Big oil's #75bn bonanza
Venezuela offers oil to poor neighbors at reduced rates
Oil rises above $31 a barrel in Asia
Maryland Gas, oil price relief unlikely
Mass:Firewood Prices Rise As Temps Fall
Crude Oil Soars on Concern About Low U.S. Heating Oil Supplies
Oil Surges Again Amid Fresh Iraq-Kuwait Tension
Fuel prices give schools the shivers
UK:Fuel crisis fallout 'is not over yet'
Oil rises above $31/bbl, adds to rebound in Asia
New York: Renters Face Big Increase in Heating Bills This Winter
Korean refineries get hefty fines for price-fixing
Singapore: Crude Oil Gains Again After EU Eschews Tapping Reserves
Poll from Arabia.com: What single act of solidarity should Arabs give to Palestinians? 38% call for halt of oil shipment to Israeli Allies
EU plan to scrap old ships could lift oil price
IndiaTrade gap widens as oil imports surge
Oil Industry/Phil Ryall: State paying price for energy regulation
Bay Area might use portable power plants next year
Power costs are shock to border sewage plant
Greece:Fuel reserves run low as strike enters day 5
Wisconsin Heating bills likely to soar this winter
Many homeowners in the Southern tier are left ... over a barrel
Knoxville warns of high gas bills
PA: Natural gas bills to rise
Boston Mayor puts the heat on oil dealers
Asia feels pinch of high oil costs, but so far averts crisis
Fears loom on `third oil shock'
Jump in energy costs prompts rail-car parts maker to cut back
Oil-drilling companies find it difficult to round up workers
Spanish fuel price protesters extend blockades
India: Parties label oil price hike as `anti-poor'
Thailand: Oil Bills Up 140% Over Same Month Last Year
How the oil and euro turmoil will strike home
Heating oil campaign stokes gas cost fears
West Must Follow Advice It Gave When Oil Price Was Low
Ashland exec: U.S. faces new fuel crisis
Saudis promise more oil
Gas Supplies Cut to Russian Regions
Chicago:October Gas Charge to Rise
Europe holds its oil reserves
OPEC stops short of pledge
High Fuel Costs Drop Third Quarter Profits
Crude Oil Prices Reach Another 10-Year High
Israel Fuel workers' strike could paralyze country
EU looks to Russia to plug energy gap
73% of Scots back repeat of fuel protests
Natural gas costs rise in southern Michigan
OPEC's Unity Is Undercut by the Saudis
Ontario Trucking Assoc. with Regards to the Deepening Fuel Crisis
Global: Impact of an Oil Shock
GOP seeks to kill plan to use strategic oil
Mass:Natural gas prices expected to keep rising
South Africa Diesel price to hit farmers
Declining US summer production levels keep storage low, gas prices high
Korea: Oil Firms Fined W190 Billion for Colluding on Military Bids
Hawaiian Islands hit hard by oil crunch
Energy Dept. to ask U.S. refiners to delay maintenance--heating oil stocks down 70% from last year
UAL Will Post 3rd-Qtr Loss--Flight Disruptions and 58% Fuel Cost Jump Blamed
Natural Gas Prices: ''We're going to hear some people really scream this winter.''
Plan for home heating oil reserve looks ice-cold now
CA: Gas use on rise, despite high prices
Oregon Natural Gas Prices Will Jump
KY:Natural gas prices to soar
Bottom of the barrel?
Texas: Price of propane also rising
Utah Natural Gas Prices Heat Up
RI:Natural gas users angered by rapid series of rate hikes
Russia: electricity supplies being cut off to consumers in Altay Republic
U.S Truckers protest 'outrageous' diesel prices
Market Beware: 'October Surprise' Could Be a Doozie for Oil Prices
API says US refineries running at capacity
House Strips Provision authorizing SPR Withdrawls and the Creation of Heating Oil Reserve in Northeast
Opec warns of output cuts if oil price falls
Heating Oil Reserve Plan Stripped
Oil strikes plunge Peru into turmoil
WV :Energy crunch to be visible only at pumps
N.E. oil inventories plummet
Outlook Bleak For Storing Of Heating Oil
Forget oil -- the price of natural gas is skyrocketing
Singapore: Tanker loses gas oil cargo in hijack
OPEC: Bottlenecks in transportation and refining are contributing to high prices
"Folks better get their acts together -- or their chain saws," Senator
US 'could sell crude oil reserves for 18 months'
Middle East gas oil soars
SC: Natural gas prices increase in Upstate
Commentary from Kenya: Wheeling and dealing social Darwinists seen fueling another oil crisis
Washington faces up to a long, hard winter
IEA to convene emergency meeting on oil
High fuel prices take toll (air cargo)
Republicans Aim to Block Oil Release
Russia Says Cannot Affect Oil Prices Short Term
Russia: Generals Battle for Real Power: Electricity
Ukraine: Fuel and Energy Crisis--Government Has Reached Maximum Payment Level for Electricity, Ministry Believes
Russia Has Reached Maximum Payment Level for Electricity
Nevada: Electricity reliability called into question
Louisiana:Skyrocketing electric bills prompt citizen' s concern
Vermont: Demand for home heating aid is way up
Disruptions forecast as oil supply dwindles
Oil ministers warn output may be cut
J.P. Morgan says oil prices will reach $34 per barrel in fourth quarter
Japan: Petroleum product wholesalers to hike prices in Oct.--steepest in series of hikes
Dain Rauscher Wessels analysts predict natural gas crisis
Some Nations Tap Oil Reserves
U.S. refineries can't match demand for fuel
Venezuela Says Unnamed EU Country Tapping Oil Reserve
WSJ Europe: Major oil companies produced fewer barrels over the past six months than in the same period a year ago, despite crude prices rising to 10-year highs
Oil Rises in After Hours Trading as U.S. Heating Oil Supplies Lower Than Expected
Canada: More Ontario truckers' groups threaten fuel protests
Australia: Truckers plan to spread fuel protests
Rebel attacks shut down two Colombian oil pipelines
Ireland Homes feel chill as heating oil bills rocket
Ukraine to Crack on Debtors to Avoid Energy Crisis
Oil issue strains Europe's fragile unity
Thousands of truckers protest oil prices in Berlin
Pittsburg: Food Banks Prep for Fuel Cost Increases
Singapore: Experts warn of oil supply disruptions as spare capacity dwindles
Thousands of Truckers Protest Oil Prices in Berlin
Oil Prices Rising Again
Iraqi paper: Oil should be more than $50 a barrel
India: Petroleum dealers to go on one-day token strike
UK: Falling euro and oil price pressure raise spectre of further intervention
Oil may hinder Spanish recovery
Crude Oil Rises as Supply Boost Seen Leaving Heating Oil Short
EU ministers to discuss release of emergency oil
Californians to see natural gas bills rise substantially
Louisiana High electric bills creating lots of sparks
PG&E, investors nervous over $2.2 billon electric
Polish Fishermen Begin Fuel Protest
Asian slowdown looms as oil prices soar
Arkansas Natural Gas Bills Could Triple
Indiana Heat bills may break winter budgets
CA: Electric Bills Forcast to Rise by 50%
Wag the Dog part 3
Denver: tility hikes seen hurting working poor, small businesses--40-49% increases predicted
New Jersey orders big natural gas users to have alternate fuel
High heating costs drive alternatives
Finance chiefs hope for market magic
Canadian Truckers win fuel cost relief
NY: Consumers get cozy with wood
Oil Slickness In tapping strategic reserves, Clinton misses the point
Canadian Pacific Rail plans three per cent hike
Colorado Natural gas to impact power
Friday was a hallmark day. Why?
Get Used to 'Fair' Oil Prices, Says Venezuela
Richardson Leaves Open More U.S. Oil Reserve Taps
Fuel protests spread to Australia
The New War Over Oil
Crude oil price puts the heat on in Ireland
Clinton's good oil sends bad signal
Trucking business feeling the pinch
Toronto Truckers gear up for oil strike
Oil Release-Explainer
Expert Declares San Diego Energy Disaster Area
Oil woes cause US rethink on Iraq sanctions
Stockpile release insignificant, oilmen
Truckers Protest As Germany Says Oil Measures Over
India seeks $4 billion for oil bill from citizens abroad
Analysts warn more oil production not a quick fix
Montana Fuel prices increasing, again
Energy Crisis Threatens Growth
Dependence on Middle East oil threatens yen, stock market
Iraq Trouble Brewing?
South Korea to inject $45bn to aid banks
The U.K. taxes gasoline as if driving were a sin
Long Island: Power Bill Hike Eyed by LIPA
Spooked by fuel prices, Mainers buy up firewood
Protests over high fuel prices and short supply are all over the world
Ontario Owner-Operators Threaten Fuel Blockade
Economist Caution on Oil Reserves
Korea: Blackout Alert
Montana CFAC cutting production(aluminum)
MN: Xcel says costs could rise up to 50 percent
Rising Consumption, Stagnant Production,Oil Prices Will Stay High
Oil's Aflowin' (But We Still Need More)
Consumers Click 'NO' to Release of U.S. Oil Reserves
Clinton Approves Limited Release of U.S. Oil Reserves
OPEC In The Eye Of The Storm
Energy crisis looms over U.S.
Oil Reserve Increase For Japan
OntarioTruckers step on gas
Big Oil catches fuel fallout
When Should Oil Reserve Be Tapped?
Mexican steel processor suspends mining on high gas prices
India:Be ready for the oil shock on Saturday
Costly Oil, Weak Euro Deal a Double Blow to Europe
Spanish farmers plan a month of fuel protests
Ontario truckers consider offer before deciding on protest
Louisiana aquifers are in danger
To Tap, Or Not To Tap?
Heating oil crisis evident long before winter
NJ:Senator sounds the alarm on home heating oil prices
On Oil, the Bill for Neglect Is Due
Currency, Oil Could Pose More Problems for Intel
Quebec is looking for ways to ease gas-price burden on truckers
OPEC President: OPEC oversupplying by 2 million barrels per day--"somewhere stocks are building"
Oil supply not on OPEC summit agenda--OPEC president
Power outages and shortages affect consumers around California
Natural gas execs Situation: Critical
Lack of refineries one reason for high prices
Sinking euro, soaring oil burn hole in EU growth
A Litany of Risks: Oil, US Dollar Bubble, Aussie Dollar
Michigan Soaring fuel oil prices hit home
China to Import 40 Million Tons of Crude, Refined Oil in 2000
Asian countries edgy as oil prices spiral higher
Ohio:Natural gas keeps rising
US caused oil price crisis: Opec president
Thailand: Baht weakens to 25-month low following regional downslide--High fuel prices raise concern on economy (3 stories fromThailand on currency and energy problems)
Low-sulfur Diesel will Cost a Fortune
Fuel prices threaten trucking industry
Over Saddam's Barrel
India: Blazing oil prices add to fiscal strain
Power should be gas supply priority, Sempra chairman
Energy Execs Blame EPA for Role in Tight Supply
Beijing plans to stockpile oil as price rockets
Germany:Schrvder accuses oil companies of 'price ramping'
Japan: High oil prices to push up household costs by 30,000 yen
Japan August trade surplus down, oil imports surge
Jakarta says more Opec output rises might be tough
Truckers:Victims of rising fuel prices
Speculators seen fueling runaway crude oil prices
EU meets for fuel talks
Gov't: We Will Head Off Oil Crisis
CA: Many Bay Area drivers paying $2 a gallon
Qatar Increases Oil Exports
Wielding oil, Saddam rises again
U.S. oil sets new peaks; no let-up in supply fears
CGES: Winter of discontent ahead for oil prices
NY: Heating costs may hurt
Oil prices surge $1 per barrel
OttowaTruckers threaten to park protest
Protests Continue in Spain
South Africa: Fuel prices to climb again
'Spanish, German towns paralyzed in fuel protest'
Oil Prices Drive U.S. July Trade Gap to Record
"Kuwait warns Iraq as oil theft accusations grow"
Britain: Petrol stations close again after new wave of panic buying
Amended: Recent Message about Y2K and Oil Sent by a "Y2K Worker" to a Reporter
Recent Message about Y2K and Oil Sent by a "Y2K Worker" to a Reporter
Oil imports: habit US hasn't kicked
Discussion of oil and gas problems
Northeast lawmakers press Clinton to release oil reserves
Singapore : Oil Prices Threaten 10-Year Peak
California fears blackouts
Australia:$1-a-litre petrol our new reality
The New England Council to meet Richardson
Canada:Cost of residential heating to rise 45%
Governors focus on rising heating prices
API Crude Oil Supply Falls 0.7%
Rise in Price of Oil Starts to Hurt Asia
OPEC head says $40 oil could prompt emergency
Rumour sends Britain into new fuel panic
U.S. retail gasoline prices rise 9 cents in month - AAA
London: Opec urged to cut output to avoid price crash
Kansas: Major Trucking Company Closes, 1000 lose jobs--fuel costs cited
Petro-Canada Says and Truckers' Boycott
Trucking news
Higher Natural Gas Prices Predicted(again)
Colorado Utilities Rate Increase Could Cause Average Bill to Rise 40 Percent
Wisconsin: Second thoughts about state deregulation of electricity
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Energy crisis? U.S. creating its own version of reality
Canadian analyst boosts natural gas price forecast
Oil's ten-year high no help to ailing euro
UK:Ration warning over fuel panic
Korea: Top officials say high oil prices could force government's hand
Angry European truckers continue fuel protests
U.S. Administration Says Oil Prices 'Dangerously High' (nearing $38 per barrel)
Back to $40 per barrel crude oil this winter?
CA:Utilities pull the plug on thousands
Europe-Wide Fuel Protest Spreads to Middle East
RI: Heating oil: Making sure there's enough
R.I. leaders discuss potential winter energy problems
Moscow: Oil Shortage Cuts Into Equities
Moscow: Soaring Fuel Prices Blamed on Government
Oil price new weapon for warlike Saddam
Singapore : not quite full-blown crisis yet
OK: High gas costs to stop some residents cold
Calif. narrowly avoids power blackouts
Iraqi Press Predicts War
Spiraling energy costs creating near-crisis situation
UK:Secret deal to end fuel crisis
Silicon Valley sweats as heat wave threatens power supply
Oil price spike puncturing global economic balloon
Iraq pushes oil prices to 10-year high
Europe governments struggle with fuel protests
Heat wave threatens California power grid
Oil Eclipses Gulf War High
Natural gas customers bewildered
Is a new energy crisis at hand?
U.S. oil storms towards $37 as Iraqi fears ferment
Currency fears hit Europe
Oil prices continue climb
US curveball seen worsening euro's plight
Canada: Ontario truckers threaten strike over fuel prices
Snuggle up: heating bills may rocket
Fuel Costs Heating Up as Cold Weather Comes
European Fuel Protests Pick Up Speed
India: US Responsible For Oil Shortage
S. Africa:Oil-powered dollar just doesn't make cents
Kentucky Service Agencies Feeling Heat as Natural Gas Bills May Increase by 40%
Australia Blockade threat over fuel prices
Risk of Iraq clash growing despite US caution
Caracas Offers to Help U.S. with Oil Crunch
'International Monetary Fund outlook sees higher oil prices'
Russian Oil executives fly to Iraq
WASHINGTON POST:"...Fearing Recession"
Nevada: Sierra Pacific files for electric rate hike
DC: High Fuel Prices Cause 'Crippling Effect' for Truck Firm
Washington Post: Is Another Energy Crisis Ahead?
NY: Senator Schumer says heating oil prices could double
NY: Spiraling energy costs may spark inflation, investors fear.
Kuwait Asks World for Measures Against Iraq
West Texan finds that not everyone can take cars, fuel for granted
New Energy Crisis Brings Old Worry: High Oil Prices
Hong Kong Newspapers Warn of Oil Price Risk
Paper: IMF Outlook Sees Even Higher Oil Prices
PA: Staying warm will be costly
UK:Stiff upper lip no substitute for oil
Korea:High oil prices may cut trade surplus to $800 mil
Korea:US$2.20 Dubai Crude Price Hike Highest Ever
U.S. reports Iraqi violation of Saudi air space
Natural gas drives the heat up
Buyers Be Warned: Natural Gas Prices going up
UK:Outrage at huge pay rises for the oil bosses
Northern Indiana Gas bills may rise 60%
Three European auto plants were shut down Friday
Hungary Truckers Win Reprieve
Dutch government to compensate truckers
UK:Massive queues continue
Malaysia:Diesel pumps run dry in Penang
Sunday, September 17, 2000: Huge queues choke petrol stations across Britain
Pumps go dry as Nigerian oilworkers strike bites
Kuwaiti think-tank warns OPEC against high oil prices
Boston: State's largest group of gas utilities asks for 20% price hike
Hawaii: Shipping firms to raise fuel surcharges--fourth raise in last year
Drivers chase petrol tankers as demos start in Sweden
G7 to pressurise Opec
Oil-price shocks could still bruise high-tech economy
CA:Soaring gas prices concern truckers
Fuel crisis raises questions over the security of energy
Moscow's Gas Prices Leap 13% Overnight-Up 25-30% in Past Month
Fuel crisis causes Mayfair madness
OPEC chief sees big crisis if capacity remains same
UK:New fear of petrol price rise at pumps
UK:Only 25% of filling stations have fuel
Oil prices may be what's needed for a soft landing'
OPEC States Want to Be Paid if Pollution Curbs Oil Sales
NY: Winter Energy Controversy Heats Up
Norway:Gasoline could be gone in a week
Auckland: European fuel protests disrupt NZ meat trade
Iowa Gasoline prices rise 20% in last month
California Gas price marks pushing $2-a-gallon
High oil costs stoke New England wood stove sales
Great Britain: Panic-buyers may scupper bid to renew supply
Great Britain: Cabinet furious with farmers as two thirds of fillinmg stations reamin closed
NH: Utility seeks 18.4 percent rate increase to cover rising fuel costs
The High Price of Oil: A Saudi Deal?
UK profits a drop in the ocean for oil-rich industry
World Bank fears the impact of oil price rise
Michigan Natural gas costs soaring
Protests Shut Down Highways Across Europe
Russian Power chief cuts off army and railway
US Oil Hits $36, New 10-Year High
AustralianTruck drivers threaten to blockade refineries
US distillate output at record in August
Energy costs hits US consumers
Greece:Oil and dollar stoke the fires of inflation
CA: Not-So-Infinite Gas Supply Pushes Prices, Demand Up
ANALYSIS-West worries Iraq could wield oil weapon
Phillipine Militants to mount blockade of oil depots
Norwegian truckers to block oil terminals Monday
German government defends gas taxes as protests mount
Gulf war fears hike the oil price
Fuel protests in Philippines bring out crowds, riot squads
Korea: High oil prices could wipe out 10% of GNI: Report forecasts average oil import price to climb to $31 per barrel next year
Korea: Oil import cost nearly doubled this year
Korea: Seoul moving to raise household power rates by 100 percent
Korea: Top official says frugality is best way to deal with soaring oil prices
"Protests at the Pump: Could The Fuel Frenzy Happen Here?"
Gassed and going up
Fuel protests force some British supermarkets to ration food
Canada:Rise in home heating prices could be 'scary'
Fresh Europe fuel protests flare as others end
Fuel starts to flow again as UK counts cost
Friday's news from England from BBC
Iraq Accuses Kuwait of Stealing Oil
Propane rates causing concern
Natural gas demand, prices on the rise
Global oil market rudderless
Britons hoard food as gas crisis deepens
UK:Esso Raises Gasoline Prices After Protests
OPEC's Rodriguez Says Oil Could Reach $40 a Barrel
UK: The price of arrogance
FEATURE-Metal power touted as alternative
Blame your own governments!" Gulf tells petrol protesters
European leaders remain defiant over fuel protests
UK crisis brewing all summer
Europe's road and oil refinery blockades mount
Orange County, Calif., Hotels Mull Electricity Surcharge
California Hurts For Electricity
Tanker shortage possible if more oil agreed: Kuwait
OPEC chief sees capacity crisis in medium term
UK:Military on fuel crisis alert
Official: Iraq Won't Up Oil Output
Oil-Hog Nations Look to Saudis
San Diego: Power outage hits part of downtown
New York: Governor Pataki calls for federal action to avert heating oil shortage
UK:90 per cent of its 13,000 petrol stations dry
Goldman Sach's top commodities analyst says oil price to stay over $30 for the next year
England: BT's ADSL plans crippled by oil crisis
UK: Banks prepare for oil crisis
UK:Crisis Food Center is running out of canned foods
Wales Runs Completely Out of Fuel
Fed ignores rising oil prices at our peril
California prices for diesel, regular gas set records
Taking Power Over Oil
Europe in chaos over fuel prices
Polish Truck Companies Threaten To Blockade Refineries
OPEC website defaced
Heating-oil hoard threatens to burn consumers
Canada: Cost of gas shuts fertilizer plant
India:Spurting oil prices burning hole in economy
UK: Standstill Britain: Airports
Oil guru forecasts price to remain over $30
Winter's shadow getting darker: Gas rates to rise
pounds 11 A GALLON; Garages are cashing in on panic
UK: Panic buyers start to strip supermarkets
World 'faces oil crisis'
UK:Shops body warns of food crisis
Cheap gas is not our birthright
Dallas: Big electric, water bills hit home
Gas woes to sting Europe
Australia: Dollar-a-litre petrol here to stay
Oil prices soar over doubts about OPEC strategy
Recent Chicago gas jump is double nation's rate
UK:Fuel shortage hits 999 crews
AUS:Miners cry havoc over oil prices
U.S. leaders eye oil reserve
U.S. leaders eye oil reserve
CA:Power is with Long Beach in crisis
UK government gets extra powers for fuel crisis
Europe:Fuel Fury
World Faces Possible `Energy Crisis,' OPEC President Says
CA: September 'a Critical Time' for Overtaxed Power Grid
Oil boost too late, some say
Europe glosses over threat of oil to crucial growth
Oil blocks hitting hard in Europe
India dissatisfied with oil output boost
UK fuel shortages worsen
Opec Has Done Its Share of Stabilizing Oil Market: Iran Minister
OPEC production boost may not ease oil prices
Saudis manoeuvre to end petrol crisis
British Fuel Pumps Run Dry on 'Panic Buying'
Australia: Petrol hits $1 and consumers are fuming
Gas rises nearly 7 cents
Arizona Gas Prices Still Rising
UK:Fuel dwindles as protests spread
Winter Sequel in Store on High Oil Prices
Mass: Seeking shelter from high oil costs
OPEC agrees to raise oil output by 800,000 bpd
Analysis: OPEC risks losing grip on the oil market
Thailand minister warns of another worldwide economic crisis
Military gas-guzzler launched for mass market
Saudi Arabia pumping extra 600,000 bpd oil
UK:Tax is the real scandal(fuel prices)
UK: Protests trigger first fuel shortages
California Gas prices soar again
CanadaConsumers could face a long, cold, expensive winter
"Saddam, Chavez - $40, Here We Come!"
Nova Scotia: Gas rockets on East Coast
French protesters defy unions over fuel blockade
Canada Oil price shock
German Truckers Block Traffic
Cheaper oil? Don't count on it
UK:Petrol protests begin to bite
High oil prices result of imbalances - Mexico
Energy expert: era of cheap oil is over
NE lawmakers request action on region's rising fuel oil cost
Nation: Fuel costs prompt airlines to raise fares
MoroccanTeamsters Go on Strike to Protest Fuel Price Hike
U.S Energy Crisis Feared
Doubts on OPEC ability to lower oil price
Europe finds itself over an Opec barrel
New England Officials expect 20% jump in home heating oil prices
UK Petrol Price Fuels Chaos (long)
As Prices Rise, Nations Ask for More Oil
Heating oil price chilling New Hampshire
Oahu ga sprice soars
US steps up pressure on Opec for oil output rise
Provincial France close to economic collapse
Rising Oil Prices Split APEC
Calgary Rising Energy Prices Could Mean a Long, Cold Winter
Fuel Chaos Spreads across Europe
Saudis seek $2.7 billion in US arms
MASS: Winter Oil Supply May Be Short
CA:Truckers demand more money to meet gas prices
Canada:Supply low, gas prices soar again
Europeans Broadsided by Gas Prices
France may send in troops to end protest
French Blockade:will the shops will run out of food?
The curious crisis of crude oil on troubled waters
More oil price rises are in the pipeline
Trouble over oil prices overflows from France into Britain
New England's Natural Gas Supply Will Be Strong
Oil Prices May Cause Recession
Natural gas makings of an energy crisis
API urges home heating oil users to fill tanks
November key to natural gas prices, analyst
Europe Fuel tax revolt spreads
Korea: Dubai Crude Up Past US$30 Per Barrel for First Time
Heating oil, gasoline prices creeping up during 'crunch time'
40 years later, OPEC has world running on empty
Natural gas prices hit record high
WA:Oil, gas, electricity bills begin sharp climb
Oklahoma natural gas to rise 60 per cent
Natural Gas crosses barrier
Energy firms strike pay dirt
Crude Oil Breaches $35 a Barrel
Politics of oil
USA Gasoline fights high prices by halting sales
Natural Gas: The Five Stages to Market Panic
Saudis to World: Cut Fuel Taxes
Crude-Oil Prices Soar
Poland:Farmers' Union To Blockade Oil Refineries
NJ:Thin supplies raise fears of fat fuel bills
Europe: Wider fuel blockade threatened
Fuel strike in Israel threatens to disrupt daily life
Gas Prices in California Rise with refinery problems
Heat wave sends natural gas higher
Shortages may drive oil price to $40
Nigeria Unrest cuts oil production
Oil hits fresh peak
why a squeeze on stocks may push oil price to $40
South Africas fuel price crisis continues
French protest hits fuel supply
Oil prices rise in London after OPEC president's comments
OPEC Urges Oil Importer to Share the Burden of Price Control
Oil prices send shock waves through world economies
Opec speeds end of oil era
OPEC to Focus on Inventories
Rising oil prices irk consumers worldwide
Are Fast-Rising Oil Prices Economy-Killers?
French Truck Drivers Block Oil Refineries in Protest
Oil skid ahead
Natural gas = costly heating
RI:Electric, gas rates rising fast
MINN: Heating oil, natural gas shortage affect suppliers
PA:National Fuel Gas announces rate hike
Oregon boasts second-highest gas prices in U.S.
Oil hugs peaks as France warns Opec
Propane prices projected to rise as much as 50 percent
Conn:Natural Gas Bills Likely To Climb This Winter
Avista (Spokane)Gets Nod For Gas Price Hike
Indiana Governor Asks Natural Gas cap
Natural Gas Prices Soar
Oil prices to stay high until second quarter of next year
Norway Can't Help Curb Crude Prices
Jittery Opec stays its hand on oil prices
Can we afford oil at $30 a barrel?
Saudis want oil output increase
IN:Natural Gas May Rise As Much As 50 Percent
Opec 'fudge' fears force oil prices higher
Feds Downplay Chinese Role in Sudan
California power crisis worries industry
Blame for Next Oil Crisis Should Fall on Energy Department
Hopes Fade for Avoiding High Home Heating Oil Prices
Oil, Power and Politics. Part I. Whos Afraid of the High Price of Oil?
CA: Electricity Outages Getting Some Users All Steamed Up
Ferry travellers stranded by French fuel protests
Oil prices slump as OPEC, importers wrangle
API Report Shows a Buildup in Oil Inventories
Heating Oil Rises to a 10-Year High on Supply Concern
Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion Boosts California Prices
Update:Chinese troops pour into Sudan to fight rebels
Oil Prices to Breed Discontent This Winter
Washington Chases Oil
Oil near peak as importing nations cry foul
Opec Pres. says no oil move til Sept 10
Hot-wiring the nation's electrical grid
NC: Cold fact: Natural gas prices to jump
Fuel crisis hits Zimbabwe's airport
Why oil prices will come down
OPEC sees no shortage of crude
Stalled Mideast peace talks blamed for soaring oil
EuropePassengers set to feel pain of jet fuel prices
Nickel here, nickel there, gas prices up everywhere
Shanghai's gas, diesel oil prices rise again
Australia petitions OPEC on oil price
Nigeria: Stability key to oil output
UK:Belfast Heating oil bills soar 150% in two years
US moves to dampen oil prices
NY. to force gas users to stockpile oil
Big price hikes in pipeline for natural gas
Feds keep 3 gas pipelines shut down
Oil prices add to pressure on Euro-zone rates
MASS: City warns of cutbacks if oil pact isn't honored
Oil Leaking Into Economy
Venezuela hits back at Europe, US over oil price
NH: Heating oil supplies are lowest in 24 years
Midwest Gas hike blamed on short supply
Get ready for natural gas pressure
Opec tipped to boost oil supply
Potential Oil and Rig Famine for 2001
Oil prices spike as supply shrinks
Propane expected to soar
High oil prices worry European Union
DOE warms to geothermal energy
Miscalculation:Big drop in crude stocks( API)
NY:Utilities warn of higher prices
China May Opt for a Strategic Oil Reserve
Natural Gas Prices Rise as Worries Over Energy Build
'Oil shock' $50 per barrel within the next year?
Venezuela Blames U.S. Refinery Activities, Taxes, for Oil prices
Those Oil Pipeline Explosions
Venezuela refuses to raise oil production
Detroit Gas Price Makes Rapid Rise
Rising oil prices worry consumer products makers
ANALYSIS The oil spectre cycles round again
Chavez: OPEC must never fall on its knees again
Analysts predict oil price could rise to $40 a barrel
Oil prices jump past $32 a barrel
Oil prices spike back up; pump prices may follow
US power plant market drives energy crisis
Oil prices soar on supply fears
Electricity Deregulation Goes Haywire in California
Natural Gas Prices Seen Rising 50 Percent or More
Surging Utility Bills to Force Tough Decisions This Winter
Power Prices Surge as Montana Fire Shuts Down Lines
Teaxas Emergency provision keeps electricity on
Kentucky Officials warn that power is low
Price hike inflated big oils profits 300%
Montreal: Stand by for gas-price hike
Gouged on gas by the government
U.S. Oil Levels At 'Gas Crunch' Lows
Demons of oil dependency
California Blackout potential remains
Indiana Drivers again feel gas price pains
California Save-power plan zaps bottom line
CA: Pollution Rules Tighten Squeeze on Power Supply :
New Englanders plan for oil shortage
Petrol set to rise after shrinking US stockpile
White House Memorandum on Potential Electricity Shortages
Montana Factory closes because of electricity cost
California Power Emergency Called As Plants Fail
California high-tech users worry about power
OPEC Backs Off Plan to Increase Production
Californ Power demand is high, supply lowia
Rate rebellion threatened in California
California Electrical System Is on the Verge of Failure
Maine oil crisis looming State faces chilly winter
Power outages heat up California colleges
Oil majors fear Saudis may be cutting output
Crude prices rise sharply
Oil futures set to rocket higher
UPDATECalifornia seen facing rolling power blackouts
Indiana Price of Natural Gas to Skyrocket This Winter
UK :Petrol War Hots Up as Drivers 'Dump Pumps'
San Diego residents asked to cut power use
OPEC President Warns of Oil Price Collapse
First fuel, now kerosene shortage in Jakarta
Russian electricity grid chief discuss energy crisis
Natural Gas Prices Ignite on Low Storage Numbers
Zimbabwe Increases Fuel Prices As Shortages Worsen
California Advocate Urges Consumers to Stop Paying Energy Bills
Hoosiers may be in for sticker shock for natural gas
Heating Oil Production At Issue in NE
Consumers try to head off steep heating oil prices
No water means pricey power
Zigzagging Gasoline Prices
Energy chief warns of heating oil, natural gas shortages
Power rate jumps not going away Experts warn
Gas Prices in Sacramento Area Jump to Record Level
Natural gas disruption in Laramie
Shortage of gasoline hits Indonesia
WA: No quick fix for rising cost of power
OK: Natural gas price spike expected
Energy sector items - for the archives
Energy Sector concerns - for the archives
Venezuelan and other energy sector problems - for the archives
Australian aviation fuel problem - for the archives
Oil skids into confusion
Energy Sector postings - for the archives
Energy Sector - for the archives
Unanswered questions about heating oil
New gas price surges not out of question
Petrol crisis hits southern Russian republic
U.S. Northwest needs more power
Iowa Heating cost expected to rise 50% this year
Oil production drops, concern about heating oil supply
CA: Edison issues power alert
Singapore:Caltex and Shell raise pump prices
Denver: Heat stresses power grid
Canada: Heating oil price set to drop, industry predicts
The Heat is on, the Electricity is off
Shell and Texaco Extend Gas Rationing
MT:Power price surge far over the line
California May Soon Pay $2 for Gasoline
Ca: Edison powers down for summer
Increased heating fuel costs on the horizon
A season of sun, sand, and power outages
Opec rift over Saudi plan
Saudi Arabia Talking About Increasing Oil Production
Puget Sound region on brink of blackouts
Distribution troubles spawn blackout fears
Heat waves likely to bring more rolling blackouts
Norway Boosts Oil Production
Natural Gas Rises to Record as Supplies l;ag
Albuquerque VA Hospital Computer Fumbles
Running on empty(Natural Gas-Canada)
Pain goes beyond the gas pump
Ca: Prices go back up for Bay Area gas
California's growth gulps its power supply
Europeans Feel Pinch at Gas Pump
Nevada Power declares shortage warnings
WA: Prices explode for natural gas
Washington mill closes due to high electricity rates
NW Heat wave brings electricity sticker shock
It's Another Power Watch Day for California
Energy chief: Power outages imminent
Midwest Drivers Filling Up Painfully
Oil Industry Has Little Margin for Error
U.S. Power Grid Suffers Heat Stroke
Heating oil stockpile scrutinized
Oman not to Raise Oil Output
Refiners' troubles increased gasoline prices
NH: High prices expected for heating oil
Dip in Midwest Oil Prices
Saudi Arabia Wants to Wait Before Increasing Oil Flows
Natural gas summer bills may pack punch
Midwest gasoline nightmare begins to fade
Norway: Oil worker may be locked out
OPEC Will Raise Official Output by 3 Percent
Inflated heating oil prices may be on way
U.S. oil refiners say low-sulfur rules may cause shortages
Gas Crisis
Mass: Gas prices soar to new highs
U.S. retail gasoline price at new record
Labor Conflict Threatens to Close Norwegian Oil Fields
Oil Prices: Ahot Across the Bow?
Michigan power supply in trouble
Gas price surge to cost Chicago $1 billion
Detroit came close to blowing its fuse again
Propane costs keep pace with gas
Plea To The Prez: Tap The Reserves
AUS:Petrol speeding towards $1 a litre barrier
U.S. gasoline producers blame Washington
Detroit Grapples With Own Energy Crisis
Detroit malaise, critics sound off
Detroit Gas dries up as lights flicker on
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bails Out Oil Company
Wisconsin Conventional gas supply runs short
It's time to prepare for coming oil shock
Michigan Gas Line Controversy
OPEC keeps taps tight, oil price rises
Michigan Gas prices and tempers on the rise
OPEC blames government for record gas prices OPEC
Government asks refiners to explain higher gas prices
California Gas Prices Jump Nearly 9 Cents in Three Weeks
WV Gas prices soar throughout state
A Gusher of Gas Price Hikes
Nigeria's Fuel Hike Strike Spreads to Oil Sector
Businesses Feel Pinch of Rising Gas Prices
Michigan Gas Spill May Raise Prices
Germans fed up with gas increase
Opec fails to act
Gas prices balloon in southeast Iowa
Coast Guard patrol duties cut due to gas prices; drugs trade increases
Indiana Motorists get a jolt
Gasoline prices jump again in Louisville-area
Gasoline pump prices break $2 a gallon in Chicago
Ft Wayne Gas prices jump 20 cents overnight
Price of gas at all-time Mass. high
Oil stabilises after attack of OPEC jitters
Gas prices soar to record in Michigan, again
WA, Rising Energy Rates cause of 450 employee layoff
Retail Gasoline Price Hits New Record High
Oil Producers Will Intervene to Moderate High Oil Prices
High gas prices traced to refineries
Montreal Braces for more gas hikes
Michigan Gas prices flirt with $2-a-gallon mark
Opec poised to raise output as oil price tests $30 a barrel
Shortage pumps up Missouri gasoline prices
Nigeria hikes gasoline prices by 50 per cent
Exxon Mobil Chairman Warns of Higher Gas Prices
Conn: Rising gasoline prices fueling blame game
Michigan gas prices up 12.4 cents to record $1.67
OPEC unlikely to boost oil output
Scotland: Fuel smashes the pounds 4 barrier
High Fuel Costs Force Coast Guard Cutbacks
Energy crisis predicted for Ukraine
Gas may hit $2 a gallon by summer's end
Gas Hike Drives other Prices Higher
Finland Gas prices now at all-time high
US gasoline prices to hit record for Memorial Day
Peoria Gas prices hit record high mark
OAPEC Expects Higher Global Oil Demand
NZ Three companies pump up petrol prices yet again
High oil prices worry Vermont Governor
Hey, Bill, What Happened to Lower Gas Prices?
U.S. Energy Secretary Wants OPEC to Pump More Oil
AL, Southeast Alabama Gas District Raising Rates
Prices for gas hit highest level ever in St. Louis
Anti-Smog Regulations Cause Jump in Pump Prices
Saudi Sees More OPEC Supply if Price High
Canada: Analyst predicts $8-per-gigajoule natural gas next winter - hiking heating tabs by $500
Gas prices may hit $2 a gallon
Wisconsin Gas pipe shutdown may drive up prices
Oil over $30 on fears about OPEC's plans
Canada Analyst predicts oil and gas prices to soar
Finland Gas prices take another great leap
U.S. to decide in June whether to ask OPEC for more oil
Oil Market's Bullish Attitude Boost Crude Prices
London: BP Amoco Reduces European Oil Refining Because of Low Profit Margins
New Jersey: Valero Shuts Paulsboro Catalytic Cracker following instrumentation problems
FL Driving Force -- Gasoline Prices Rise Again
Oil Import Bill Doubles in Pakistan
Energy Secretary must walk tight rope when lobbying OPEC
Canadian motorists roar as gas hits 74 cents
U.S Administration 'Nervous' About Oil Prices
OPEC doesn't need to boost oil output
Africa: Fuel Price Rises Again
Netherlands: Royal Dutch/Shell Shuts Entire Pernis Refinery for "Unplanned Maintenance"
Crude surges above $30/bbl: refinery outages contributing factor
High gasoline prices expected all summer
Iowa Gasoline prices jump
Algeria: Oil Price Worries Unjustified
Midwest has nation's highest gas price gap
Canadians will face higher gasoline prices
Crude Oil Back at $30/Barrel
IEA: Gasoline Prices Expected to Rise During Summer
Coast Guard reduces operating hours ; high oil prices
Oil prices 'out of control
Nigeria The Politics of Crude Oil
Gas prices ready to grab your wallet again
UK How oil giants could force petrol prices to pounds 7 a gallon
Gasoline prices spike higher in California
Gas prices again rise
Gas going back up??
Oil Prices Firm on U.S. Gasoline Worries
Sudan oil pipeline blown up
KARACHI: 18-hour power failure at hospital
Oil prices rise, freight rates may follow
OPEC leakage seen 313,000 bpd over new quotas
Menacing icebergs converge near oil rigs
Seattle gasoline prices down a bit
Japan's gasoline prices rise to 30-month high
Gasoline prices drop four cents in two weeks
Refinery problems contributed to gas supply decrease
Utah gas prices peak, start drifting lower
Oil Prices Swell February Trade Gap to Record
US gasoline pump prices fall from record highs - AAA
Georgia gas prices dropping about a penny a week
Fuel prices push Canada's inflation rate higher
Texas: Heating Oil, Gasoline Rise on Delay of Refinery Unit Restart
Canada Ease smog rules or gas prices rise, oil giants warn
Nigeria: Fuel Importation Continues Till December
CA gas prices finally begin gradual fall
OPEC could change oil supply before June
OPEC to bank extra $30 billion
Oil prices rebound as Saudi toughens stance
Power cuts loom in Russia as gas supplies to power stations wane
Brazil probably will raise fuel prices for second time
OPEC set to greatly reduce output
Oil deliveries to Ukrainian refineries fall by over 57 per cent in first quarter of 2000
Zambia : Fuel Shortage Bites In Kitwe
High fuel costs, low wages drive CA farm workers to limit
Oil-rich Kern county CA pays through hose
Opec'S Slippery Detente Ineffective U.S. Policies
Oregon pump prices barely affect transit, traffic
Fuel costs lead Air Products of Allentown to raise prices
ND higher fuel costs affect everyone
Canadian gas-station protest spreadsdian
Critics Say Gas Zone Pricing Discriminatory
Russia emerging natural gas crisis
Cook Island Diesel costs force electricity rates up
OPEC output fell 140,000 barrels/day in March: survey
Gas prices won't hurt Montana tourism
World oil price to slide below $24/bbl by December-EIA
$1.46 gasoline forecast for summer
Gas prices hitting hard on the Big Island, Maui
Shortages at the Gas Pump This Summer?
Gas prices hitting hard on Hawaii
Salt Lake City gas price keeps on climbing
Chicago area Gasoline prices start to decline
Northern CA gas costs still rising
Crude oil falls as OPEC boosts output
Russia: Major gas supply cuts to power plants will hit output--threatens grid stability
Richardson Warns Summer May Bring Power Outages
Rhode Island Public Transit hit by soaring fuel prices
Australia Depleted oil stocks set to keep prices high
Irans Rafsanjani slams U.S. on oil
No quick relief for California gas prices
South Africa petrol price going up
Prices of Oil-Based Goods Start to Rise
Canadians drive south for cheaper gas
CA: Fuel Prices Drive Truckers Away: Unable to profit, many are selling out or parking their rigs
Navada: High gasoline prices hurting Ely transit service
Australia Petrol to hit $1 a litre and stay there: expert
Oil Analysts Hem And Haw
Norway to increase oil production
(OIL) Shortage or not ?
OPEC oil output boost could slam Russia hard
Chicago gas prices bust budgets
OPEC loosens taps but gas prices likely to stay high
Venezuela: OPEC has new oil output agreement
Seattle Gas prices topping $2 a gallon
OPEC adjourns; no deal
OPEC to Boost Daily Output by Less Than 2 Mln Barrels
Iran, Libya unsold on OPEC's planned oil production boost
Indiana Agencies say gas prices putting budgets in a bind
Secret formulas set the prices for gasoline
Fuel's journey adds to cost
Soaring prices fuel refinery profits
Mexico to raise oil exports by up to 300,000 bpd
N.Korea Energy Shortages Worsen
U.S. may face OPEC backlash
While US can't get enough oil, China increases imports by 246.5%
Arizona Gas prices rose 6 cents a gallon in a week
Singapore gas pump prices up
OPEC expected to boost production
Gas prices stabilizing?
AAA pushes fuel conservation amid record prices
U.S. truckers protest high fuel prices
Rising oil prices sent U.S. petroleum deficit to record level
CA Another way to rail about gasoline prices
Officials: OPEC's Oil Price Gambit Fueled by U.S. Miscalculations
CA Lengthy commutes cost more than time
NZ Call for fuel price probe
NJ Gasoline prices unlikely to hurt shore tourism
Experienced oil field workers in demand
Price of gasoline reaches record high in Iowa
Oil Prices Balloon Trade Deficit
Ottawa Feds fuel $750Gs gas probe
Runaway gas prices threaten careers
IEA report forecasts soaring Chinese oil imports
Congress has a slippery grip on oil prices
Toronto How do you spell relief? O-P-E-C
Many to blame for record-high gas prices
Iraq mulls oil production hike
DETROIT -- This is starting to hurt. (Oil prices)
$1.79 now considered cheap gas in Reno
Increase in gas prices is helping Kansas refineries
Delaware Pump, pay, and pay again
New Hampshire senate on fuel price 'instability
U.S. sees oil output hike
Chicago: Fuel costs `devastating'
Hawaii: Higher Gas Prices Hurting Most Businesses
Iran close with Venezuela on oil price
Illinois Bill would drop state tax on gas
High Gas Prices Hurt Dallas Service Station Owner
Mexico Oil Producers Push for Deal
Energy head on oil mission
New fad: Don't pay at pump
President Announces Steps to Alleviate High Oil Prices
Airlines raise fares, citing costlier fuel
Nigeria - Power crisis paralyzes country; NEPA Electric Co sacked for corruption, woeful failure;
North Korea - Hydroelectric Power plants shutdown, shortages from drought, low coal supply
Clinton seeks Northeast home heating oil reserve
Shell cuts oil production in Nigeria
DUBAI Oil soars but no sign of new Gulf boom
Oregon gas prices worry travelers
PA commuters changing driving habits
Gas prices hitting hard on Hawaii
Rising fuel prices become a hot political issue in Texas
Clinton proposes withdrawal from reserves
Florida Tax on gas may drop for month
California Gasoline price spikes for three years
Fuel Prices Up 20 Percent In Mozambique
North Korean minister admits energy crisis
Sacremento debate powered by gas
CA Gas costs top all records
Oil Gains As Market Awaits OPEC Action
D.C Rising fuel costs affects seaford industry
Chicago Area gas price hits record
How about biodiesel?
Gambia, country in S Africa - Power crisis; asks Eskom Electric to end shortages
Northwest Hikes Fares Across the Board
TN Gas Costs Cut Peterbilt Production
U.S. Refiners Must Boost Gasoline Output
Oil inventories at Level to threaten global economy
Energy costs drive up biggest jump since '90
Truckers Head to D.C. to Protest Fuel Prices
US price data cements interest rate rise expectation
Mexico starts arranging extra US April oil
CA gas prices hit 14-year high
Venezuelan minister big output hike may provoke price collapse
U.S. February import prices surge on higher oil costs
Gasoline prices reach record high
CA How did gas get to be $2 a gallon?
California Gas Price Chart Shows Dramatic Increases
Canada: Inflation rebounds in February--Fuel Prices Up 31%
Texas Pipe Shutdown Roils U.S. Oil And Products Markets
Airline Fuel Costs Seen Rising 40 Pct
Oil eases as OPEC looks to legitimise leaks
Oil prices: Brave new world, or 1970's revisited
Gasoline prices - Escondido, Ca
AAA: Gas Prices at All-Time High
GA Higher fuel prices burden drought-weary farmers
2 airlines drop fare increases tied to fuel
Fuel crisis looms for farmers
Call to join international petrol boycott April 6-8
Silicon Valley Motorists begin to feel squeezed
Iran still reluctant on oil production
Oil industry asks EPA to rethink diesel plan
Michigan gets some relief in gas prices
Nigerians seize Shell gas plant
Gas Pains
Retail Gasoline Price Hits New Record High
U.S. Carriers Raise Some Fares
OPEC fails to reach oil production consensus
silence is not golden, It is now time for the Govt's to come clean on the y2k oil crisis, wall street is waiting
Gas Prices Jump Record 12 Cents
Richardson Opposes Lifting Gas Tax
RI--From Oil Well to Gas Pump , Prices Jump at Every Stop
WASHINGTON, DC Fall in oil prices predicted
UAE Unclear if there's OPEC consensus
High oil prices another view
MUSCAT, Oman--Iranian Says No Oil Deal Made Yet
CA: Oil Prices Presage Expensive Summer
OPEC, Rates - Bitter Cocktail for Stocks
PA--Rising Fuel Cuts Into City Paving Projects
Ohio Gas Prices Soaring
Gas costs fuel life style changes
U.S. oil suppliers follow OPEC lead
High Oil Prices May Hurt US Economy
Domestic Rigs Down By 22 To 768
CharlotteTrucking Company Raises Rates
Metro Atlanta Gas Thefts Increasing
Argentine oil firms deny collusion on fuel prices
IEA sees dwindling oil inventories
Continental Airlines Raises Fares Due to Fuel Costs
Thailand--Smugglers Cash in on Malaysian Fuel--Customs Go on Alert
Australia $1 fuel stumps pumps
USA--Rising Oil May Hurt US Economy
Philippines--Oil Price up 80cents/liter
Ann Arbor Cameras aimed at deterring gas thefts
Canada--Gas Price 'Summit' Urged
US refiners need extra 52 mln bbls oil thru April-EIA
London--Energy Panel: Oil Reserve Dwindling
Labradorians are being gouged "big time" by oil and gas companies,
TX--Vacation Costs To Rise at Pumps
London: Tech shares mania more of a threat than oil price
Rising Fuel Costs Send Air Fares Soaring
Australia Soaring petrol prices could top $1 a litre
FL--Commuters Cut Down as Price of Fuel Rises
Saudi prince sees imbalance in oil market
Americans Shouldn't Gripe About Gas
Venezuela Deputy Sure on Oil Hike
CHICAGO Average price of gas tops $1.50
Illinois Senate woos voters with cut in gas tax
Thailand--Fishermen Threaten to Blockade Bay in Protest of High Fuel
West Texas Paying through the hose
Gasoline prices roughly in line with inflation, for now
Virgin Islands--Premium, Full-Serve Gas Now Over $2 a Gallon
Australia--Pump Prices Affect Station Owners, Cost Will Be Passed On To Customers
LONDON Bruised oil climbs back despite output hint
US won't try to lift Iraq sanctions for more oil
Thailand--(Oil Update) Government Resists Call To Intervene
Dayton, Ohio: High Fuel Prices No Joke to Farmers
NEW Brunswick power blames sky-high oil prices for five-per-cent hike
Canadian businesses left paying pumper
MINNEAPOLIS Prices At The Pump Might Make You %$&@!
New Zealand: Petrol rises hurt economy
Tahoe: premium hits $2 mark
North American Gas Out
Iran Softens Stand on Oil Increase
Lawmakers Eye Lifting Gas Tax
Crude oil prices fall
Oil soars as OPEC hawks hover over
Gas at $2 a gallon could burn drivers this summer
Milwaukee: Crime Increasing At Gas Stations
Gas Lines Possible This Summer in CA
Crude oil prices hit new high
Rumor: Wall Street Journal cites "computer glitches" for oil industry problems
DOE Predicts More Pain At The Pump
Bull market for crude hits another nine-year high
Iran, Libya and Algeria Oppose Oil Production Boost
Canadian Drivers pushing for fuel boycotts
OPEC Boost May Not Help Gas Prices
What's the price of gas in your area?
UK: As Opec flexes its muscles and the price of oil rises, recession becomes a frightening reality
Local Gas Prices Continue To Rise
Trucks roar up Hill to protest fuel prices
High Gas Prices Cause Federal Express to Increase Fuel Surcharge by 4%
Can Oil Exporters Ride the Price Boom?
Kuwait to cut oil production
Tazmania: Gas pump rage as prices soar
Gas price relief remains distant
Oil prices ease
Petrol to rise closer to $1 a litre
Oil ministers agree(maybe) to boost oil production
Worst yet to come on gas prices
Ottawa: Truckers vow to 'cripple' city
Hang on, drivers! Gas bill still rising
Petrol price increases unjustifiable - AA(NZ)
Venezuela Oil Unions Plan Strike
Gasoline Surges on Low Supply, Refinery Outages; Crude Tops $31
Businesses, charities feel fuel price pinch
AAA Concerned About Gas Availability
More oil news
Oil soars to fresh nine-year highs
Drivers dig deeper as gas prices rise
US average gas price near $1.46 per gallon
US, Norway agree tightening oil supplies harmful
Arab oil ministers see no need to increase output
Zimbabwe minister quits as fuel crisis deepens
Open Letter To President Clinton
Canada: Truckers Protest over fuel prices continues into third day
Truckers Head to DC to Protest Fuel Prices Associated Press Writer
Clinton asks Energy Secretary Richardson for 60 day energy conversion study
U.S gives "warning signs" to saudis
transportation and access problems have contributed to the increase in oil prices
Bad moves spike in oil prices.
Oil shortage looms(Nigeria)
Note from my oil company
Pols slam oil companies over skyrocketing prices
Diesel Price Skyrockets in Northeast
Senator Dodd calls on president to tap into the nation's strategic oil reserve for the first time since 1990.
Latest from Bruce Beach - oil, refineries, etc
Oil Prices Have Risen Sharply.
FEDEX to implement fuel surcharge
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